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Book Reviews

There are plenty of great and not so great books about Auras, Chakras and the human energy field. Here we will take a look at some of the books on the market today. If you would like to suggest a particular book for review, please e-mail me below.

The rating system is as follows:
two thumbs up = great book

two thumbs down = bad book

one up one down = medium book

any additional symbols will be self explanatory
Authors are listed in alphabetical order

Ted Andrews "How To Heal with color" $4.99

This book says you will learn to:

This is a good book for basic information. as you can imagine a "How To" book is an introduction.

Ted Andrews

Ted Andrews "How To See and Read the Aura" $3.95

This book says you will learn to:

Another winning book by Ted.
This book is another in the how to series, while it leaves the reader feeling that not all the claims were fulfilled, its not very expensive.

The information contained in this book is usefull. If you dont like the info at least it will help you get a good understanding of some of the various viewpoints in energy medicine

Ted Andrews

Barbara Brennan "Hands Of Light"$23.95
This book is a must have, for the prospective energy worker / Healer. This book says it offers:


You will notice that this book, is a little more expensive than some of the other ones I choose to review. Although this book is a little on the costly side, it is very well put together and full of illustrations. The book is large and full of useful information.

Barbra Brennan

Johannes Fisslinger "Aura Imaging Photography" $14.95
This book explains the subtle structures of our human plane in a clear way. With more than thirty Aura photos.

This book will help you learn more about the esoteric and scientific principles of the Aura, and develop the ability to see and feel the Aura yourself!

This is a great book but be prepared for some heavy reading, the amount of detail in this book is incredible!

Johannes Fisslinger

Anodea Judith "The Truth About Chakras"$2.95
This book says you will learn:

Great book for the price! A nice overview of the Chakra system.

Anodea Judith

Pamala Oslie: "LIFE COLORS" $14.95
This Book says you will learn how to:

Not a bad book but a little on the expensive side for what you get. This book "LIFE COLORS" is a self test designed for greater self understanding.
Pamala Oslie

Elizabeth Clare Prophet:"The Human Aura"$6.99
This book which the authors claim to be two in one, they would have us believe is channeled material. Book one by Kuthumi and book two by Djwal Kul. Now I am not saying this is not channeled material, but what I am saying is that if this was channeled it was channeled from a spirit that was an idiot when it was alive! There is no redeeming value in this book. If you were freezing you would be thankful to have it as its fairly thick, dry and would make good kindling.

Jack Schwarz "Human Energy Systems"$8.95
This book claims to be "A way of good health, using our:

This book is very interesting, plenty of good reading. In this book, you will find more interesting facts than usable information. The good point about this book is that you will be entertained. If you have read a lot of other aura books, this is a book with a different slant.

Jack Schwarz

Mark Smith "Auras see them in only 60 seconds!" $12.95

Mark Smith takes the delicate fabric of human experience, pulling a string from here and one from there and proceeds to weave them into a colorful taspestry for our education and enjoyment. The examples Mark gives of auras are mostly famous people from Jackie Onasis to James Taylor! This book is a must have. Just dont start reading before bed or you will want to stay up all night reading.

Mark Smith

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Mind, Body and Spirit

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