The picture above shows a Aura with Chakras. We have another program which focuses on the the Aura and shows you and your Aura around you. In addition
to showing more detail in your Aura it, also shows your face and upper body
in real-time motion.
Interpretation of Above Image
The above image is like looking into a mirror. This image is reversed, in other words when I refer to the left hand side that would be the side closer to the graphs.
This is a picture of Debbie Rutherford Debbie is a professional Psychic Tarot reader and Reiki Master, the items in this photo of the Aura and Chakras show why she is very well suited for this type of work.
The first prominent thing in this Aura is the Crown Chakra shining like a bright star atop of her head. The Crown Chakra is the connection with spirituality and the higher energies of the spirit realms.
In most people if this Chakra is active it gives them the feeling of wellbeing and the innner knowledge that we all have a spark of the divine within us.
Debbie's case this Chakra is HUGE! The size of this Chakra combined with the large size of the brow chakra or (3rd eye) shows us the interaction between the two (also because of purple traces in the crown chakra). This energetic bridge between the chakras shows spirit energy entering through the crown and manifesting itself as direct information verbaly or through vision in the brow chakra region.
If you look
at the pie chart you will see that there is an area for Body,
Mind and
Spirit. Hers is mostly Spirit telling us about a strong connection with the spiritual realms.
Looking at the energy level graph we can see that there is a very
energy source there that can be tapped for her clients. This high
relates directly to the energy coming through the upper Chakras,
3rd Eye and Throat. together this is a very powerful combination
will allow her to attune to the spirit connection of the client,
coming down to the brow chakra region, see future events for that person,
and vocalizing the vision to them in a way
they will
understand at the throat chakra region.
Also available is my Chakra balancing video tape. This VHS videotape is a relaxing journey into your Chakras with energetic music by Sunship
complete with a guided meditation which balances your Chakras and reconnects you to your full potential
only $18.95 plus shipping and handling
173E 40th St Nitro WV 25143-1519
(304) 755-4185
I am also a distributor of this equipment feel free to contact me directly
by Phone (304) 755-4185 or e-mail below and visit the Manufacturer's site below
Aura Info-
History Of Auras-
Book Reviews-
Balancing Chakras- Musical Chakra Balance-Links
Debbie Rutherford Psychic Tarot Reader & Reiki Master