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Aura and Chakra Products

Here are good products for the Aura and Chakras, Watch for the list of products to grow!

Chakra and Aura Balancing Candle Kit
This kit comes with all the candles needed to do a good balancing along with instructions, Only $12.00 Plus shipping and handeling

If you want to get a jumpstart we have a Chakra Balance video. This VHS videotape is a relaxing journey into your Chakras with energetic music by Steven Halpern complete with a guided meditation which balances your Aura and Chakras and reconnects you to your full potential! $18.95 Plus shipping and handeling.


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(304) 755-5815

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Aura Info- Photos- History Of Auras- Book Reviews
Balancing Chakras- Musical Chakra Balance-Links
