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The Official Combat Mission Antithicess Page

What the heck is Antithicess? Well, in the beginning, there were the cesspoolers and the grognards. The cesspoolers insulted each other and challenged each other to PBEMs, and the grognards held intense debates over the exact armor penetration values of the Pak43/41 88mm gun when fired at a target 3209 meters away during a light rain with a barometric pressure of 29.45 inches at 94% humidity, using a shell with an estimated 97.3% quality rating. Life was good, unless you happened to make the mistake of listening to the grognards. Then one day, it was tragically discovered that Michael Dorosh posessed a sense of humor. Somehow Slapdragon, Brian Rock, Spook and myself were able to create a new element from this: Antithicess. It is highly unstable, and posesses the properties of both cess and grog-speak.

Anybody willing to battle with the grognards is welcome, just head over to the latest Antithicess thread and fire off a challenge to the grog of your choice.

On the Anamolous Structure and Subsequent Reaction of the Cess and Anti-Cess Collision
     -A summary of Antithicess, by Captain Wacky

The start of all this nonsense

The second thread: Dorosh is God: The need to vent
Contains Soddball's new name for this substance, "Antithicess"

The third thread: Dorosh is NOT God, but just an overpaid intern

The fourth thread: I use Dorosh's scrotum as a Novelty Eggcup
    -I hope some grognard will confirm that this was the first thread in CM history to use the word "scrotum" in the title

The current thread: Dorosh might be God, just not at attacking, defending, or meeting engagements

Antithicess Images
     -Post pictures of your heroic troops here.

The Scoreboard



 Draws % Victory

 Average Score
(out of 100)

 109 Gustav 4  2  1  1 66.67  56.50
 Slapdragon 3  3  0   100  72.33
 Michael Dorosh 9  3  4  2  42.9 37.90
 Soddball 4  1  3   25 42.249
Captain Wacky 6  2  3  1  40 42.998
 Mannheim Tanker 3  0  3    0  22.33
 Argie 0  
 Wilhammer  3  2  1    66.67  59.33
 Terence  1  1  0    100  60
 Enoch  2  2  0    100  70.5
 Andreas  0  
 Silvio Manuel  1  1  0    100  53
 Gyrene  4  2  2    50 59.248
 Bad Monkey!  2  0  2    0  17  

*Draws count towards the total games played and average score, but not towards the % victory.

To send in a score, post the results of the game in the current Antithicess thread, where you can brag about your victory, or email me if you don't want to make your defeat public.
(To "adjust" your scores, send me some food.)