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Old SD! The show started with a review of Raw. Test had kidnapped Verne Troyer. But before he got far, the Rock got to him. Therefore, Test and the Rock would fight tonight. Test came out to clear his name. "Okay, first off I want to say I didn't kidnap Verne, I kidnapped the ECW. I'm tired of this whole clash of the companies. So I figured with him out of the picture, the ECW would be out of the picture. But that didn't work. So next time Verne, it won't be so obvious."
Finally, Kane got a shot at the Undertaker, who almost cost him the WCW US and WWF IC Titles at Rock Bottom. The match started out with trash talk, but the Undertaker got to business. There was no real dominator of the match, both men fought equally well, but Kane left victorious.
Tori and Ivory would once again take on the Dudley Boyz. They've fought before when the Tag Team Championships were on the line. In fact, Tori and Ivory stole the 3D from the Dudleys. Anyway, the Dudleys' had easy work here. It wasn't that long before the Dudleys gave Ivory the 3D. When Tori tried to stop them, she got one too. The Dudleys advanced.
So the Rock had two matches tonight. So what, he could handle them. Besides, they were against Test, Christian, and Hardcore Holly. Big whoop. Justin Credible fought most of the match on account of the Rock vs. Test later. But, sadly, the Rock had to get in there and give Christian a big ol' Rock Bottom. The Rock and Justin Credible advanced.
Everyone in the ECW wanted a shot at Test, but only the Rock got it. So the Rock was fighting for all of ECW. He fought well. When Test was about to deliver the boot, the Rock ducked and gave him the Rock Bottom. Last Week: Tonight Sting told Tazz he needed to have a word with him. And also tonight, Triple H will get a WCW Title shot. And of course, the last of the Qualifying matches tonight.
Eddie Guerro and Road Dogg decided to form a team for this tournament. They were set to go against Christian and Hardcore Holly, who were already in the ring. Road Dogg and Christian would start. Guerro knew Christian and Holly weren't the best of friends, but they made a great team. Road Dogg couldn't get a hit in because Holly and Christian double teamed him. Any time Guerro would try to help, the ref would stop him. Finally Guerro got a tag in while Christian was the legal man. Although Guerro was fresh, that didn't help him. Christian was reversing everything. When Guerro went for a clothesline, Christian reversed it and got him in an impailer. Christian and Holly picked up the win.
In the last Qualifying match, Perry Saturn and Rikishi will team up against Justin Credible and the Rock. Justin and Rikishi started out. It's funny because Rikishi, Justin, and the Rock were all in the last four of the immunity battle royal at Rock Bottom. Oh well. Justin Credible ran at Rikishi, but the fat man moved and Justin hit the turnbuckle. Rikishi pounded on Justin. He fell to the bottom turnbuckle. Saturn told Rikishi he had a perfect oppurtunity. Rikishi walked back, but the Rock came from behind. Saturn came in and he and the Rock fell out of the ring. Justin Credible came at Rikishi and gave him the Incredi-cutter for a pin. Then Tazz came out and attacked the referee. The Rock pulled Tazz out and gave him the Rock Bottom. Rocky took care of Saturn and Tazz. The ref got back up and Justin Credible gave Rikishi another Incredi-cutter for the final pin. Sting came out to the ring. He called out Tazz. Tazz came out and entered the ring. Sting asked him, "Why did you ruin my match on Raw?" Tazz said "I was just trying to get Earl Hebner." "Why?!?" "He made Benoit and me lose last week." Sting looked at him. "The question I'm wondering is are you WCW or are you ECW? Wait, wait, don't tell me. I'm going to give you four people. Two of them will be WCW and two will be ECW. Whoever you pick, you'll fight them tonight, and that will tell us which side you're on. Here they are: Triple H, Cactus Jack, Albert, Asia." Tazz stood there for a moment. "I don't want Triple H, so I'll take Cactus Jack." Sting pounded Tazz and threw him over the ropes. Tonight Tazz will get an ECW Title shot against Cactus Jack.
