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Story | Dragonball Z
Saiyan Saga
Five years have passed since the final battle of the DB SERIES with Goku and Piccolo in the 23rd Tenkaichi Budokai. A great peace has settled over the Earth. Goku, his wife Chi Chi, and their young child, Gohan, are happily enjoying a life of tranquility. That peace is disturbed by an alien from outerspace. His name is Radittz, and he claims that Goku is his brother. Both he and Goku, he says, are of the Saiyan race, a ruthless race of planet conquerors from the planet Vegeta, and that Goku has forgotten his origins due to a childhood head injury.

Now, Radittz expects Goku to fulfill his original mission: to destroy the planet Earth. Radittz is suprised to hear his brainwashed brother refuse his mission. In order to get his brother thinking right again, he kidnaps his son and says until he destroys all the inhabitants of earth, he will keep his son. Goku has no choice but to team up with Piccolo, his greatest enemy, to battle Radittz. Piccolo and Goku fight hard, and even Gohan shows some powers never before seen. After much fighting, Goku ends up sacrificing his own life in order to stop his evil brother. But while Radittz lies dying, he hears them talking about how Goku will come back. He asks how and secretly sets his scouter to record the conversation.

Piccolo tells the story of the Dragonball's powers and Raditz simply smiles and tells him that the Other two Saiyan warriors overheard the conversation, and will be coming to earth to collect the Dragon Balls, arriving there in exactly one year. Radittz dies. Everyone decides to train, and Piccolo takes Gohan to train, having seen his powers in the fight with Radittz. Everyone goes off to train.

In the after life, Goku learns of the master of Martial Arts, Kaio-sama, and wishes to get trained by him. The only trick is that he has to cross snake way, which is a very long path. Goku begins that path. Meanwhile, Gohan faces some intense survival and martial arts training from Piccolo, and Goku's friends Yamcha, Chaotzu, Tenshinhan, Yajirobe, and Krillin perfect their skills with Kame-sama.

One year after Goku's death, the two Saiyans arrive, Nappa and Vegeta. Right before they arrive though Kame-sennin wishes with the Dragon Balls for Goku to return, unfortunately he has to go back through snake way. It seems to be a hopeless cause, for Goku is not there. They fight there hearts out though anyway but all die except for Gohan and Krillin!! To make matters even worse, Nappa was the only one who fought!!! If you wanna make it EVEN worse, Piccolo died, so Kame-sama and the Dragon Balls dissapear along with him. What a day huh?

Gohan fights Nappa with all he has and when Nappa tries to put the finishing blow on Gohan, he whisped away into the air by his father, Goku. Goku begins to fight Nappa and shows that Nappa is a weakling to him. He shows off one of the two techniques he learns too, Kaioken, which allows you to gain tremendous speed. Before Goku finishes Nappa, Vegeta kills him, seeing that he is too weak and is no use any more. Now it is just between Goku, and the Prince of Saiyans, Vegeta.

The battle wears both of warriors out, Goku especially since he used Kaioken a little to much. But he still has one technique. He energy to Krillin from the Genki Dama and tells him to use it on Vegeta. He does so and Vegeta is thought to be dead, or is he. Vegeta returns and gets really REALLY mad now. He fights Gohan and Gohan does pretty well. But There was an artificial moon that Vegeta had made so he can turn Oozaru, its turns on him when Gohan looks at the full moon.

Gohan becomes Oozaru and beats up Vegeta very VERY bad. Vegeta manages to get the tail of though and Gohan shrinks back down. Vegeta signals his space pod in order to escape, but Krillin catches him and is about to deliver the final blow with a sword. Goku begs his friend to show mercy, and Krillin reluctantly agrees. Vegeta crawls into his pod and blasts off, leaving the weary survivors with a hard-won, bittersweet victory.

Piccolo was killed during the battle with the Saiyan's, and his spiritual counterpart Kami-sama died along with him. Therefore, the Dragon Balls lost their power, and could no longer be used to grant wishes. Our heroes realize that the only way to bring their dead friends back to life is to journey to Piccolo's homeworld of Namek, and find the original Dragon Balls, which were Kami-sama's model for the batch he created on Earth.

