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Ryvius Timeline

This is the companion page to Story, which tells the beginning of Ryvius, and Episode Synopsis, which tells the story episode by episode. This page will utilize the Episode Synopsis in links, and add information from the artbooks, which comes from the drama CDs and other sources.

Reading the Timeline: Dates are arranged by year, month, and then day, when known. Because most exact dates are not known, a time skip of indeterminate length is indicated by a new paragraph with a dash in front.

Information found in books are noted in italics, followed by the book I got it from.

Birthdays are listed in various materials, and in this timeline are listed AFTER the events in the larger periods of time. I'm presuming that ages given in them are for the start of the series. Any ages that I have doubt of, or are surpised by, have little (?)s (and probably huge comments) next to them.

Also, this page has Huge Spoilers. Please do not read if you are not prepared for information at the end of the series.


Year AD

2137- Geduld Phenomenon occurs. The solar system is blanketed in a cloud-like sea of particles and radiation caused by a massive solar flare (explained by Kouji at the beginning of sere 7).

2213- Ryvius accident- The experimental Vaia-ship, Black Ryvius, awakens partially during an attenpmt to move the two parts, the bratica and the Vital Guarder, separately. The gravitational field generated by the ship destroys the equipment and kills the crew working on it (Viscuess speaks of this near the end of episode 22).
-Afterwards, the ship in its entirety is hidden inside the new Navigational trainship satellite Liebe Delta.

2225- end of March- Kouji Aiba leaves Earth for the Liebe Delta.

March 29- Aoi's 16th brithday.

April- Kouji complete the paperwork to become roommates with Ikumi Oze. He hopes that being around someone skilled will help him improve his own performance (Gakken Mook).

April 6- Kouji's 16th birthday.

April 23- Ran's 17th birthday.

April 28- Dive Break begins. The elite Zwei students begin a simulation of a program to send the Liebe Delta near the Geduld Sea. It is sabotaged. Events of Sere 1.

April 29- Mr. campbell and the remaining teachers attempt a Purge to slow the descent of the space station and allow the students to evacuate.

April 30- Liebe Delta descends into Sere 2. Team Blue get their hands on Good Turtleland III and beat information out of him. The Tandel anchors the Ryvius. Neya awakens as the students move from the Liebel to the Ryvius itself.

-Nicks finds the VG control room. Berkovich recalls the other Vaia-ships to the solar system and sends the Impulse specifically after the Ryvius. The Zwei use a pilotting exercise to both get some work done and gauge the skills of the lower class Navigators. Yuki Aiba comes in as the #1 pilot. Juli adds Yuki to Kouji's group. Nicks shows Ikumi and Kouji the robot he found. Yuki beats the crap out of Kouji.

May 2- The Ryvius awakens and destroys Abend 1 and Abend 2. Airs Blue's 15th or 16th birthday, depending on how you look at it (he's listed as being "15" so mostly likely he turned fifteen...).

May to June- The Zwei learn more about the ship (sere 6). Gran start VG training with the top four Second Class Navigators. Team Blue takes over the bridge (sere 7).

-Lucson first sights a Vaia- a "space-squid" (sere 7, near the end).

-Battle at Mars (sere 8, 9, and 10). Gran and Son's betrayal and punishment (10). Kouji arranges a ship-wide party to raise morale. The Ryvius is declared a terrorist group on Earth as Berkovich covers up the truth- that they're merely students- in order to get his hand on the ship (sere 11, with sere 12 revealing Berkovich and Viscuess's Operation Vecker).

-The points System is implemented (sere 13, right at the beginning).

July 14- Michelle's birthday (see Cliff in October).

July to September- Blue changes course to Saturn. Cliff dumps Charlie. Ikumi promises to protect Kozue and they share their first kiss. The battle against the Impulse commences (sere13).

-Battle against the Blue Impulse. Hyperion is destroyed. Airs Blue is ousted from power (sere 14 and 15).

-Blue is in hiding, the rest of his team captured. Nicks finds Neya. Kouji goes to the Lift-ship. Blue sees Neya (sere 16).

-Conrad Viscuess is given command of the Grey Geshpenst by Berkovich's order. Kouji is attacked after training with the VG Ops. When Kozue acts out, Reiko asks if she wants to be like him.

August 27- Yuki's 15th birthday (I know I said "ages at the beginning of the series. Yuki is listed at 15, which, if he turned 16, would make him a mere three months younger than Kouji. Making him 14-turning-15 for the beginning gives Mommy Aiba fifteen months in between her boys, which is much more reasonable).

August 31- Juli's 17th birthday.

September 1- Faina's 17th birthday.

Beginning of October- The Crimson Dicastia attacks (sere 17). Battle against the Dicastia. Kouji finds Blue. Ikumi sides with Yuki (to his surprise) when Yuki calls him out for abandoning his post. Kozue is attacked by the other girls (sere 18). Juli resigns as captain. Michelle escapes and frees Cliff and Charlie. Ikumi and Kozue isolate themselves from their friends (sere19).

