This is where we go over different aspect of ritual and explain them to your child.
Purifying the Area
Setting up the Altar
Lighting the candles and incense
Consecrating the water
Blessing the salt
Actual magical creation of the Circle
Sprinkling of salt around the Circle.
Carrying of smoking censer around Circle.
Carrying of flaming candle around Circle.
Sprinkling of water around Circle.
Pretty self explanatory. Explain to your child that it is good to come into the Circle with a clean body, mind and spirit. It helps to get into the moon of ritual.
To cleanse the area that you'll be working in, it is a good idea to sprinkle the area with water and then ritually sweep the area with the besom.
Another self explanatory thing, set up the altar according to your Tradition, and then cast the Circle. You don't necessarily need to use the Athamé, just cast the Circle as you normally would. Seal it with your elements.
Most people have prewritten Invocations that they use, or they use the Charge of the Goddess and the Charge of the God. My family has a few prewritten ones, but usually, we're pretty spontaneous.
If you are performing an Esbat or Sabbat, then use whatever rituals you have. If not an Esbat or Sabbat, then use whatever ritual script you have for your ritual.
There are many ways to raise the cone of power, these are just a few ideas on things to try. We generally use drums, dance, and chant for our methods.
Ground and center, enjoy the Simple Feast, or if a larger gathering, the Big Feast. Make sure to stress the importance of Grounding and Centering to your child.
We use spontaneous words to thank our Deities.
Make sure to take everything down backwards. Draw up the Circle into your chosen casting method, and then take down the altar, if it isn't a permanent Altar.
There are 21 different celebrations in the Wiccan Wheel of the Year, 13 Esbats and 8 Sabbats. Esbat is a word that denotes a minor celebration. But don't be fooled by the word "minor". Esbats are important to the Craft, and all Witches celebrate them. Esbats are usually held during the New and Full Moon, but some Witches celebrate an Esbat for each of the phases of the Moon. I don't do that, and usually I'll just celebrate the Full Moon. I have a page dedicated to each of the Full Moons during the year and they can be found here.
There are 8 Sabbats during the year - Samhain, Yule, Imbolc, Ostara, Beltain, Midsummer, Lughnasadh, and Mabon. The word "sabbat" is derived from another ancient word "sabbatu" which means "to frolic". The Sabbats are set up at roughly 6 weeks apart during the year, and are associated with different seasonal meanings. My Sabbat pages can be found here.
Many Traditions will not dedicate a person under the age of 18, but if your Tradition will allow it, and you and your child express an interest in Dedication, this is something you can discuss with your High Priest or Priestess. If you are Solitary Wiccans, you may decide to go ahead and do it yourselves. There are many beautiful rituals for Dedication on the web, and if you like you can find one that suits you and use it, or write one of your own. Writing your own Dedication ritual is a good idea because it makes it all the more personal for your child.