Tazz slowly came to the ring after being beaten by his boss. Yes, he's still WCW. The ECW Champion Cactus Jack walked down the ramp taunting the crowd. He came in the ring and trash talked Tazz. He pushed him. He pushed him again. He bullied Tazz until Tazz had enough. The Suplex-machine came at Cactus Jack and beat him senseless. The ref pulled him off, but then Tazz realized it was Earl Hebner. He put him in the Tazzmission. The Rock came out and pulled Tazz off Hebner. Cactus Jack came to when Triple H came out. He gave Cactus a pedigree and told the Rock to go to the back with him. Another referee came down when Tazz gave Cactus a Tazzmission-slam for the pin.
Triple H came out a little paranoid because he was afraid Cactus Jack would try to retaliate. Stone Cold came out and toyed with the Game. HHH blocked Cactus out of his mind and attacked Austin. Cactus Jack did come down and try to help Austin. He grabbed the WCW Championship and put it in the ring. But everytime Austin went for it, Triple H stopped him. Cactus Jack got tired of the belt just sitting there, so he entered the ring and grabbed the belt. He went for Triple H, but the Game picked up Austin and threw him in the way. Cactus Jack looked down while HHH got a cheap shot in. He threw him over the rope. He pinned Austin but he kicked out. Triple H grabbed Austin's bald head and threw him in the corner. Cactus Jack came in and actually hit HHH in the head with the WCW Championship. Austin went for the pin, but Triple H kicked out. Cactus Jack came back in and kicked the Game before the referee sent him out. Austin was distracted by Cactus, and when he turned around he got a pedigree and lost his championship. Two weeks ago: Smackdown! started with Sting storming into the office of Shawn Michaels. He challenged the comissioner to a match. The winner would get their name on Smackdown! Michaels agreed. He also informed Michaels that Scottie too Hottie would get a WCW Title Match for helping him out on Raw.
The newly formed team of Ken Shamrock & Kane were set to take on former WWF Tag Champs Chris Benoit & Tazz. Benoit and Tazz came out first. Although he was trying hard not to be seen, Tazz was trying to slip the referee some money. It's obvious it was a bribe! Then Shamrock and Kane came out. Shamrock started against Benoit. Benoit took over Shamrock. Finally Shamrock moved out of the way before a flying headbutt. Both men tagged their partners. Kane took it to Tazz and Benoit. Kane got off a chokeslam, winning the match. Tazz had some words with the official. He took his money back.
Albert and the WCW's newest member, Undertaker, came out to the ring. Edge and Crash Holly followed. Edge distracted Albert while Crash got some hits in on the Undertaker. Taker quickly took control and tagged in Albert. Undertaker gave a beating to Crash and the European/Television Champion. They finally quit and finished the match. Sting came out to the entrance, which was where ECW CEO Verne Troyer was. He said that he'd take anyone he put up against him on Raw, and the winner would get their name on the Royal Rumble Pay-per View. Verne agreed.
In his first ECW Title defense, Triple H would take on Kurt Angle because Angle thought he and Test got screwed on Raw. Triple H took over the match, seemingly to say no one questioned the Game. Kurt Angle got a breather in and dominated over the ECW Champ. Meanwhile, Cactus Jack came out and went over to Verne. Triple H gave Angle the pedigree when he was paying attention to Cactus Jack. Instead of pinning, HHH went out to Cactus Jack to ask what was going on. Cactus suddenly gave HHH the Mandible Slam! Then he threw Verne into the Oval Tron. He rolled HHH in for the pin. He kicked out though. When Cactus came into the ring, HHH knocked him out, then gave Angle another pedigree for the win.
Scottie too Hottie was getting a WCW Title Match because he tried to help Sting on Raw. Scottie didn't know what he was getting in to. Raven worked his way to the announce table, where he called J.R. to help him give him a Raven Effect through the announce table. J.R. naturally agreed. They rolled Scottie back in the ring, and Raven gave him another DDT for the win.