Freeza Saga
Goku's body has been completely ravaged by the battle with Vegeta, and he is not capable of making the journey. So, Bulma, Krillin and Gohan make the journey to Namek in the spaceship Kami-sama used to get to Earth thousands of years ago.

Once there, they find that not only has Vegeta healed and come looking for the Dragon Balls, but an unbelievably powerful being named Freeza is after them as well. Freeza's henchmen Kwui, Dodoria, and Zarbon are there to aid him in his bid for immortality, but all of them are dispatched singlehandedly by Vegeta. During this time, Gohan and Krillin save a Namek child named Dende from certain death, and he leads them to the Namek Elder, who awakens dormant powers within Dende and Gohan.

Meanwhile, Goku is on the way to Namek in a space pod that enables him to train at 100 times Earth's gravity, and his power level is rising dramatically due to the all-out endurance test he is putting his body through. At the same time, Freeza's reinforcements have arrived on Namek: 5 fearsome warriors known as the Ginyu Force, Recoome, Burter, Jeice, Guldo, and Captain Ginyu, a group so powerful that they give Vegeta, Krillin, and Gohan no choice but to either join forces, or die.

Vegeta kills Guldo without a problem, but next up is Recoome, who proves to be a vicious opponent, and suceeds in not only knocking Krillin and Vegeta down for the count, but almost killing Gohan. Goku finally arrives at the scene just as the battle has reduced everyone to utter helplessness, and he defeats Recoome and Burter with astonishing ease.

Ginyu then jumps into the fray, and he and Jeice are soon defeated, but not before badly damaging Goku's body, which confines him to a healing capsule. Our heroes have nothing now but to face their final confrontation with Freeza himself. Nail, a Namek warrior, is sent to fight Freeza as a distraction to give the Earthlings a chance to gather the Namek Dragon Balls, and when they finally do, the Namek Dragon, Porunga, is summoned. Unlike the Earth balls, these grant three wishes, the first of which brings Piccolo back to life, and the second which transports him directly to Namek. Before they can make the third wish, however, the Namek Elder, who is the source of power for the Namek balls, dies, and the balls vanish.

Piccolo rushes to aid the others, and en route, encounters the dying Nail, who has been defeated by Freeza. Nail offers Piccolo his life force, and they merge into one being, nearly doubling Piccolo's powers. Piccolo confronts Frieza and fights with all the spirit he has to avenge his people. The battle forces Freeza to mutate three times, increasing his power with each transformation.

Goku finally recovers from his wounds and returns to the fight, just in time to see Vegeta fatally wounded by Freeza. Vegeta begs his rival to make sure Freeza is defeated by Saiyan hands. Vegeta's last tearful wish is for Goku to become the warrior of legend, the Super Saiyan, a goal that Vegeta had been working towards all of his life. Vegeta then dies, and Goku takes on Freeza.

The battle is long and arduous, and Goku tells his friends to board his space pod and leave, because they are just getting in the way. But Freeza, unwilling to let anyone escape, kills Krillin, which sends Goku over the edge. He then transforms into the ultimate fighting machine . . .the most powerful being the universe has ever known . . . the Super Saiyan.

Meanwhile, on Earth, the ressurected Kami-sama has gathered his Dragon Balls and wishes everyone killed by Freeza back to life. This wish brings Porunga back as well, with the third, still unused wish, which transports everyone except Goku and Freeza to Earth, since Namek is on the verge of destruction. Everyone then appears on Earth, including all the Nameks, as well as Vegeta.

