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Latest Up Date


  • "Ultimate links" have been up dated. Some new ones'n links from the "weekly links" moved to the link page.

    03.04. -2K

  • Two new images at the Mixture ArtGallery I've made'em by using PhotoShop "Smudge" tool.

    09.03. -2K

  • In the Mixture Art- Gallery is a new item. Animated gif (23,6K).
  • I've aded a few more pictures to the taster pic page for the album to come. There's also a new pic at theMix-Art gallery'n some of the "tasters"'re also there.

    New H-muumi!
  • 31.01-2K
    Fixed up the link page Looks a pit different'n I've up-dated the links as well, so everything should work now, better than ever:D
    Been doin some other changes on the page as well'n workin to improve the loading'n stuff.
  • 18.01-2K
    A few new music links
    Link page's always a project, so it's worth a check now'n then even if there's nothin mentioned in'ere'bout an up date.

    Be patient'bout the "family album"(dunno if that's just a workin tittle or the real one. We'll c...)
    I've been very actively kicking people in da head 'bout those text's and all ready've a few! So, all ya who now felt a stick pokin in yr eye, get on with it! I need yr contripution'ere!
    Also, some veeery nice pictures coming ;)
  • 04.01-2K
    My Life up date.
    Still got that "family album" thingi goin, but I gues I godda start kickin my frieds harder for the up comin material..
    Oh, yeah! I worked a little on that "some thoughts..." page'n it looks pretty nice right now, i think :)
  • 07.12-99
    My Life up dated again.
  • 29.11-99
    My Life up date.
    Im really workin on the "Family Album"'n it's comin along quite nicely.
  • 09.11-99
    Taster pictures from the up coming "Family Album"
    The first pictures from our trip to Estonia. More to come :)
  • 05.11-99
    My Life up date
    NC's History finally'ere!!!
  • 23.09-99
    I've worked the Link page'n there's now lotsa new links'n the systems's a bit different now.
    A few lines' bout my life added.
    That's'bout it for now :)
  • 06.09-99
    "My life" has been up dated again.
    It looks a bit different now'n Im open to any comments'bout the lay out, so drop me a line.
    there hasnt been much more than the "My Life" up dates lately, but I asure u, more's coming. that's 'cos Im finallly able to use a comp more often'n winter's on its way, so that makes it easier to sit infront of the screen when its more or less, fuckin cold out side ;)

    Up Ya Go

Up Date Archive (28.10-98 - 29.08-99)