Witch's Broom


Solitary Ritual found in the classic book Wicca: A Guide for the Solitary Practitioner by Scott Cunningham.

Decorate the altar with acorns, oak sprigs, pine and cypress cones, ears of corn, wheat stalks and other fruits and nuts. Also place there a small rustic basket filled with dried leaves of various colors and kinds.

Arrange the altar, light the candles and censer, and cast the Circle of Stones.

Recite the Blessing Chant.

Invoke the Goddess and God.

Stand before the altar, holding aloft the basket of leaves, and slowly scatter them so that they cascade to the ground within the circle.

Say such words as these:

 Leaves fall,
the days grow cold.
The Goddess pulls her mantle of Earth around Her
as You, O Great Sun God, sail toward the West
to the land of eternal enchantment,
wrapped in the coolness of night.
Fruits ripen,
seeds drip,
the hours of day and night are balanced.
Chill winds blow in from the North wailing laments.
In this seeming extinction of nature’s power, O Blessed
Goddess, I know that life continues.
For spring is impossible without the second harvest,
as surely as life is impossible without death.
Blessings upon you, O Fallen God, as you journey into
the lands f winter and into the Goddess’ loving arms.


Place the basket down and say:

O Gracious Goddess of all fertility, I have sown and
reaped the fruits of my actions, good and bane.
Grant me the courage to plant seeds of joy and love in
the coming year, banishing misery and hate. Teach me the secrets
of wise existence upon the planet.
O luminous one of the night!


Works of magic, if necessary, may follow.

Celebrate the Simple Feast.

The circle is released.


Mabon Lore


A traditional practice is to walk wild places and forest, gathering seed pods and dried plants. Some of these can be used to decorate the home; others saved for future herbal magic.

The foods of Mabon consist of the second harvest’s gleanings, so grains, fruit and vegetables predominate, especially corn. Corn bread is traditional fare, as are beans and baked squash.

As with all the Sabbats, remember to celebrate the Rite of Cakes and Ale before you close by thanking the elements, the Goddess and the God.