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The Full Story About Auras

The New Millennium of Aura and Chakra Imaging

Before we get into the new age of Aura and Chakra Imaging we
should give some thought to what an Aura is, and how it relates to
each of us in our daily lives.

For thousands of years there have been those certain gifted
individuals among us who have been able to perceive the human
Aura. The Aura is an energy field that surrounds all living things,
comprised of magnetic energy this field is unique to each
individual. Humans are complex and dynamic, constantly changing
beings and as such the auric field of each person is also unique
and changing. When we perceive an event through our senses this
information is given meaning in our brain. This electrochemical
process has an effect on the body, the brain sends electrical and
chemical information through our body constantly regulating
everything from how we feel emotionally, to how we feel
physically. The path of flow for information in our body is the
spine. As information comes from the brain and travels down the
spine a direction of current flow is established, at a right angle to
this flow of magnetic energy is your personal field or Aura.

The Aura contains much information about us, this info can
give us clues as to what has happened in the past, what sort of
energies we are letting ourselves be open to in the future. Also
past physical ailments or the beginning of new ones. The
equipment we use to measure the aura allows us to show your
auric field as a display of colorful energy surrounding you.
Depending on the number of colors, the position of these colors,
the shade of any particular color and many other factors such as the
overall shape of your Aura, size, and how quickly your auric colors
change gives us a wealth of information concerning your past, and
your future possibilities.

We can provide you with a permanent record of your Aura
on V.H.S. video tape of
your aura as it fluctuates complete with an interpretation
. After you have received your Aura reading on video
tape, or by photographic method you will be encouraged to keep
this so it can be added to in the future. When you bring back your
video, we can place another Aura reading on the same tape, for ease
of comparison. When placing multiple Aura readings on the same tape,
what we end up with is much like a diary, this diary of your Aura can then
provide us with even more information, this will show us trends that may
otherwise hold you back from reaching your goals.

Chakras Wheels of Life

There are seven different major Chakras within the auric field,
these Chakras are shaped like a funnel with the small end pointing
to the spine. The function of the Chakras is to distribute energy
through the various layers of the Aura. Spreading energy through
the Aura revitalizes it and then has the same effect on the physical
Description of layers of the Aura as it relates to the seven major Chakras:
Root Chakra: relates to the Physical layer of the Aura
Spleen Chakra: Emotional layer of the Aura
Solar Plexus Chakra: Mental or Intelectual layer of the Aura
Heart Chakra: Astral layer of the Aura
Throat Chakra: Etheric layer of the Aura
Brow Chakra: or "Third Eye" Celestial layer of the Aura
Crown Chakra: Ketheric layer of the Aura

You can think of Chakras as individual points within the
Aura, which define your energy field. Chakras sometimes get out
of balance, energy can become stagnant in one area preventing flow
through the rest of your energy field.

With our equipment we have the means to see and record
what your Chakras look like. Seeing what these energy centers
look like allows us to see if they are in balance, or if they are out of
balance and if so, in what way. Chakra balance is essential for physical
and mental well being.

Unfortunately at this time a full description of the Chakras and
the particular function of each one and how these Chakras interact
with each other would be the subject of an entire book, or perhaps
a series of books. For our purposes it is sufficient to say the
existence of Chakras has been acknowledged by almost all the
different cultures from all over the world.

There are many exercises on this site helping you to control your Aura.If you dont have the time to perfect this by yourself, or if you just want to get a jumpstart we have a Chakra Balance video. This VHS videotape is a relaxing journey into your Chakras with energetic music by Sunship
complete with a guided meditation which balances your Chakras and reconnects you to your full potential

(304) 755-4185
Only $18.95 plus shipping and handling!

Aura Info- Photos- History Of Auras- Book Reviews
Balancing Chakras- Musical Chakra Balance-Links
