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Hi! I've been known by some (most) of my friends to be a deep thinker. I think a lot actually. Some of the things that pop into my head are a little strange, but most of them make sense. Well, not all of them but hey. I've been getting questions from my friends and have decided to put them on my page. If you have any questions, e-mail them to me at KlutayKat31@aol.com. Or click on the link at the end of the page. I'll try and get them up ASAP, but I'll send you the answer first. Here's my big question for awhile. This was sent in by P4purr.

How come when you are in a hurry everything goes so much slower than normal?

That's simple. When you're in a hurry, you want time to go faster so that it gets done, but it's seems to be going slow. It's the same as the saying "Time flys when you're having fun!" When you're not noticing time, then it seems to go by fast. When you want it ot go fast, then it doesn't. Kinda like school....

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