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Estate and Will Records

Arkansas - Pulaski County
In the name of God - I - John Pyeatt do make my last will and testament, being mindful of my mortality and in my senses. First I resign my soul into the hands of my Creator from whence it came, hoping and believing in a remission of my sins. First I desire that my wife, Patsy and my brother Peter Pyeatt shall be the superintendents of my estate. My will and request is that the land I live on and hold must not be sold, but kept and preserved for my heirs. Also the negro girl not to be sold, to be together with the land and all my personal estate, to be equally divided in share and share alike. The stock such as cattle and horses may be sold together with anything belonging to my farm, for the better maintenance and education of my children, except the land and the negro girl named Lidda. After my wife, Patsy, obtains her third, which I do will bequeth her after my just debts are paid. The remainder and remains of all to be equally divided between my children in share and share alike. In testamony whereof I have set my hand and seal. John Pyeatt
In the presence of: John Carnahan, H. P. Pyeatt, An. Roland Jan 20, day of our Lord, 1823 by John Carnahan and H P Pyeatt. Sworn to in open court, this the 4th day of March, A.D. 1823. Sam Anderson, clerk

Kentucky - Boone County
According to the will of Laban Lodge he and Catherine Sherrod Piatt had 8 children. He left 485 acres in Boone County, KY to the children as follows.: Nancy Lodge, 43 acres; Caleb Lodge, 46 acres; Catherine Lodge 64 acres; Frances Lodge 62 acres; ? Lodge, 64 acres; Robert P. Lodge, 69 acres; L.W.C Lodge 78 1/2 acres; William Lodge, 78 1/2 acres. (per Roy Appleton