Sting came out ready to fight, but so did HBK. Shawn Michaels ran into the ring and took a beating to Sting. Sting battled back though, and threw Michaels out of the ring. Sting rolled him back in and set him up for the tombstone. Michaels reversed, but got a boot in the face for his troubles. Sting got the pin and the WCW owned Smackdown! Rock Bottom 2001 WWF and WcW Tag Team Unification Match: The Hardy Boys and the Dudley Boyz defend against each other [TLCC] There are four chairs on top of two ladders on top of four tables. The Hardys go straight for the Dudleys, Matt to D-Von, Jeff to Buh Buh Ray. Matt grabs a chair and smashes D-Von's head in. He throws him over to the tables/ladders and then goes to Buh Buh Ray. Buh Buh fights back. Meanwhile, D-Von sets a table. He puts a ladder on top, then climbs it to the four belts above the ring. Matt breaks away from Buh Buh Ray and pushes the ladder off the table. D-Von falls over the cage onto the floor. Buh Buh grabs a chair and hits Jeff and Matt with it. He throws it over the cage along with another chair to give him some room. As he's clearing, Matt fights him. He closes the ladder and puts it on top of the table. He puts Buh Buh through it with a powerbomb. Jeff opens the ladder and starts to climb it, but Buh Buh pulls the bottom of it towards himself and sends Jeff flying to the corner. Jeff lands on top of the cage. Buh Buh puts Matt out with a chair, then pulls Jeff off of the cage by his feet, sending him on top of the ladder. He goes over to the side of the cage. He tells D-Von, "I'll give you some tables. You set them up in case the get out." Buh Buh sends out two of the three tables left and also throws over the wreckage of the first broken table. D-Von sets one table on top of the other. Buh Buh fights with Jeff in the corner. Matt sets up a ladder and then grabs a chair. He hits Buh Buh in the head with it. He climbs the ladder and grabs the two WWF Tag Titles and one WcW Tag Title before Buh Buh knocks him over. He starts to climb it. He reaches for the last belt but couldn't get it. Jeff climbs up the other side. The two start to fight and Matt pushes the ladder. Both men hang on the cage. Buh Buh pushes Jeff over, and D-Von starts to punch him. Matt climbs up the cage. He pulls Buh Buh Ray on the top and then throws him on the two tables set up. Matt climbs back in the ring and climbs up the ladder. He pulls down the last belt and drops it in the center of the ring. He climbs out and battles D-Von. D-Von fights back and shoves Jeff back in the ring. D-Von sets up a table and gives Jeff the Mono-3D through it. D-Von goes to climb over the cage and win but Matt gives him the Twist of Fate onto the cage. D-Von grabs his throat and back. Matt climbs into the cage and picks up Jeff. He swings him over the top. He drops Jeff to the floor. Matt starts to climb over. D-Von stops him. He pulls him down. D-Von fights with Matt. Matt climbs out of the ring. D-Von follows. Matt remembers the WcW Title. Jeff climbs back in as D-Von knocks Matt down. Matt fights back and puts D-Von on his shoulders. He climbed the cage and pushed D-Von over. D-Von lands on Jeff. Matt grabs the WcW Title then throws it over. He climbs over the cage and grabs the titles thinking he won. He looks for Jeff and sees him inside. Matt starts to climb over but D-Von knocks him off. He climbs over and hits the floor. D-Von grabs a WWF and WcW Tag Title and celebrate. Buh Buh Ray and D-Von leave. Company Burried Alive Match: Vince McMahon & Triple H vs. Sting & Raven [buried alive] As Vince tries to stop the EcW CEO, the WcW CEO attacks. He gives him a boot to the face then throws him outside. Triple H meanwhile is battling back. He throws Raven over the top rope and starts to fight Sting. He gives him the pedigree, then rolls outside. Vince is beating Raven's head on the grave. Triple H throws him into the grave. He starts to bury him but Sting comes out and hits Vince with the ladder. Then he pulls Triple H down and gives him a boot. He pulls Raven out of the grave and goes back to Triple H. He slams him on the ramp. He goes up to the Oval Tron Tower and pushes it over onto Triple H. He goes to Vince and pulls him on top of the Tower. He gives him two tombstones. Then he throws him over to Raven who gives him a Raven effect on top of the tron. Sting throws the WWF CEO into the grave as Raven continues to smash the Tower on top of Triple H. Sting starts to bury Vince. Vince stands up and pulls Sting in the grave. They start to fight. Sting over powers him and shoves his head into the WEcW tombstone. Sting climbs out and grabs the shovel. He starts to bury him again but Vince stands up. He