This is another one that I've altered a bit for either solitary or group practice.
Hold outside (weather permitting) - Altar should be decorated appropriately (leaves, apples, gourds, blackberries, grapes, grain, corn, etc.)
Group Setting - (skip if solitary)
"Friends, I ask that we all join hands, for now, like in days long past, we are gathered in the spirit of thanksgiving. We are grateful for what we have been given by our Generous Mother Earth."
Group Setting - (omit if solitary)
"Let us call upon the Spirits of the Quarters in this Rite of Thanksgiving."
Calling the Quarters
- "Guardians of the East and Inspiration! Spirits of Air, You who
dwell in the gentle winds that blow fresh and pure. Giving of
Inspiration and Intelligence; Thank you for nurturing our crops to
- "Guardians of the South and Passion! Spirits of Fire, You who dwell in the brilliant warmth of the fires of the sun. Giving of Light, Strength and Happiness; Thank you for nurturing our crops to harvest."
- "Guardians of the West and Emotion! Spirits of Water, You who
dwell in the sparkling streams, deep lakes, and soft rains. Bringing
Refreshment, Nurturing and Renewal; Thank you for nurturing our
crops to harvest."
- "Guardians of the North and Prosperity! Spirits of Earth, You who dwell in the fertile fields, deep forests and high mountains. Bringing forth Life, Beauty and Abundance; Thank you for nurturing our crops to harvest."
Invocations to the Lord and Lady
"Harvest Lord, Green Man of the Wilds! I ask that You attend my rite of thanksgiving. It is in Your honor that I (We) come here now, to celebrate the fruits of this year's harvest. Blessed Harvest King! I (We) Call You Now!"
"Lady of the Harvest, Blessed Mother of us all! I ask that You attend my rite of thanksgiving. It is in Your honor that I (We) come here now, to celebrate the fruits of this year's harvest. Blessed Harvest Queen! I (We) Call You Now!"
Group Setting - (omit if solitary)
"In this time of the Harvest, we are celebrating the abundance of the land. In this time of feasting, we remember the long days of hard work that went into planting the crops we enjoy now. There is a connection between prosperity and hard work, and it is considered wise to remember this. The time of the Harvest is also a time of reflection on the past. The harvest is the end of the cycle, the time to release power to those who will come after. The ability to know when one cycle is ended and to allow the next to begin without regret is the greatest of wisdom."
Call and Response (don't worry about it if you're solitary)
To the Rain that has Fallen; -
"We (I) Give Thanks."
- To the Sun that has shown;
- "We (I) Give Thanks."
- "We (I) Give Thanks."
- To the Farmer working in the field
- "We (I) Give Thanks."
- "We (I) Give Thanks."
- To the wind that has blown
- "We (I) Give Thanks."
- "We (I) Give Thanks."
- To the gentle, healing herbs
- "We (I) Give Thanks."
- "We (I) Give Thanks."
- To the life within the seeds
- "We (I) Give Thanks."
- "We (I) Give Thanks."
- We give our Thanks for all Your gifts
- "For meeting all our needs"
- "For meeting all our needs"
- For the gift of one another
- "We (I) Give Thanks."
- "We (I) Give Thanks."
- For the Sun high above
- "We (I) Give Thanks."
- "We (I) Give Thanks."
- For the Earth in all Her Beauty
- "We (I) offer up our love!"
Group Setting - (can be altered if solitary)
"Now let us take a moment to remember and give thanks for the gifts we have received. We remember the animals, who gifted us with their bodies, so that we can have food and clothing. We remember the trees that were felled, so that we can have warmth and shelter. We think of the seeds, gathered and planted. We see the crops growing to maturity. Harvested, and the seeds gathered and planted again, completing the Cycle of Birth, Death and Re-Birth. We remember and give thanks."
Blessing of the Bread and Juice (or Wine, Ale, Cider, etc)
"Harvest King! Thank You for the fruits of the Vine and the Grain!"
"Harvest Mother! Thank You for the fruits of the Vine and the Grain!"
Closing the Circle - (omit if solitary)
"Friends, this Rite has ended. This is a time of Thanksgiving, a time of joy and abundance. So, let us join together and feast of this beautiful abundance, and drink to our future! Give thanks, for our blessings, for each other, and for all the gifts yet to come. Let us feast!"
A combination of nice rituals I found, a few changes, and added a few things that I felt were missing. Nothing fancy, just simple and to the point.