Abstract by Elise Greenup Jourdan (was from photocopy of will; sent me by Carolyn Bray Mills:
Will of Robert Piatt - Will Book G, page 120, Boone Co., KY I, Robert Piatt of the County of Fountain in the State of Indiana, being in good health of body and of sound mind and understanding, and in view of the uncertainty of life, do make and publish this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and making void all former wills by me at any time heretofore made & hereby ratifying and confirming this as my last will and testament.
First I direct that my body be decently interred and that my funeral be conducted in a manner corresponding with my estate and condition in life and as to such worldly estate as it hath pleased God to entrust me with, I dispose of same in the following manner, to wit,
I direct first that all my just debts and funeral expenses by paid by my executor as soon as possible after my decease out of any moneys which may come into his hands of my estate real or personal
Item - i direct and it is my will that my personal estate (except money in hand or due to me) be and remain after my decease, in the possession and for the use of my beloved wife Ann Piatt, during her natural life and after her decease, the same shall be sold by my executor or his successor for the benefit of my children to be equally divided among them
Item - As to the Real Estate of which i may be in possession at the time of my decease, I direct as follow - and it is my will that the same shall be divided among my four sons, Daniel, John, William and Jacob, and my grandchildren, the children of my two deceased daughters, Elizabeth who intermarried with Doct. Israel T (?) Canby and Catharine who intermarried with Laban lodge, so as to give to the heirs of each of my said deceased daughter an amount in value equal to one half of the amount in value that each of my said sons shall receive, so that each of my said sons shall have of my real estate double the amount that the heirs of each of my said deceased daughters shall receive - such division to be exclusive of the lawful dower of my wife Ann Piatt. In as much as I have given to my said children from time to time, a portion of my estate, to some more & to others less, I desire and it is my will that they be respectively charged with whatever each one may have received to that each heir or their legal representatives may account for the same in the settlement of my estate by my executor and thus be placed on equal footing.
I charge my son Daniel Piatt to be accounted for by him -
120 acres of land at $12.00 per acre $1440
1 Negro boy (James) $200
I also charge my son John Piatt to be accounted for by him
190 acres land at $12.00 per acre $2280.00
I also charge the heirs of my deceased daughter Elizabeth Canby to be accounted for by them -
1 Horse, Saddle and Bridle $150.00
1 Negro Girl $200. -
I also charge to the heirs of my deceased daughter Catharine Lodge to be accounted for by them -
1 Negro Girl (Mary) $200.00
1 Gray Mare & Saddle 80.00
I also charge to my son William Piatt to be accounted for by him
1 Horse $50.00
20 acres of land adjoining town of Toledo in the State of Ohio for which he holds my title bond, the value of which said land I shall determine and charge to him on account.
I also charge to my son Jacob Piatt to be accounted for by him
1 Horse (pony) $26.00
2 Negroes, 1 man & 1 woman $600.00
I desire and it is my present intention if Providence spares my life and circumstances will otherwise permit, to give to my sons William Piatt and Jacob Piatt, so much of my estate during my life time as will place them on an equal footing with my two other sons, Daniel & John, but if I should not accomplish this purpose before my decease, then the foregoing charges are to be taken into account in settling my estate and if I shall be enabled to carry out my intentions in reference to my said sons William & Jacob, the amounts to be paid to them will be charge to each respectively on account. In reference to the division of Real Estate among my heirs, I desire and it is my will that after my beloved wife Ann Piatt shall have received her dower of the same, according to the Laws in such case made and provided that the said heirs or their legal representatives if they can agree, shall divide the same fairly and justly, that in the event of any such heirs or their legal representatives being dissatisfied with such division, I then desire and it is my will that my said heirs shall mutually choose three disinterested individuals qualified for such purpose to make such division in accordance with the provisions herein before mentioned. And finally, I do hereby make and ordain my son William Piatt the Executor of this my last will & testament and in the event of his death, then I appoint the next surviving brother as the Executor of this my last will and testament.
In witness whereof, I, Robert Piatt, the testator have hereunto set my hand and seal this ____ day of April in the year of our Lord Eighteen hundred and forty five /s/ ROBERT PIATT (Seal) (unable to read witnesses)
Whereas I Robert Piatt on the ___- day of April Eighteen hundred and forty five made my last will and testament of that day. I do hereby declare devise and make the following codicil to the same will I nominate and appoint my son Daniel Piatt the Executor (sole) of my said will and testament in stead of my son William Piatt named as executor in the will aforesaid hereby revoking so much much of the aforesaid as confers upon said William the appointment of Executor. And whereas in the aforesaid will & testament I did not charge to my son William the value of the 20 acres adjoining the City of Toledo Ohio I now determine to ____ the value of the sane & charge him for said land to be accounted for him - the sum of fifteen hundred dollars $1500.00 and direct he account for and be charged with that sum in the adjustment of his share of my estate Hereby making this as an addition to the will aforesaid In Testimony whereof, I, Robert Piatt, the Testator aforesaid have herewith set my hand and seal this fifteenth day of June A.D. 1849 at Lawrenceburg Indiana /s/ Robert Piatt (Seal)
The within and foregoing codicil to the will of Robert Piatt - was signed and sealed by the said Robert Piatt in the presence of us And we the undersigned names as witnesses hereto - at the request of such testator and in the presence of each other - the said Piatt at the time of subscribing the same declaring that the will and ___ this Codicil & the Codicil with his last will and testament Witness our hand fifteenth day of June AD 1849 Abram Brower // Dan S. Major
Commonwealth of Kentucky sct. Boone County Court This withing purposing to be the last will and testament of Robert Piatt deceased together with the codicil annexed and there under written was exhibited in court by Daniel Piatt Execurot therein named and proved according to the law by the oathes of Abram Brower and Dan S. Major subscribing witnesses thereunto and therefore ordered to be recorded as the true last will and testament and codicil of the said Robert Piatt. . . [can't read] duly recorded. /s/ J. [or T.] Hamilton, Clk.
{Note: The Lawrence portion of the above town name is very clear, but the rest of the word is not. I found a Lawrenceburg [now in Dearborn Co.] on the the Ohio River at the point where Ohio, Kentucky and Indiana meet. Perhaps some of you out there know if this Lawrenceburg is correct. In the beginning the will he states he is in the location of Fountain County which is slightly north west of Indianapolis on the Illinois line. EGJ]