The battle between Freeza and Goku continues, and our hero is winning. The fight culminates with Freeza making a final attempt to kill Goku, which backfires, and he ends up slicing himself in half. He begs the Saiya-jin to help him, and Goku's good nature cannot ignore Freeza's pleas. He shares just enough power to allow his enemy to escape, but Freeza takes advantage of the opportunity, leaving Goku with no choice but to shoot a fireball in Freeza's face, finishing him once and for all. Namek then explodes, and Yamcha, watching with Kaio-sama and the others from Heaven, telepathically contacts Bulma to break the good news about Freeza's defeat, as well as the sad news about Goku's death on the exploded Planet Namek.

130 vdays pass, and, on Earth, the Namek balls are used to summon Porunga. Bulma wishes for the remains of Goku and Krillin to be brought back home. The dragon answers that this is fine for Krillin, but Goku is not dead, so he doesn't have any remains to be teleported. This is confusing to everyone, since they all assumed Goku had died along with Namek, but they continue. The second wish brings Krilin back to life, and the third ressurects Yamcha.

Another 130 days pass, and the balls are used again. The first wish brings back Tenshinhan, the second Chaotzu, and the third creates a new Namek, a "replacement" world for its stranded people.

After months and months of fighting, sacrifice, and nightmarish ordeals, everything and everyone is finally at peace. But there is a concern that is first and foremost in everyone's thoughts: Goku has still not returned to Earth, and his whereabouts are unknown...

Garlic Jr. Saga
With Freeza defeated everything seemed good. Krillen had gotten a girlfriend named Maron and Gohan was out fishing. But there was a terrible evil lurking around. Garlic Jr. has escaped the deadzone and he wants revenge on Goku. He heads to Kami's lookout and tells Kami that he will be the guardian of earth. But Garlic Jr. eventually takes Kami and Mr. Popo as prisoners by shrinking them and trapping them inside some glass bottle. Then Garlic Jr. fulfills his fathers mission to release the black water mist onto earth.

Meanwhile on the surface, everyone is at Master Roshii's house for a little party. But soon the black water mist starts to make everyone violent and evil. When Gohan arrives he sees that his mother has been infected with the mist as she starts to attack him. Then the rest of infected of his friends attacked Gohan and Krillen.

Garlic Jr.'s henchmen the Spice Boys pay a visit and are about to attack until Piccolo shows up. Piccolo tells Gohan and Krillen to go to Kami's lookout and release the Sacred water on earth to reverse the effects of the black water mist. As they go Piccolo continues to battle the Spice boys and the infected z fighters(yamcha, roshii, bulma, etc. no Tien or chaozu). But Yamcha grabs hold of Piccolo and bites him in the neck making Piccolo infected with the Mist.

Gohan and Krillen are at Kami's lookout and they see that they will have to get past Garlic jr. himself to get the sacred water. As they try the Spice boys show up with Piccolo! Piccolo wants to attack Gohan and Krillen but one of the spice boys holds him back. Then there is a battle between the spice boys and Krillen and Gohan. The spice boys has the clear advantage and nearly kill Krillen.

Piccolo then attacks Krillen and is able to infect Krillen. Now Gohan is by himself. But Piccolo and Krillen reveal that they were faking it all this time and they are able to free Kami and Popo. Piccolo begins to fight Garlic jr and tells Kami and Popo to go use the sacred water on earth. Garlic jr is able to transform into a bigger size with the energy of the Makyo star and is invincible since he wished for immortality.

The battle goes back and fourth but Garlic jr soon gets the clear advantage. But he then opens up the deadzone in hopes of putting the Z fighters in but Gohan uses a blast to destroy the Makyo star and sends Garlic Jr. into the deadzone once again.

Peace has been restored and all is well.

Android Saga
The Z warriors are taking time off to relax when suddenly an evil stench fills the air Freeza. None of them can believe it until they fly to the evil's origin and discover an enhanced Freeza, accompanied by his father, King Kold. The two prepare to destroy earth, since they know Goku will be arriving soon. Their plans are foiled by a young teenager who destroys Freeza's guards and then goes after Freeza himself. He then suddenly transforms into a Super Saiyan, surprising Freeza. Freeza trys desperately to destroy him. When that plan fails the SSJ tricks Freeza into the air where he is sliced and diced and never coming back again. King Kold follows afterwards.

