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Links to other excellent Combat Mission websites from around the web

Submit a link (BTS) Big Time Software, the reason you're looking at this website.

BTS's Combat Mission Forum- (BTS) The prime discussion board on Combat Mission.

     Posts- (109 Gustav) The best threads and posts from the forum, compiled on The Last Defense.

Boots & Tracks- (Wild Bill Wilder) Wild Bill and the Raiders design headquarters.

CM HQ- (Madmatt, Fionn) Everything the Combat Mission gamer needs in a website. Mods, AARS, and downloads.

CM Recon- (Jagdcarcajou) A Combat Mission portal and fan site, providing scenarios, links and information.

CombatAddiction at The DesertFox- (The DesertFox) Documents about the Panzertruppe and armored warfare in WWII

Combat Mission Canadian Bitmaps- (Michael Dorosh) BMPs to modify CM's graphics to represent specific Canadian units.

Combat Mission Recommended Reading List- (Rob Varak) An ever-growing list of the essential books offering background to the Combat Mission enthusiast.

Combat Missions- (Manx) One of the best mod sites around, lots of mods by Tiger that aren't on The Last Defense.

Combat Vision- (PeterNZ) A site dedicated to creating films using the Combat Mision game engine.

Das Reich-**NEW**(Vinny Prochelo) Featuring unique scenarios and links to other outstanding Combat Mission websites.

Der Kessel- (Germanboy) Scenario design group for Combat Mission.

Dogs of War- (Johnno) Message Board, tournaments, Scenarios for download, Statistics of units for the game and more.

Forward Observer- (SuperTed) News from many Combat Mission websites is compiled here, so you know where to go to find the newest mods and scenarios.

Lindan's Wargasm site for Combat Mission- (Lindan) Scenarios, reviews, wargame and history related links and articles and a special brag and taunt page for CM players.

Lorak's FTX- (Lorak) Mini-AARs, scenarios, and more.

MoJo's Combat Mission site- (MoJo) Mods, pictures, and a message board.

Old Dog's Combat Mission Central- (Old Dog) The CM Photo Gallery. Beautiful landscapes and realistic combat photography.

Operation CultureK- ( "Just another Combat Mission FanSite"

The Bunker- (Bakker) Dedicated to Combat Mission and anything relevant. Articles on tactics and equipment.

The Combat Mission Times- **NEW** (Michlos) A newspaper on Combat Mission with maps, editorials, mods, and lots more.