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Red Tide Incorporated's Tenaria

Tenaria : Chronicles

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Level 4: Standard SpellBook
Spell Name : Ethereal Gateway
Mana Cost : 40
Spell Level : 4
Wisdom Needed : 30
Damage Roll : None
Trained: 0
Description :
It takes two turns to cast Ethereal Gateway. The first turn should determine the summoning of the gateway. The second is the establishing of the physical gate. The mage must choose two points upon casting the gateway. Point A represents where he is right now, and point B represents where the gate leads too. The gate will only stay manifested for two turns, at the beginning of turn 3 it disappears.

Spell Name : Lightning
Mana Cost : 35
Spell Level : 4
Wisdom Needed : 35
Damage Roll : 3d10
Trained: 0/0
Description :
This causes a blast of lightning to erupt from the mage's hands towards a chosen target. If the avoid is not successfull the character struck by the Lightning spell must make a Savings roll, where he or she rolls his/her Will pool against the ammount of damage he/she took from the initial blast. If the roll fails to beat the total damage, then the character suffers Paralysis for one round.

Spell Name : Paralyze
Mana Cost : 20
Spell Level : 4
Wisdom Needed : 35
Damage Roll : None
Trained: 0/0
Description :
If successfully landed. Paralyze, paralyzes an oponent for one round, and or until the paralyzed character is wounded. When paralyzed you may not opt to dodge. Only Will pools can be used when in this state.

Spell Name : Arch Cure
Mana Cost : 40
Spell Level : 4
Wisdom Needed : 40
Damage Roll : None
Trained: 0/0
Description :
Arch cure is the capped spell for any CURE spell. Arch Cure will clean all poisons, curses, magical effects from target player's character. After a character casts Arch Cure he must forfeit one attack round in order to recoup from the healing energies he/she released during the spell.

Spell Name : Greater Heal
Mana Cost : 60
Spell Level : 4
Wisdom Needed : 40
Damage Roll : None
Trained: 0/0
Description :
This restores 50% of a character's health, plus one 2d6 roll. This will not cure poisons or magical effects.

Spell Name : Force Feild
Mana Cost : X
Spell Level : 2
Wisdom Needed : 45
Damage Roll : None
Trained: 0/0
Description :
This causes a sheild of Force to rise up around your character and protect him/her. The forcefeild will have a total of X life, where as X is the ammount of mana you used to cast it. Once the sheild receives X damage it disapates into thin air. Force Feilds may only be cast every two rounds.