knocks him off of the grave and climbs out. He grabs the shovel and whacks Sting with it. He goes over to Raven and does the same. He lifts the tron off of HHH, and gives Raven the McMahon Grand Slam on the ramp. He goes behind the Tower and pushes it over. As he's doing that, Sting puts Triple H on top of Raven. Vince doesn't know this and continues to stomp on top of the Oval Tron. Sting pulls him down and gives him a boot to the face. He drags him up the grave and puts him in. Vince pulls his leg and Sting lays on the dirt. He starts to punch Sting in the face. Suddenly someone hits Vince in the back of the head with a title belt. As the camera focuses in it's clear that it's Shawn Michaels! Michaels pushes Vince into the grave and grabs a shovel. He burries Vince. Vince starts to rise but Michaels hits him in the head with the shovel. He burries Vince and the WEcW won. Sting pulls Raven out from under the tron and into the ring. He holds a WEcW sign and Raven bends over the rope in pain. Michaels comes in the ring and holds up Sting's hand. He throws Raven out of the ring. He gives Sting some Sweet Chin Music through the WEcW sign. He rips the sign in half and spits on it. He climbs the rope and raises his hands as Rock Bottom went off the air. Old Raws
Sting came out to the ring with his Hardcore Title. "Everyone has been wishing me luck. All the people in the back are saying 'Good luck Sting,' 'Watch out, the old Raven's back.' Why does anyone think I need luck? Oh, wow, the old Raven's back. The one that plotted the first death of the WWF, made the WWF lose InVasion, and went on a winning streak. But he's never ever been the Hardcore Champion. He's never ever going to be the Hardcore Champion. I am a Hardcore legend, like the Director or the Kid, the Red Ninja." Raven's music hit and the arena went dark. Raven's music stopped and the lights came back on. Sting was standing there, but without the Hardcore Championship. Sting looked around and found nothing. Then Raven came out from under the ring and hit Sting with a chair. He threw him up on the announce table and gave him a Raven Effect through it. He left, throwing the Hardcore Belt on top of Sting.
In the ring, Undertaker and Jeff Hardy started fighting. Although the Hardy's tried very hard, the Undertaker and Albert came out on top.
Lita defended against Tori, after Tori and Ivory played Rock/Paper/Scissors to see who would get the shot. Lita defeated Tori after some interference by Ivory, but only with help from Asia..
The Dudley Boyz were to battle Justin Credible and the Rock. Justin and D-Von started. D-Von and Bubba Ray tagged in and out while beating on Justin. Finally, Justin got the IncrediCutter off on D-Von. They both tagged their partners and it looked like the Rock was going to pick up the victory. But then Test came out from the crowd and gave the Rock a boot. Bubba Ray went for the pin but Rock kicked out. Justin Credible was tagged in, but the Dudleys gave him a 3D as Test took care of the Rock. The Dudleys advanced as the Rock and Test had a stare-down.
It was announced that Raven would fight Sting in a cage match at Royal Rumble.
Triple H and Jericho would take on there co workers the Hardy Boys. Before they started, they shook hands. Jericho and Matt started, and Jericho took the match along with his partner. Finally, when Jericho was back in the ring, Matt put his knees up from a lionsault. Triple H and Jeff were tagged, and HHH clotheslined Jeff. Jeff got right back up and dropkicked the WCW Champion. When he got up, he gave him the Twist of Fate, then the Swanton Bomb for the win while Matt took care of Jericho.
The favorite in this match was Kane and Shamrock because of what Raven did to Undertaker and Albert earlier. But despite the fact, U and A got the win when Kane distracted the referee inadvertently, allowing the PttO by Albert. In the back, Sting confronted the Director. Without hesitating he hit him over the head with a steel chair. Sting kept hitting him, then placed it on the floor. He picked up the Director and gave him a tombstone, stealing his Hardcore Title. It was announced that Sting and Raven would fight for the Hardcore Title, also to determine which company will own it.
Since Verne was finally back after Cactus Jack threw him in the Titan Tron, punishment was made. The former ECW Champion will take on the Big Show. The Big Show wouldn't let go of Cactus Jack, but finally put him out of his misery after a chokeslam for the pin. Verne and Sting talked in the back, trying to decide what title will be on the line at WrestleMania XVIII. They decided if an ECW member won, they'd get a WCW Title shot and vice-versa.
