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Drawings, paintings, 3D models, cels, CGs, you name it^^
All the strangely named characters are from my once-story-once-manga-now-RPG, which needs a name itself^_^

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Just a little oekaki doodle of Rydia (from FF4) sitting with a baby Mist dragon. And see how smooth and anti-aliased it looks? That's done all by hand with the watercolor tool^^ Takes longer than it's worth though

Yuri feeding a squirrel
Trying out sloppy, high-speed acrylics with pretty outlines to make it look good anyway (ended up being pretty careful anyway)

Run to the End of the World
Woo, smoochie^^
Hehe, as the title suggests, this scene was inspired by the line, "Run to the end of the world" right at the end of Small of Two Pieces from Xenogears

"See you in hell!"
I succeeded in making someone look truly freaked out^^
But if you look at the angle of her arms, they're way too short

Courtyard Pond
Yuri sitting on the edge of a small pond in the courtyard. Used watered down acrylics, which came out quite nice

This started out as a little doodle. It was just Tifa at first, but since it looked good enough to CG, I added Aeris in to make it less boring^_^ Turned out ok, except I couldn't think of a good background, so I just gave it one of my Freaky Backgrounds™ ^^

Lonely Rose
This was just a sudden idea that I came up with and drew. And my first good cel too, which showed when it was the first thing I sold on eBay^^
To this day I hate that little tree down in the corner.

Delta firing a magic blact at Yuri (on the dragon), who is aiming a crossbow back at her, and 2 mechs I made during my short period of mech-obsession beating on eachother in the background. My best 3D image yet^^

My first pic to be posted at RPGamer, way back when Lorelai of the Art Corner was in charge of the fanart section^^ Took me quite a few tries to do a picture good enough to be posted, and greatly increased my atristic skills

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