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The search continues

Enough of the drama. Say it and say it loud. Be blunt and let it all out. I tiptoed for too long. Yet no matter how badly I want to scream, I'm forever muffled by my own hands. Now I lay me down to never sleep again. I pour my words on these pages. Some more like rambles than poems. As you read these you'll see how I make it through this shock therapy called life. It's ups and downs. I'll post these in the order I write them. Gee, this will be the closest to a journal that ever came from these finger tips. But I might as well seeing I'm writing two to three.. things.. a week. So I'll keep posting.. and well .. we'll see.
For those that need a recap.
For the past two years I was living with someone. Some one very dear to me. a year ago he proposed. I was ecstatic. In april we bought a house. Home owner at 19, what trip. Yet for the passed few months I had noticed a change. Like he would rather be my father than my lover. Ok take it with a grain of salt. Talk to him. He never took me seriously. After almost a year of trying to get through I gave up. Said my peace and left. Now I'm on my own for my first time and as much fun as it is to have my freedom, there were a lot of things I wasn't ready for.

Interesting, how the mind lingers. The past few months have few by. And sure I missed what I had had. The life I lived WITH him. But today, for the first time, since I left, I missed HIM.



My Search Continues

Don't Look

What's in an Age?

Take Aim

You Assume Too Much

One Mistake

Personality Prism

Social Vampire


Say What?

Look What You've Done

Don't Get Too Close



Break Me

Sweet Dreams