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Music and Chakra Balance

Chakras resonate at various frequencies which can measured by modern scientific equipment. When a Chakra gets out of balance its wavelength or frequency changes.
This is where music comes in (The exciting and fun part) we can use music or tones to help pull our Chakras and therefore our Auras back into alignment or balance!
      People enjoy the performance of music on several levels, music can present ideas in an interesting format, not only that but the act of making the music can have a very profound effect on the artist. While practicing or performing, musicians often seem to have a profound sense of concentration and if you are or know a musician they will tell you that they feel a sense of loss or a sense of something being missing if they do not practice regularly. This sense of loss can result from the lack of an essential activity, balancing the Chakras. That's right you can actually help your energy system stay balanced by listening or practicing forms of music.
     Music is not the only way to use frequencies to balance Chakras, you can also use tuning forks. Tuning forks are very specific, they are calibrated to emit one frequency (There are some which are variable) , by application of activated tuning forks to specific areas you can emit the right frequency into your own chakras! The tuning fork method is very relaxing and energizing. Below is a list of Chakras and the frequencies they correspond with.
             Sanskrit          Common Name       Cycles Per Second         Note
         Sahasrara              Crown Chakra              493 cps                  B
           Ajna                     Brow Chakra                440 cps                  A  
        Vishudda              Throat Chakra               392 cps                 G
               Anahata                Heart Chakra                659.3 cps              high E
        Manipura             Solar Plexus Chakra       349.2 cps              F
                Svadhisthana          Spleen Chakra                                       C range 
                 Muldahara             Root Chakra                523.3 cps              high C

Check this out Lighthawk he has several C.D.'s for opening Chakras! Link below


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