The Z warriors are astounded at the Teen's powers, especially that he is a SSJ. The Teenager tells them Goku will arrive soon and leads them to a certain place and waits about 3 hrs. They wait and to everone's suprise, Goku does arrive! The Teen tests Goku by doing a quick spar and decides to spill his guts. He tells Goku that he is from the future, his name is Trunks, and he is the son of Bulma and Vegeta. But most importantly, he informs Goku that 2 incredibly powerful androids will appear on a south island in three years, the ones who terrorize his future. He also gives Goku Heart medicine, since he dies of a heart attack before being able to fight. Trunks leaves and Goku tells the android story to everyone else. Everyone decides to train for 3 years.

It has been three years after Mirai Trunks first arrived. A lot has happened. Vegeta has become more good then evil, and Trunks has been born. Everyone meets up at the South island and they see no trouble in the city Mirai Trunks informed the androids would be. The Z warriors go down looking for them and Yamcha finds them, but only to be impaled by one of the Android's arms. The Androids find Goku and they all go off to fight at a designated place. The Androids are revealed to be #19 and #20. Yamcha's life is saved by a senzu bean from Krillin. Goku becomes a SSJ and first faces #19. To everyones suprise Goku starts to lose, he is huffing and puffing while holding his chest. Then they remember ... The Heart disease. Part of Goku's energy is taken by #19 and the Healed Yamcha flies him home to get the medicine. But not until Vegeta arrives on the scene.

Vegeta arrives and kicks Goku out of the way. He tells everyone he has been watching from above, and that he will face #19. Then he asks the androids "Can you machines feal fear" and transforms into a SSJ. The Androids had gathered data from all fights previous to Goku's SSJ transformation, so they dont know the weaknesses of it. SSJ Vegeta now fights #19 and almost gets his energy absorbed by the android, until he knocks his head off.

#20 is the only android left and decides to run to the moutains. It is also revealed that #20 is Dr. Gero, in an enhanced android form. Everyone follow Dr. Gero but can't seem to locate him, since the androids have no ki. Dr. Gero comes out from hiding at attacks Piccolo, stealing his energy. Dr. Gero does a quick fight with the Z warriors and then continues running. Mirai Trunks and Bulma show up at the scene and Trunks says that he has never seen #20 before. The future had been altered ...

Bulma finds out that Trunks is her son and she is very suprised. Bulma also reveals to them the location of Dr. Gero's laboratory, and they all zoom toward it, before Dr. Gero can awaken the other androids. They arrive and are to late, Dr. Gero had awakened #17 and his twin sister #18. Dr. Gero tells them to get them but they refuse to his suprise. After to much of Dr. Gero's bickering #17 kicks his head off, and then stomps on it. #17 and #18 then awaken #16, who is a little different. He is 100% mechanical and not built from a human base, like #17 and #18. He seems to be rather quiet. The Z warriors just stand around watching as the Androids leave to find Goku. Trunks reveals that #17 and #18 are the ones from his timeline, but he has never seen #16.

The Three androids have some fun and take their time traveling to get Goku. Their trip is interrupted by the Z warriors who challenge the Androids. Vegeta then challenges #18 and says he wont go easy just because she is a girl. #17 says if anyone interferes, he will be forced to join in. Vegeta fights #18, but is getting weaker and weaker and gets his arm broken. Trunks cant stand to see his father suffer and tries to slice #18, but his sword breaks on impact. #17 gets involved as promised and it becomes a free for all. #16 and Krillin decide not to join the fight.

Everyone is defeated and near death except #17 and #18 who are unharmed. They walk off to continue after Goku, and tell Krillin to give them senzu beans, since their main purpose is defeating Goku. They leave and Krillin gives out the Senzu beans. Everyone is healed and Piccolo gets an idea and goes off to find Kami-sama to merge with him. The two merge and become one, making Piccolo a hell of alot stronger.

