Mojo Comics

Mision Statement: 1. To seek out and find collaborators - pencillers, inkers, colorists and letterers - to bring my comics to life, and 2. To produce and publish, be it independently or through established publishers, high quality comic books with rivetting characters and stories.

Definition of Terms

mo·jo /möj'ö/ n 1 a mysterious art of working by supernatural power (magic, usually serving as a ward against evil), 2 of or about drug use, 3 very good, excellent, 4 a term popularized by the late, great Jim Morrison ("Mr. Mojo Risin'"), 5 my dog's name.

com·ics /kom'iks/ n 1 comic strips, 2 magazine containing comic strips.

Mo·jo Com·ics /Möj'ö Kom'iks/ n 1 a collection of ideas being brought to fruition through the magical process of sequential art, 2 collaborations by creative talent to produce excellent comic books for consumption by those hungry for fascinating stories with incredible art.

*Mojo Comics and all original material compiled here are © 1996-1998, Richard A. Nelson. I'm Richard and I thank you in advance for following copyright protocols for any use of the material found here (that is; if you want to use it, ask me first and give me credit). Thanks!

The whole thing started a few years ago with a bunch of us (you all know who you are...) who were sick of reading crappy comic books, but still wanted to read something with pictures...Someone said, "Hey, why don't we write our own comics? They'd have to be better than some of the crap out there now..." So I wrote some comics. Then I got a computer.

Over the internet I met Brian Laframbiose and Stephen Rodermond, two excellent well as cool people...who shared this idea. Brian is currently pencilling "Rainbird, the Spirit and Symbol of Hope" and Stephen is pencilling "Rasta & Shade." When we get that one finished, we may go back to work on "SUMMIT Ops, Superhuman Military Operatives." More recently, I've met more artists...Don Pedicini, Jr, is going to ink and letter "Rainbird" as well as "BiB: Blondes in Black," which is being pencilled by Kevin Herzog. These four are bringing my "mad visions" (aka "pipe dreams" to the more sceptical members of my family...oh well...) to life. I could never do it without them.

All the other titles are in a file I call "Junk City," a sort of "warehouse for ideas" where they will remain until I have the time and/or inclination to develop them further. I will make time to work on them if an interested artist or publisher contacts me.

Most of the stories for Mojo Comics exist in the Superpunk Universe, a technologically advanced parallel universe with strong superhero and cyberpunk influences. One of the creators of this universe (it was originally created for the temporarily/possibly permanently on-hold comic book company Undead Press which consists of myself, R. Thomas Hill, Derek (aka "Mooch," aka "Detlef" Mascorella, Roy Mosher, and John "The Storyteller" Widner) summed up the Superpunk Universe this way:

It's aliens and artifacts, ninja's and superspies, wizards and wandering souls, X-files and X-Men. Anything can happen"

A world that lives in the imagination should be wide open. The Superpunk Universe is. Many genres are represented, and the titles I am working on range from serious, dark and brooding to light, humorous and whimsical. The only real limitations I put on any ideas are this: They must be original and devoid of over-used clichés. To peek into the Superpunk Universe, follow one of the following links...

Also, I've created a separate area for Mojo Links, where you will find some cool web pages and quite a few submission guidelines (for comapanies actually accepting submissions).

To check out my "writing style" (if you can call it that), take a look at my Sample Script. It's how I'd have scripted Gaiman's classic battle between Sandman and Choronzon...if only I'd have thought of it first!

Finally, Just a link for you to read about Bob Kane, the creator of Batman, who died recently.

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