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Bocage, bridges, boats, and bars, you'll find them all on The Last Defense.
Home Town Scenarios- maps based on Combat Mission player's towns- Must haves!
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By Bilbo
Scenario- encounter
45 turns, large, semi-historical

The Allies must take the village and harbor of Arromanches to build a harbor, and then capture a radar station. The Germans must drive them back to their boats! The terrain is accurate, but the story of the attack is fictional. Arromanches.

Roadblock at St. Severs
By Stalingrd
Scenario- Allied attack
20 turns, small, historical

This scenario is based on a historical ambush in France by two very experienced SS Panther tank commanders near St. Severs. It is realistic in terms of tank battles in France in 1944, with lots of Shermans and some experienced Panthers. Information was taken from an article in Military Heritage magazine with testimonials. This scenario has been playtested and works quite well as an IP game. Roadblock at St. Severs.

Invasion of Chiniak- Chiniak School
By 109 Gustav
Scenario- Axis attack
42 turns, medium, fictional

The invasion of Chiniak continues with a battle at Chiniak School, where battered defenders attempt to hold a roadblock against an armored assault. Chiniak School.

Monday Night Football!
By 109 Gustav
Scenario- Meeting Engagement
25 turns, medium, very fictional

The Reisburg Hellcats and Plomville Tigers battle it out on the Combat Mission gridiron! This scenario is rather silly, it has poor play balance, and the AI doesn't handle it well. However, a football game can't be all bad, so give it a download! Monday Night Football.

Hasty Defense/Hasty Attack
By Abbott
Scenario-Attack/Meeting Engagement
35 turns, medium, fictional

This battle grew from many enjoyable memories of battles fought over board three of Squad Leader/Cross of Iron. While the map was abstracted heavily during its design there are a couple of features that will be recognized. Allied hasty attack into a village, German hasty defense of the village. Best played blind PBEM or as Allies first. Hasty Defense/Hasty Attack.

The Ardenners Campaign- pack of 4 operations
By Jonas Comba

Fight through the Ardennes forest in this series of both historical and What If? operations. Ardenners Campaign.

Little Polish Pass
By Jonathan Adams
Scenario- Allied attack

A Polish force going down a mountain pass is ambushed by Gebirgsjager & Armor! Little Polish Pass

Italian Harbor
By Jonathan Adams
Scenario- Allied assault
30 turns, medium, fictional

Assault a port with assault boats and tanks. Italian Harbor.

Hamburg Hill
By Mark Cochran
20 turns, small, fictional

This scenario provides quick action and a clear objective, so it's a good way to introduce someone to CM. Very action packed, without being too over the top. Hamburg Hill.

Recon By Fire
By Matt "Citizen" Hyra
Scenario- Allied attack
45 turns, medium, fictional

Scenario #3 of 5 in the "Recon" series. American forces have moved behind the buckling Axis lines in July 44 and are attempting to exploit the gap. You don't have time to search every house and patch of woods, so the tactic of "recon by fire" will get you through the area quickly and safely. Recon By Fire.

WW I Battle of the Somme
By Richard Bodle
Scenario- Allied assault
20 turns, large, historical

A frontal assault on trench positions with tank and artillery support. This scenario is a change of pace from WWII but I thought the game would lend itself excellently to a WWI theme. Hope you like it. Battle of the Somme.

Download the mod for the British Mark I tank that I made for the scenario. This mod was made from the Chruchill tank. Be sure to back up your BMPs before installing it. Mk I mod.

Recon By Riverboat
By Matt "Citizen" Hyra
60 turns, small, fictional

Scenario #2 of 5 in my "Recon" series. This time you'll be paddling down a river behind enemy lines with a group of Canadian Commandos. They'll call in the big guns when they find what they're looking for. Designed specifically to be played as Allies versus Axis AI. Recon by Riverboat.

Recon By Stealth
By Matt "Citizen" Hyra
60 turns, small, fictional

This is a very unique scenario. Not only will you be performing actual recon (scouting enemy positions without firing at them), but you will also get to make real command decisions regarding the forces you need to accomplish your mission. Recon By Stealth is meant to be played as Allies versus the Axis AI only. If you have the patience and stomach for some real recon, download it here! Recon By Stealth.

Note- this scenario is actually small, although it will show up as Large in CM.

Stroll in a Park
By Michael "Gonzo" Gonzalez and Chris Sabin
Operation- advance
10 battles, 15 turns each
Huge, fictional

German forces are on their heels as Allied forces pour into Germany, but rather than let the Ami horde invade the Fatherland, they'll die fighting. The Germans might be tired but take advantage of their knowledge of the lay of the land to set ambushes and booby-trap everything. Stroll in a Park.

A River Runs Through It
By Suicides-by-Steve
65 turns, large

A daring daylight prison break in the Carpathian Mountains. Updated 3/27/01. A River Runs Through It.

It's too Damn Serious
by Frank "Franko" Radoslovich
Scenario- Axis attack
30 turns, small, historical

"...Tell them it's too damned serious over here to be talking about hot dogs and baked beans and things we're missing. Tell them it's hell, and tell them there're men getting killed and wounded every minute, and they're miserable and they're suffering. Tell them it's a matter more serious than they'll ever be able to understand. Spread it on thick...and leave off the sweet syrup that all the others write about"...there was a choking sob in his voice..."tell them its rough as hell. Tell 'em its rough, serious business. That's all. That's all." Too Danm Serious.

Sons of a Bitche!
By Richard Bodle
Scenario-Allied assault
45 turns, large, historical

The U.S. 100th Infantry Div. attacks the Citadel Fort at the town of Bitche. This is Richard's first scenario. We're looking forward to many more. Sons of a Bitche.

Son Bridge
By Michael Dorosh
30 turns, tiny

This scenario is converted from a Close Combat II map. If you play CC 2, you will reconize it. Son Bridge.

Tread Marks
By Anthony Cooper
Based on Louisville
40 turns, medium complexity, fictional

Fight your way to key intersections. Tread Marks.

Rune's Scenario Pak 5

Seven new scenarios created by the genius of map making, Rune. This collection will keep you on the edge of your seat for hours on end. Rune's Pak 5.

21st. Panzer Attacks
By Blake Stone
Operation- assault
8 battles/30 turns, medium complexity, fictional

This fictional "what-if" operation examines the possibility of a successful 21st. Panzer Division counter-attack in the early hours of D-day against British "Juno" beach. Having finished several operations I found them lacking challenge. After few fierce battles rest of the operation was often far too easy and frustrating to play. Some maps also seemed too "generic". Even worse, many operations offered far too many units to control and were real CPU hogs. I've tried to avoid these issues while making this operation. 21st Panzer Attacks.

Invasion of Chiniak
By 109 Gustav
Scenario- Axis attack
45 turns, medium complexity, fictional

In April 1945, Germany invaded Kodiak Island, Alaska. You must defend the high ground overlooking a critical road at all costs. Terrain is an exact map of part of Kodiak. Invasion of Chiniak