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Submit your files here!

-Mods-     -Scenarios-     -Posts-     -Images-     -Links-     -Other-


Include the following information with your mod:

The Last Defense will accept any mods, especially from first time mod makers and mods that don't really fit in anywhere else. Send the mod to me saved as a .zip file. Mac users can use ZipIt to create and extract .zip files. Before you send it, however, check and double check the mod for bugs, espcecially the infamous pink spots. I will not be responsible for any bugs in mods, and I will not be happy if I have to repost your mod after a bug fix. (Reposting after a valid update is just fine, however.)

You will not find very many mods from the great mod makers like Tiger, Molek, and Fernando. You can find their mods at CM HQ or Combat Missions. There is nothing wrong with their mods, but I would like to keep The Last Defense as a site for other mod makers.


Include the following information with your scenario:

While all scenarios are welcome, there is a special gallery for scenarios based on your home town or village. Everybody's made one of them, so send it here!


Send some!!! The Classic Threads page hasn't been updated since The Last Defense was built, and its looking a little bit dusty. Topics don't have to be old, as long as they're good enough that every Combat Mission player should read them. Please do not send links to threads from message boards other than Big Time Software's Combat Mission forums.


I will post any pictures that I feel are appropriate. However, to save space on the server, I will resize them so they are no bigger than 800x600 pixels. If you don't want me to shrink your pictures down, crop them yourself so they are no bigger than 800x600. Pictures should be sent in JPEG format. Include your name and a brief description of the picture. I will try to post pictures no later than the day I recieve them, but I'm not making any gaurentees.


If you have a Combat Mission website, or know of a resource that could be used by other Combat Mission gamers, such as a historical article or weapon information, send me the link and a description of the website or resource.

-Other Submissions

If you have anything else that you believe I should put on this website, send it to me. I'll decide if it goes on or not. If I get enough similar files, such as three AARs from different people, I will consider adding another section to The Last Defense.

Submit your files here!