Abstract by Elise Greenup Jourdan ( from photocopy of will; sent me by Carolyn Bray Mills:
Town of Burlington, County of Boone, and State of Kentucky: I, Lewis Riddell, being weak in body . . .make my last will and testament First, all of my debts to be paid . . . Second, Whereas I have advanced to my daughter Miliscent Piatt property consisting of one Negro girl named Jane and other articles, the whole of which I estimate at $500 . . .as my other children come of age or marry a sum equal to that advanced to Miliscent Piatt . . .be given them Third, It is my will that my family should continue to reside together under the control of my wife Ann Riddell . . .until they are of age or marry Fourth, to wife Ann Piatt [line or lines missing] . .sd. 1/3 part of estate to be held by other executors should she remarry; she and her husband to have no control over any of my estate Fifth, to my children Millicent Piatt, Ann Riddell, Medaline Riddell, Charles Riddell, Lafayett Riddell and Mary Jane Riddell [?remainder] of my estate both real and personal Sixth, to my son Charles Riddell my silver patent (?) watch and to Ann Riddell my gold watch Seventh, his freedom to my old Negro man provided he leave the State of Kentucky immediately and not return Eighth, should any of my children die without heirs, their portion to be divided equally among the remaining children Ninth, my wife Ann Ridell, guardian of my children, who I wish to have an opportunity to have as good an education as my estate and their abilities will admit of Tenth, I authorize my executors to manage all my estate, renting and caring for land and houses Eleventh, children's portion to be distributed before wife's portion laid off to her Twelveth, appoint my wife Ann Riddell Executrix, my son-in-law John Piatt and brother-in-law Charles Chambers, executors 15 Nov 1827 /s/ Lewis Riddell Wit. Jas. M. Preston Edmond F. Vawter John (mark) Ross Boone County Court, January Term, 1828; proven before Willis Graves, Clerk.
Administrator's Bond: Josie Piatt, appointed admnx. Dr. L. H. Piatt, deceased, intestate; 27 Nov 1885; Boone Co., KY

Kentucky - Fayette County - Book C 1794-1818
Page 51 Salem Piatt: To the eldest daughter of John Bodley; to Kitty Peel, John Bodley, and James Shely Witnesses: Samuel Q. Richardson, W. Montgomery, and David Stee Probated: January 1814

Louisiana - Acadia Parish
Acadia Parish Probate (Succession) Index through 1997. Information furnished by Robert Barousse, Acadia Parish Clerk of Court, Crowley, LA
Davis, Elizabeth Pyeatt Apr 18, 1994 14090 Succession

Missouri - Bates County
Pyatt?, John, d int. Admr, James D Cook, 23 Feb 1866. Sec, A . J. Satterlee & John H Cook. (383)

Missouri - Boone County
  • Piatt, Jacob (see dependant Civil War pension application under Bates Co, MO, on the Civil War page) died 10th Aug 1883 (could have been somewhere besides Bates Co, MO) administrator was W. L. Cochran; guardian of one of the children was John A. McBride; listed children were Nettie V Piatt born 1st Jul 1869, Edgar M Piatt born 19 Sep 1875 Oliver F Piatt born 24 Oct 1877 and Minnie Piatt born 27 Apr 1871

    Missouri - Crawford County
    Bryan, William A., Will dated 19 Nov 1867. Wife, Elizabeth Bryan, all estate while she remains a widow, then divided between mine, and my wife Elizabeth's two present children, William E Bryan and Sarah Emeline Bryan. Heirs of my eldest daughter, Julian Chandler, decd; daughter, Mary Ann Pyatt; daughter, Emily Duke; son, John Bryan; and son James Bryan. Exr. William J Chapman. Wit: Frederick Molesdale & Robert H Coleman. Filed 31 Mar 1868. Will book A (114-116)[full text below]

