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Drawings, paintings, 3D models, cels, CGs, you name it^^
All the strangely named characters are from my once-story-once-manga-now-RPG, which needs a name itself^_^

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Mountain View
An oekaki which was meant to be Delta climbing up on the little grassy ledge, but it's so small she didn't look right so I made it just a landscape instead

Bridge by forest
I'm really starting to get acrylics figured out now^^ And isn't that little shadowy place near the top left between the trees (which is the thumbnail) cool? Not sure why I like it, but I do.
Next time I think I need some thicker paper though, cause typing paper gets ruffles in it. Not bad enough to see in the scan, but they don't look good on the real thing

Temple Entrance
Doodling in the middle of math class^^ The teacher was just going over the previous day's homework though, which I did and understood, so I didn't miss anything. Then I painted it, and did the inking during the next math class^^;

Riding the River
A silly idea which became my best picture at the time. All those trees in the background took an amazingly short amount of time to draw and color

Being an oekaki, I nearly killed myself trying to draw this in one sitting, but I gave up and went to sleep. However, I did kill myself when I finished it the next morning. It was worth it though^^

A cel of Katsu
Trying out a sharpie marker for doing cel outlines, and the results were quite impressive. I like everything about this, except the color of her hair. It's much too bright for the other colors

Sunset After Storm
Based on a real sunset I saw. It was the most amazing thing I've ever seen, slanted clouds going into the horizon, still making lightning off in the dark part, and a pillar of clouds just covering the sun with a shining edge. Then it moved out of the way and I started straight nito the sun, with its bright orange light rays blazing out. Felt like a fantasy story come to life^^
And for the uninformed, the sea in my manga world is made of clouds

Doodling with a really cool marker I got from my sister^^ The outlines look like CG with no touch up at all

Spring Breeze
Drawn at Oekaki Central's advanced board, from which it was deleted because it was kind of sloppy when I first posted it, and I didn't finish touching it up on time...
I like it though

My first vector work in over a year. The BG and effects were done in Photoshop though

Happy Daiku
I was planning to do a group shot, but didn't get very far, so I kept what I had and made the best of it^^

Dragon on a mountaintop
I got $10 for this on eBay, woo~^^

Delta in an underground waterway place. I was working on keeping faces properly proportioned even when taking up half the paper, but the water came out best of all^^

Delta waving cutely
I couldn't think of anything interesting to do an oekaki of, so I decided to practice drawing hands^_^ Went for extra crisp outlines and tones, and I think I succeeded^^ Still kinda pointless, but I guess if it looks good that's ok^^

I love thunderstorms, especially the ones where you watch the huge clouds roll in during the evening, and then a huge gust front comes through, followed by a solid wall of rain, and it goes on all night^^

Delta sails the 7 seas
Peg-leg pirate DeltaXD
A silly doodle for a pirate drawing contest at the Art Corner oekaki board

Katsu and Delta sitting on a hill, talking about something.
Done during my time of texture-obsession, which worked really good^^ Delta's head kinda turned into a black blob when I turned the contrast way up to darken the original gray pencil outlines, but isn't the smaller tree back there just the coolest thing you've ever seen^^?

Running by a field of wheat
Kairo and Yuri, out exercizing before the sun comes up. I think the coloring in this one looks really good^^

Katsu cooking my favoritest of favorite foods, ramen^^ And drawn over a very long period of time.
This was my first experience with patterns in Photoshop, which I then became obsessed with, and used to death, so now I'm looking for a new style^^;

Dragon turning to glare at something
Trying out inking with my new tablet, which worked quite well. Cheap filter background though.

The Big Shiny Blade
Katsu training by a waterfall. I started experimenting with texturing things, and figuring out how to draw rocks in this, though they're still pretty rough. I like the mossy stuff by the waterfall mist^^

Burn it! Burn baby burn!
*title stolen from Zelda: Link's Awakening*
I think her hands worked extra good. Especially the one firing the blast, cause it's in such a weird pose/angle. Couldn't figure out how to do the shading on her skirt right though

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