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These are links to some of the best threads and posts on Big Time Software's Combat Mission forum. Because topics get buried quickly in the fourm, I have set up this archive to enshrine the best threads forever. No Combat Mission player should go without reading these at least once.

-Humor-     -Off Topic-     -Evolution-     -Poetry- 

-Strategy, tips, techniques-     -Peng-     -FAQs-



New Bug: CM does not properly model historical benefits of hi-res mods.
Started by Lawyer 6/8/01, rusurrected by Sledge59
Do high res mods defy the laws of physics? It's hard to tell, and results may vary for Macs and PCs.

I hate losing tanks on turn 4!
Started by Joeski 10/07/00, resurrected by Jadayne
Bullethead's hilarious (and accurate) explanation of allied AFV designations. Possibly Combat Mission's funniest thread ever. Anyone who has ever stared at their burning Shermans in frustration will appreciate this one.

Stunning new splash screen from professional illustrator
Started by David Aitken 9/12/00, resurrected by Russellmz and 109 Gustav
BTS ended up getting an artist to do Combat Mission's splash screen, but this was the runner-up.

Grog Data on "Natter GAP"
Started by Mensch 1/25/01, resurrected by Bruno Weiss
A discussion between grognard players about the technical aspects and tactical delicacies of gender relations within a CM household.

The infantry blowed up!
Started by Webs 11/4/99, resurrected by Russellmz and 109 Gustav
Some of the stranger uber-weapons that somehow never made it into Combat Mission. Another must read.

The Ultimate Niggle
Started by Shep 7/13/00, resurrected by Jeffsmith
Monty Python meets Combat Mission as arguments over birdsongs and holy hand grenades erupt. A classic post by BTS on page 2.

Plea for the Kitchen Sink
Started by Ron 5/8/00, resurrected by Russellmz and 109 Gustav
As the war in Europe was winding down, Germany was forced to improvise to arm it's troops... Beware, this post contains incomprehensible grognard talk on sink ballistics.

My yacht was destroyed leaving no trace...
Started by Darwin 10/6/00, resurrected by 109 Gustav
Disappearing assault boats- Vandalism or a jealous fishermen? I'm not saying, but Darwin and I did have a good poker game.


Off Topic

Combat Mission "Hit"
Started by Neutral Party 6/16/00, resurrected by Saru3000
The Combat Mission forum becomes a social place of drinking. Excellent advice on the best liquors, though I'll personally stick with beer. If you've never tried Scotch, you might just start after reading this thread.

I gotcha your Update RIGHT HERE!!! Wed. on CMHQ!!!
Started by Madmatt 12/29/99, resurrected by Madmatt
And you thought you knew your moderator! The inside story on life as a bouncer in a dance club. Read it and you'll never
post an off topic outside the General Discussion fourm again! "Can I take this guy down with direct force, how weak do his wrists look... how many of these guys can I hold off before help arrives?"


Evolution (Mommy, where did I come from?)

Old pic of CM Started by Darwin 2/28/00, resurrected by Russellmz
So you think Combat Mission has top-notch graphics? You do, huh? This thread shows just how much they've improved since the pre-alpha days. Don't you wish BTS had left the trees and houses as they were?



Started by Kurtz 6/9/00, resurrected by Kurtz
By far the finest
Combat Mission poetry
A grognard could find.

Grisly Grimley's
Started by Russellmz 10/28/00, resurrected by Russellmz
Combat Mission soldiers can die a thousand deaths, as these somewhat disturbing verses prove.


Strategy, Tips, and Techniques

Horrible luck strikes again! (A guide to fighting uber tanks)
Started by The Commissar 12/5/00, resurrected by Russellmz
Excellent advice for anyone who has ever been trounced by an opponent who bought nothing but King Tigers or Super Pershings.

Minefields-Best use of...
Started by Sgt. Steiner 10/28/00, resurrected by Will Fiveash
Tips on the best use of minefields for channeling and controlling an opponent's attack.


Peng Related

Of Cabbages and Kings
Started by MrPeng 4/22/00, resurrected by Berlichtingen
Peng at his best. (I have noidea what this thread is about)

The Awful TRUTH about Smilies: What the Thought Police Don't Want You to Know
Started by MrPeng 4/6/00, resurrected by Berlichtingen
Peng on the evils of smilies (I have noidea what this thread is about)

A possible source of the hamster myth
Started by MichaelU 9/29/00, resurrected by Russellmz
Luckily the hamster fad on the discussion boards has more or less fizzled out. This may explain how it started.


Frequently Asked Questions

Started by Russellmz 1/20/01, resurrected by Russellmz
A general FAQ that has evolved into... anything but an FAQ. Contains links to many other excellent FAQs, an excellent source for the answers to all the questions you were too drunk to remember how to ask.

"Top-Down" T.D.'s... Why?
Started by Fubart, resurrected by Russellmz
Everything you ever wanted to know about the doctrine behind the lightly armored, open roofed American tank destroyers. Lots of information on why we fought with the tanks that we did, and it's all easy for anyone to understand.


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