Goku is still injured and the Z warriors take him in Bulma's ship and begin flying him to Kamesennin's where he will be safe. Bulma reveals that another space ship was found, which appears to be Trunks. Trunks, Krillin, Gohan, and Bulma go to check it out and indeed it is. They also find a hatched egg with a weird creature. They go away but when they come back it is gone. The news reports that a rather large city's inhabitants all suddenly dissapeared.

The creature is found to be causing the mysterious dissapearances by absorbing everyones energy. Piccolo arrives on the scene and fights the creature. The two fight until Piccolo loses his arm, to stall time to regenerate Piccolo asks the creature to spill his guts. The creature reveals that he is an android named Cell, a creation of Dr. Gero. Trunks had eventually killed #17 and #18. He stole Trunks time machine in the future and killed Mirai Trunks so that he could come to the past to absorb #17 and #18, who are dead where he is from. He needs there power in order to be in perfect form. Piccolo thanks him and regenerates his arm.

Cell fights again against Piccolo and then goes off to get #17 and #18.

During this time, Goku fully recovers from the heart disease. Chi Chi gets very excited and so does everyone else. Goku says he heard most of the things that have happened in his dreams. He also plans to train with the other Saiyans Mirai Trunks, Gohan, and Vegeta. There goal? . . . .To surpass Super Saiyan.

Cell Game
The Saiyans return from training in the Room of Spirit and Time. Gohan, Goku, Vegeta, and Mirai Trunks have all increased their power significantly. Now it was time to get Cell. Unfortunately Cell is very close to becoming a perfect being, and when he does, all hell will break lose.

Cell fights against Vegeta who wants to redeem his pride. It is a very long, and involved fight between the two and Vegeta gets him self beat up very badly. But he got a couple of good hits in . . . . I guess. Anyways #17 #18 and #16 arrive and Cell sees his chance. He absorbs #17 and #18, but not #16, since he only needs the other two.

No one Challenges him so he thinks of the fights as games, thus comes the name, the Cell Game. Cell then says that there will be a tournament to anyone that thinks they can beat him, also known as the Tenkaichi Budoukai. The first person to fight Cell is Mr. Satan. He is easily defeated, and the next challenger is Goku!!! Guess who wins... Goku!!! but Cell uses some of his last bit of strength to blow up the solar system. Just before the blast, Goku teleports himself to Kaio-sama's planet with Cell to finish him off and says his good byes to everyone.(clip here) He teleported everyone else to another solar system and sacrifices himself to save the Earth.

Everyone gets real sad and then there is more bad news. It seems that Cell has regenerated form one single cell. Just as that wasnt enough, he also created little spawns of him, Cell Jr's. The Cell Jr's fight everyone and everyone tries there best to fight them. Trunks transforms into a USSJ. Everyone fights Gohan is taken to be Cell's next challenger.

Cell wants Gohan to be more of a challenge so he makes him real mad by killing #16, who aided the Z warriors for a little bit. Calling him a defect Cell crushes #16's head. Gohan then becomes enraged at the death of #16 and it causes him to go beyond SSJ, to SSJ2. Everyone looks on in disbelief of the transformation, but hey they wont argue against it. This is a spectacular scene, and to me, the best scene every created in DBZ.

Gohan is tough junk now and Cell sees that he went a little too far. Gohan then destroys all of the Cell Jr's with, killing them all with the slightest hits. He then goes after Cell, having not forgotten what he has done. Gohan fights Cell and gains the upperhand rather easily and proves to be too much for the android.

In the fight, Gohan's arm is broken so, in order to defeat Cell, he fires a one handed Kamehameha. Out of know where, Vegeta fires a ki blast from the sky to surpise Cell and to give Gohan enough time to get him. Gohan's Kamehameha is too strong for Cell and over powers him (clip here). Everyone is brought back to life that was killed be Cell except for Goku because he has already been brought back more then once. Goku watches his son from above, but Kaio-sama keeps yelling at him for bring Cell to his planet and destroying it.