Verne came out and declared 5 men into the Royal Rumble:
Tori & Ivory, former WWF Tag Champs, were set to face the Woman's Champion and Asia. Lita and Ivory started the match. Ivory broke out the skills and took a beating to Lita. She tagged Tori. Tori came in and continued the beating Ivory started. Lita got thrown into the ropes, and on the way back she gave Tori a DDT. Asia and Ivory were tagged in. Asia got the upper hand on Ivory. Tori came in to help her friend. Together they double teamed Asia. Lita came in to stop it, but Tori threw her out. Tori and Ivory got the 3D off and Ivory pinned Asia for the win.
The Dudley Boyz came out to the ring. As Billy Gunn and the Big Show came down the ramp, the Dudleys ran after them. After D-Von clotheslined Billy Gunn, he and Bubba Ray battled the Big Show. They rolled him into the ring, and the bell rung. D-Von started with the Big Show. It took no time for Show to take control of the match. Even when D-Von tagged out, the Big Show was in control. Bubba Ray got a shot to the knees in. He continued to work on the legs and then tagged his partner. As D-Von came in, the Big Show gave him a headbutt. Show tagged Billy Gunn, and D-Von tagged Bubba Ray. Billy Gunn went for a clothesline but Bubba Ray ducked. Billy ran right into D-Von. As Billy looked back, Bubba Ray gave him a DDT. D-Von got up and together they got the 3D off. D-Von knocked Show's knees again as Bubba Ray got the win.
Cactus Jack had an evil smirk on his face. He waited for Triple H to come out. He attacked HHH as he was entering the ring. Cactus kicked and punched and clobbered and slammed Triple H till it got old. He went for the pin but somehow HHH kicked out! The ECW Champ battled back. He hit the pedigree but couldn't capitalize. When he went for the pin, Cactus kicked out. Both men got up. Cactus got the Mandible Claw. He picked him up and slammed him down. He became the new ECW Champion.
Stone Cold was getting his WCW Championship match early. Instead of waiting till the Royal Rumble, Sting granted him a match now. Raven came out in great confidence. He slowly entered the ring, then ran at the Rattlesnake, throwing him off guard. Raven battled with Austin in the corner. The referee tried to pull the Champ out, and as he did that Austin got some strength back and knocked Raven over. Austin picked up Raven and threw him into the corner. He threw him across the ring to another corner. He threw him again. He stopped that and threw him over the top rope. He sat down in the middle of the ring for a breather. Raven crawled back in the ring. Austin gave his former boss a stunner and picked up the WCW Championship.
Sting walked down the ramp and waited in the ring for the Rock. The People's Champ's music hit and out he came. He went to the turnbuckle but got stopped by Sting. Sting started beating Rocky and went for a quick cover. Rock kicked out. The WCW CEO knew how much was on the line, and he knew he couldn't give up. As Sting was battling with the Rock, Tazz's music hit. Tazz walked down the ramp and entered the ring. He went straight for Earl Hebner! He gave Hebner a Tazzmission-slam. Sting looked at Tazz as if to say "Are you that retarded?" Sting pushed Tazz out of the way and helped Earl to his feet. This was obviously because Tazz and Benoit lost their Undisputed Tag match on Smackdown! last Thursday. Tazz pushed Sting out of the way and started to attack the ref again. Sting retaliated with a boot to the face and a tombstone. The Rock finally decided to quit watching this and go for the win. He got the Rock Bottom and pinned Sting. The ref was still out though. Rock went over to Earl and shook him up. Tazz attacked the Rock from behind and threw him to the outside. Tazz went to the announcer's table and prepped it for the Rock. He pulled the Rock onto the table and started to give him the Tazzmission. Sting came back out and pulled Tazz down. The Rock picked Sting up and gave him a Rock Bottom through the table. He rolled Sting back in the ring, threw Tazz into the steps, and went for the pin. It's now ECW Royal Rumble. Right after Rock Bottom: As WEcW Raw started, the camera showed J.R. and Scottie Too Hottie. Both J.R. and Scott were confused on why J.R. was there. Shawn Michaels's music hit and out came HBK. "To answer everyone's question, no. No I did not buy the WWF. The WWF was burried