Matches (not in order)
1. Triple H | Christian | Stone Cold |
2. Tazz | Dead Man |
3. nWo (Razor Ramon & Diesel) | Ken * Kane |
4. Hardcore Holly | Director Hollywood Hogan |
5. Chyna | Mighty Molly | Special Referee = Stephanie McMahon-Helmsley |
6. Kurt Angle | Billy Gunn |
7. Justin Credible | Crash Holly |
8. Chris Jericho | Rikishi |
1. Triple H defends the WWF Championship against Christian and Stone Cold Steve Austin. 2. Tazz defends the WWF Intercontinental Championship against the Dead Man. 3. The Tag Titles are defended by the nWo against Ken * Kane. 4. Hardcore Holly puts his WWF Hardcore Title on the line against the Director Hollywood Hulk Hogan. 5. Chyna defends the Women's Title against Mighty Molly inside a cage, with Stephanie as the guest referee. 6. Kurt Angle defends the WWF European Championship against Billy Gunn. 7. Justin Credible defends the WWF Cruiserweight/Lightheavyweight Title against Crash Holly. 8. Chris Jericho and Rikishi battle for the #1 Contendership of the WWF Championship.