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The Name

EX? I use ex for all of my angelfire pages. I just like it. And's one of the better choices for me, and the shortest. Others that I could've chosen from were droid, freak2, nc2, and so on. Ex is simply..the nicest out of those. For me, at least.

DETACIDED? (deh-tuh-sigh-dead) This is a word that I like to write a lot..all over the place. I just like the word. People ask me what it means. I don't really like revealing the meaning. It's simple of you just think about it for a second. You could figure it out. D-E-T-A-C-I-D-E-D. If you still haven't figured it out, it's dedicated spelled backwards. And as for the actual word "dedicated"..well...I'm very very dedicated to my music. Music is my life. Music is what I live for. It is what saved me. Trust me. It really saved me. So I'm just dedicated to my music. Detacided to it.