Majin Buu Saga
Seven years have passed since the Cell Game. Krillin has married Android #18, because she was wished to be a human. They have a daughter named Marron. Chi Chi has a second son named Goten. Goten and Trunks have had the ability to turn Super Saiyan at a very early age. Gohan has met a girl in school that he is dating named Videl. Videl is the daughter of Mr. Satan. When Cell was destroyed, everyone thought that Mr. Satan had destroyed him, since he was there at the right place at the right time. It is rounding up to the Tenkaichi Boudukai time of year, and Goku has been granted one day to meet with the other Z warriors.

One Day, Gohan is attacked by two men and his energy is stolen. When Gohan is awakened he sees a blue dude named Kaio-shin. Kaio-shin tells him that his energy was stolen to help revive Buu, an evil creation that Mage name Babidi is trying to revive. If his slaves continue to gather energy then Buu will be revived. Buu's slaves finally get enough energy, and Buu is revived.

Babidi is very excited until his plan backfires. Buu kills Babidi seeing that there is no need for him. It turns out that the two slaves of Buu were Dabura and Vegeta! Who was possesed with the evil majin power. Vegeta wants to become more powerful so he goes evil again and lets Majin Buu posses him, turning into Majin Vegeta. Majin Vegeta can turn Super Saiyan 2. Goku fights him to get Vegeta back in line.

He wins and tells him that Good always triumphs over evil. Vegeta realizes that he was right and decided to switch plans, he self destructs himself in hopes of killing Buu. The plan fails and now Goku goes off to face the revived Buu.

Goku goes Super Saiyan 2 and even SSJ3. Even with this new immense power, he cant seem to defeat Buu. Meanwhile Gohan goes to Kaio-shin's planet to receive special training. Then Goku remembers, he only has one day. He goes off to teach Piccolo the fusion dance that he had learned in the afterlife, Piccolo learns it and then passes it on to Goten and Trunks.

When Goten and Trunks fuse, they become Gotenks. Gotenks eventually reachs SSJ3 and goes off to try his luck on Buu. Gotenks is killing Buu but is a careless and inexperienced warrior, like a child you could say. Buu takes advantage of that and takes over the body and becomes even stronger. Then as if that wasnt enough, he absorbs Piccolo. He must be full.

Kaio-shin realizes that the Earth is in great danger so he sacrifices himself so Goku can live again. Before Goku returns to earth though, he recieves a pair of potara earrings, which are used for permanent fusion. Goku gets a pair of potara earrings. Gohan is back now and Goku tosses one to Gohan but Gohan drops it. Buu then absorbs Gohan while he is distracted and becomes Ultimate Buu.

King Yama grants Vegeta life to help fight against Buu. When Vegeta arrives, he and Goku fuse and become Vegetto. They defeat Buu, and then purposely get eaten in hopes of breaking the permanent fusion, miraculously it does. They then escape through Buu's pores. Buu turns back into Majin Buu and blows up the Earth in a final desperate attempt.

Kaio-shin teleports to earth to help Goku teleport Vegeta, Mr. Satan and his dog to Planet Plant because Mr. Satan demanded it. Vegeta is outraged that they rescued him and not the Z Warriors. Majin Buu teleports to Planet Plant. Goku gets beaten badly and Vegeta starts attacking Buu so Goku can have enough energy to create a Genki Dama. Some remaining friends find the Namek dragonballs in order to wish back the Earth and everyone one else. Thinking ahead, they save the last wish for later.

When Goku finishs the Genki Dama, which gathered energy from people in the havens, and everyone on Earth. Goku throws it at Buu but Buu pushs it back. Dende uses the last wish in order to give Goku his strength back. Goku, now at his best, pushes back the Genki Dama to Buu killing him.

Gohan marries Videl which makes Chi Chi very happy. They have a daughter named Pan. Ten years later, Fat Buu is revived into a young boy called Ubuu. Goku starts to train him because he has great potiential, but mainly because he is curious to see who is stronger than who. Goku disappears with Ubuu to go train.
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