    Last Will and Testament of William A Bryan/t of Crawford Co. State of Missouri.
    In the name of God Amen, I William A Bryan of the county of Crawford and state of Missouri, being in bad health of body and of sound mind and disposing mind, memory. Praised be God for the same and being desirous of settling my worldly affairs while I have strength and capacity So to do, make and publish this my last will and Testament that is to say.:
    1st I will and bequeath to my wife Elizabeth Bryan my Bay Mare and side saddle,togeather with all my household and Kitchen furniture., also my--------?--------? cattle, hogs, while the said Elizabeth Bryan remains my widow.But if she should marry then this property to go to mine and my wifes, Elizabeth two minor children William E and Sarah Emeline Bryan.
    2nd I will and bequeath to my son William E Bryan my gray filly and saddle.
    3rd I will and bequeath to my daughter Sarah Emeline Bryan the sum of ten dollars.
    4th I will and bequeath to the heirs of my eldest daughter Julia?------- in addition to what I have already given her the sum of ten dollars.
    5th I will and bequeath to the heirs of my son Joel Bryan in addition to what I have hereto fore given him the sum of ten dollars.
    6th I will and bequeath to my daughter-Louisa Andrews/Andrues? in addition to what I have already given her the sum of $10.00
    7th I will and bequeath to my daughter _Mary Ann Pyatt in addition to what I have given her the sum of $5.00
    8th I will and bequeath to my daughter Emily Duke in addition to what I have already given her the sum of $5.00
    9th I will and bequeath to my son John Bryan in addition to what I have already given him the sum of $5.00
    10th I will and bequeath to my son James Bryan in addition to what I have already given him the sum of $5.00
    11th I will and bequeath that my debts and funeral expenses be paid and that the remainder of my estate, both Realestate and personal or ------ or of money and effects not before herin disposed of be sold and equally devided between all my children including my wife Elizabeth Bryan.
    12th I do hereby constitute and appoint, William ? Chapman of Crawford Co. state of Missouri my sole Executor or of this my Last Will and Testament. In testamony where of I have set my hand and seal at Crawford Co. aforsaid on this 19th day of November in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Seven. William A Bryan seal
    Signed and sealed by said William A Bryan as and for his last will and Testament in the presence of us who in his presence and in presence of each other, and at his ---------? have -------------? to subribed our names as witnesses:
    Fredrick--------------? Molesdali??? Robert----? ____________? Coleman?? State of Missouri
    County of Crawford In Vacation of the Probate Court
    Be it remembered that on this 31st day of March 1868, personally appeared before the undersigned Wm. M Robinson Clerk of the Probate Court . of the county and state, aforesaid Fredrick ________( Mobsdale/Molesdale)? and Robert H Coleman, the subscribing witnesses to the aforesaid Will of William A Bryan, and being by me- first duly sworn depose ans say that the said William A Bryan the Testor, subscribed the same in their presence and published the said will or instrument of writing as his last Will, that he the said Testor was at the time of the publishing his said will , of sound mind and more than twenty over years of age, and that they the said _____?________?an that the said will as witnesses heret o by subscribing their names to the same in the presence of said Testor
    Fredrick Molesdale
    R H Coleman
    In witness hereo I Wm M Robison clerk of the Probsate Court, of the County of Crawford state of aforesaid have hereto subscribed my name and affixed the seal of said court, at office in the County aforesaid This 31st day of March 1868.
    Wm, M Robison, clerk
    Filed March 31st , 1868 and duly recorded April 3rd 1868
    Wm H Robison
    [William A Bryan's children all went by Bryant]

    Missouri - Dallas County
    Pyeatt, estate - The court appointed M. L. Reynolds guardian of the person & curator of the estate of John F. Pyeatt, 31 Mar 1876. Sec, Geo. W. O'Bannon, R. D. Reynolds & B. L. Brush. (148)

    Missouri - Franklin County
  • Pyatt, Mary 1916
  • Sledd, Wilson 1862 admin - Sarah Sledd

    Missouri - Jefferson County - Indexes
    "Index to wills of Jefferson Co. 1872-1921" (no Piatt, Pyatt, Pyeatt, etc)
    "Index to Probate records" Pyatt, John case # 406 no dates shown (my note: See below)