-Ikumi's policy on eluding external enemies is to hide in the Geduld as he focuses on controlling the student on the ship. Kozue refuses to see Aoi. Aoi tries to get the Aiba brothers to make up, and fails (sere 20). Ikumi, using the Vital Guarder, forces his harsh system of order on the ship. Kouji cannot get to him, and Aoi breaks down when she finds him (first part of sere 21).

October 11- Cliff's 16th (?!) birthday (this would make Cliff only nine months older than Michelle, which is possible but not likely, nor comfortable for Mommy Cay. Cliff is listed as 15 in source materials, Michelle as 14. So it is more likely that Cliff is fifteen-going-on-sixteen, and Michelle is thirteen-going-on-fourteen at the beginning of the series).

October 12- Heigar's 18th birthday.

November 4- The Ryvius is en route to Uranus. Kouji almost uses the needlegun when he is getting beat up (again). Kouji returns to find Aranea attacking Aoi. He tries to comfort her (It is unsaid, but fairly obvious, that they become intimate. Sere 21). Neya's emotions awaken fully. On Earth, Shimomura questions Berkovich's use of the Vaia-ships.

-Ikumi destroys another Vaia-ship in the Geduld from normal space.

December 13- Heigar institutes the E-rank separation. Pat's 9th birthday. Kouji confronts Ikumi and is shot. Cliff performs the surgery to remove the needles. Battle with teh Geshpenst commences.

December 16- Kouji and Aoi get aboard the Lift-ship. Battle with the Gespenst ends. Neya confronts Viscuess. Kouji confronts Ikumi. Help comes, and they are finally able to go home (Sere 25).

December 22- Ikumi's 17th birthday.



January 17- Kozue's 17th birthday.

-Kouji, upon arriving home, receives a white rose from an unknown sender on Jupiter. Around 410 students return home. Airs Blue and Ikumi Oze are both unknown. Ikumi Oze turns up as a non-existance in every database (Gakken Mook).

-Kouji spends his time in and out of the hospital for recuperation and physical therapy. Aoi has to repeat a year of high school.

-Lucson's biography hits the bestseller's list, but is a flop with his acquaintances due to the overdone drama (Gakken Mook).

-Cullen visits Yuki and demands he sort out his feelings. He tells Aoi later that he's sorry, but he's over her (Gakken Mook. The 'dumping' scene is also in the manga).

March 3- Lucson's 18th birthday.

Around March- After Kouji leaves the hospital, he and Aoi have a date. Kutsugi visits the children who were aboard the Ryvius, asking them to return, and that day goes to both Aoi and Kouji's houses. Kouji decks him, but decides after he's gone to return (Sere 26).

March 29- Aoi's 17th brithday.

April 6- Kouji's 17th birthday.

April 23- Ran's 18th birthday.

May 2- Airs Blue's 16th or 17th birthday (see earlier for my comments).

July 14- Michelle's birthday (turns either 15 or 16).

August 27- Yuki's birthday (most likely is turning 16).

August 31- Juli's 18th birthday.

September 1- Faina's 18th birthday.

September- The return to the Ryvius. Yuki finally beats Blue in a fight (inferred from the scene). Kouji and Ikumi make up. Aoi and Kozue make up. Lucson and Juli are made co-captains. The Ryvius departs for Titania, starting visits to those who didn't or couldn't return (Sere 26).

October 11- Cliff's birthday (most likely turning 17).

October 12- Heigar's 19th birthday.

December 22- Ikumi's 18th birthday.

The unknown future- The six completed Vaia-ships raise the solar system out of the Geduld, preventing it's destruction in a second Geduld Phenomenon (Sere 26, ending credits).


Quick Reference: Episode List

Sere 1: The Time We Should Come Forth / Sere 2: Unnecessary Things / Sere 3: Cross the Ocean \ Sere 4: Ryvius's Ring \ Sere 5: A Small Conclusion \ Sere 6: My Moment \ Sere 7: Changing Times \ Sere 8: We Didn't Know Anything \ Sere 9: Vital Guarder \ Sere 10: Even If We Couldn't Believe \ Sere 11: After the Party \ Sere 12: The Whereabouts of the Future \ Sere 13: If Only to Meet \ Sere 14: To Be Too Conscious \ Sere 15: When We Set Adrift \ Sere 16: Distorted World \ Sere 17: Unrestrained Order \ Sere 18: We Didn't Understand \ Sere 19: A Smile From You \ Sere 20: Things You Can't Give Up \ Sere 21: We Don't Need Tomorrow \ Sere 22: In Order to Survive \ Sere 23: The Torn-off Past \ Sere 24: Kouji Aiba \ Sere 25: In Order to be Me \ Sere 26: Tomorrow


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