Mabon Group Ritual 1

Witch's Broom

Eclectic Ritual
(from the International Pagan Pride Day Website)


Altar should be decorated appropriately for the season.


  • From the 4 directions, we have gathered here, to join together in a Circle.  We call together those whom we wish to honor.  We are different - in the names we speak, the ways we seek truth, and the paths we travel.  Yet, we are the same - in our reverence of nature, of the cycles of life, of inspiration within.  To create the Sacred Circle and join our energies together, we will raise our voices in song:


  • We are a circle, within a circle, with no beginning and never ending (repeat).

Call the Quarters



     We celebrate here now, the Spirit of Air.
    In the Wind's low whistle,
    the rush of the gales through our hair.
    The wind's autumn dances that lighten the mind.
    Of what would you be freed?
    Think it, and let the cool breeze come to lift it away.
    And the winds of change will blow harvest gifts our way.


    Though many, and different,
    we stand proud together and call out:
    Welcome to the East!


     We celebrate here now, the Spirit of Fire.
    In the cracklings of logs and leaf-smoke,
    so radiant and warm.
    The autumn bonfire that inflames the spirit.
    In what would you take heart?
    Will it, and let the bright flames burn to brand it within.
    And the fires of fall will empower our harvest desires.


    Though many, and different,
    we stand proud together and call out:
    Welcome to the South!

We celebrate here now, the Spirit of Water.
    In the patter of raindrops,
    the damp crunch of the frost on the leaves.
    The September rains that soothe the heart.
    From what would be healed?
    Feel it, and let cool water flow to wash it away.
    And the waters of autumn will quench us like harvest's rich juice.


    Though many, and different,
    we stand proud together and call out:
    Welcome to the West!


    We celebrate here now, the Spirit of Earth.
    In the scent of ripe wheat,
    the thudding of feet on firm ground.
    The harvest time fruits that nourish the body.
    In what would you plant hope?
    Believe it, and let fertile earth nurture dreams to take root.
    That the rich fields of plenty might yield enough harvest for all.


    Though many, and different,
    we stand proud together and call out:
    Welcome to the North!

Priest and Priestess:

    And so now the Circle is cast.
    And with sacred space surrounding us,
    we turn to the center. Welcoming the Divine!

Invocation to the Gods


    Through all the ages,
    the Divine has been called by many names,
    imagined in many faces, honored in many ways.


     Today, we call old Gods in new ways,
    and new Gods in old ways and
    search for the Divine within ourselves and others.

Priest and Priestess:

    Let us join together at the Equinox,
    a balance-point of the year and
    call clear and proud the Names we choose to honor this day!