at Rock Bottom. But something was bought. Ladies and gentleman, let me introduce to you Verne Troyer!" Verne came out and walked under the bottom rope. "Hi, hi. I need to fix what Shawn said. Nothing was bought. Something was won. Raven, could you come out please." Raven came out and stood in the center of the ring. Verne said "Is it true that you and I were playing poker last Monday before Rock Bottom?" Raven confirmed. "Is it true that you had a Royal Straight?" He confirmed again. "Is it true that you thought I was bluffing when I put up all my money from the next Austin Powers movie, so you put ECW on the line?" Again he confirmed. "Isn't true that I had a Royal Flush?" Raven bowed his head. "Ah, the truth comes out. I won the ECW from Raven. So now there's no WEcW. There has to be an agreement, and I didn't agree. So at Rock Bottom it was WWF vs. WCW. So the first thing I'd like to do is invite all the unified champions and the WWF Champ out here." Edge, Kane, the Dudley Boyz, and Triple H came out. "Now, I bought the WWF Championships from the WWF after Vince was burried. So they're mine. Meaning I can strip you of them. I will strip you unless you agree to come to the ECW. Right now there's only me, Michaels, and J.R. By the way, that's why J.R. is here. Anyway, are you in the WCW or the ECW?" All the champions but the Dudley Boyz went to the ECW. Verne took the ECW Tag Titles and had Michaels throw the Dudleys out of the ring. Sting came out and asked why he could strip them of their titles. Verne told him "I haven't agreed yet to give anyone my titles. Now I've agreed to everyone but the Dudleys." Sting looked over at Raven. "How could you be so stupid? I'm assuming your ECW, so I want a match with you tonight." Verne said, "Oh, by the way, I don't want a CC or an RC, and I'm giving everyone that was fired after Rock Bottom a job in the ECW." Regal and Goldberg came out. Sting told Regal he could be the WCW Commissioner. Goldberg became in the ECW hoping to be the commissioner. But Michaels already had that spot. Raven challenged Sting for his WCW Championship. Verne added "How about this. Since there's no WEcW, there needs to be a name on Raw. If Sting wins, it'll be WCW Raw. If Raven wins, it'll be ECW Raw." After the commercial, Verne came back to the ring from the announcer's table. He called out the Dudley Boyz and the Hardy Boys and Sting. He said that there should only be one set of Tag Team Champions. He asked Sting if he would strip the Dudley Boyz of the WCW Tag Titles, and there would be a tournament up to Royal Rumble. Sting agreed. 8 teams from WCW and 8 teams from ECW will fight up to the Royal Rumble in tournament fashion. Then the first match started.
Edge and Hardcore Holly started to battle. Holly had the match until he taunted to the crowd. Edge kicked out after the taunts, then he the spear from the top rope, retaining his title.
Kurt Angle and Test formed a Tag Team for the WCW and had their first match against Chris Jericho and the ECW Champion. Test and Angle tagged in and out while pounding Jericho. Finally Jericho reversed Test's pump-handle slam. Test tagged Angle and Jericho tagged Triple H. HHH knocked over Angle and hit Test off the apron. Jericho ran after Test and gave him the Walls of Jericho as HHH put the pedigree on Angle. Jericho and Triple H advance.
Diesel and the Giant teamed up against the Hardy Boys. The two monsters thought it would be an easy win, but the Hardys proved them wrong. With help from Diesel's 39 matches in a row, the Hardys picked up the win pushing it to 40.
Sting gave Raven a beating and it spilled out of the ring. Raven got in a couple of shots and started clearing the announce table. He smashed Sting's head against the steps, then brought him on top of the table, setting up for a Raven Effect. Scottie Too Hottie had seen enough. He brought Raven off the table and started attacking him. Raven battled back, and J.R. went over to the referee who had earlier been knocked out. Scottie came in and threw J.R. over the top rope as Sting gave Raven the tombstone through the announce table. As Raven was being rolled into the ring, he regained some power. He kicked out of the pin and gave Sting the Raven Effect. Scottie came in but got the Raven Effect. Sting got another one, then he lost his title.
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