    Missouri - Jefferson County
    Adminstrative Bond - December 12, 1827 John Piatt Estate
    Know all men by these presents, That I Benjmin Piatt as principal, and we Jacob Piatt, Hiram Smith & Frederick Piatt as securities, are held and firmly bound unto the state of Missouri, in the full and just sum of five hundred dollars, to (? ent ) whereof well and truly to be made, we bind ourselves, our heirs, executors, administrators and assigns, jointly and severally, firmly by these presents, sealed with our seals, and dated, Herculaneum, this twelfth December, 1827 The Condition of the above obligation is such, That if we bounden Benjamin Piatt Administrator hold singular the goods and chattels, rights and credits, which were of John Piatt. We do make, or have cause to be made, a true and perfect inventory of all and singular the goods, chattels, lands, rights and credits, of the said deceased, which have come to the hands, or possession, or knowledge of the said Benjamin Piatt, or into the hands or possession of any other persons for him, and the same, so made, do return and exhibit in the office of the Probate ("Probate" marked through) county Court for the county of Jefferson, within such times, and in such manner as is, or may be pre(?) by law; and all and singular the moneys, goods, chattels, lands, tenements, rights and credits, of said deceased accruing from, or arising out ot the estate, which shall come to the hands, possession or knowledge of Benjimn Piatt, shall well and truly administer (?)g to law; and pay the debts of the said deceased, as far as the assets will extend and the law direct; and, make, or cause to be made, just and true accounts of his said administration, and make due and proper accounts thereof, from time to time, according to law, or the order, sentence or decree of any court having compe(?) him by the order, sentence, or decree of any (?)ving competent jurisdiction; then this obligation to be void, and of no effect, otherwise to remain in full force and effect. Witness Chy Smith Benjamin Pyeatt {L.S.} Jacob Pyeatt {L.S.} Hiram Smith {L.S.}
  • Frederick Pyeatt {L.S.} This day personally appeared before me, the undersigned, Judge ("Judge" marked through) Clerk of the Probate ("Probate" marked through) County Court, for the county of Jefferson the undersigned Benjamin Piatt who, being by me duly sworn, upon his oath say, that to the best of his knowledge there are nine heirs of John Piatt now in being (To wit, Jacob Piatt, Christopher Piatt, Benjm Piatt, Nancy Hilderbrand, Katherin Prewitt, Fred Piatt, Mary Smith, Wm Piatt, Jane Piatt.) and that to the best of his knowledge, that the said deceased died without a will, as far as he know and believe; and that he will well and truly administer all and singular the goods and chattels, lands and tenements, rights and credits, of the said deceased, and pay all debts, as far as the assets which may come to his hands will extend and the law direct; and that he will make a true and perfect inventory of all the goods and chattels, rights and credits, of the said deceased, and account for and pay over, according to law, all assets which shall come to jhis hands, possession or knowledge. {my notes: bold added; italics are handwritten words; all signatures of Pyeatts were in the same hand.}

    Jefferson County, MO, Deed Book H page 176. Abstract: Joseph Green and James Green pay $250 to the "heirs and legators of deceased James Green" then names Samuel Green & Jane, his wife; Louis Shoults & Polly, his wife; Peter Shoults & Jemima, his wife; James McMeins & Elizabeth, his wife; Lewis C. Wilson & Ruth, his wife."

    Jefferson County Deed F 303: Last Will and Testament of James Green
    Recorded 7 February, 1843
    Be in remembered that on this twentieth day of March, 1842 I, James Green of Merimack Township, County of Jefferson and State of Missouri, do make my last will and testimony.
    I will to my son Samuel Green one dollar.
    To my son Joseph P. Green, (I will) the land on which he now lives, also one bed and bedding.
    To my son, James L. Green I will the land which I now live on , one wagon and one yoke of oxen and one horse, two sheep, one cow, one bed and bedding, and all the farming utensils. The quantity of land is one hundred and twenty acres.
    To my son-in-law James Shoults I will one dollar.
    To my son-in-law Louis Shoults I will one Dollar.
    To my son-in-law Peter L. Shoults I will one dollar.
    To my son-in-law Louis C. Williams (listed in other docs as Wilson) I will one dollar.
    To my son-in-law James McMennes I will forty dollars in property.
    To my wife Mary I will the balance of my property and the third part of the land and produce thereof after all just debts are paid (for) as long as she lives. At her (should be "my"?) decease she is to dispose of her part of the moveable property as she pleases. Done in presence of Issac Woods, Jane Woods.

    Missouri - Ray County
    From "Missouri Pioneers" Vol VIII pg 48
    Piatt, John, Intestate. Admr., David Dickey. 2 June 1843 Bk A pg 212

    Missouri - Shannon County
    In the Probate Court of Shannon County, Missouri, December 5th, 1959
    In matter of estate of Jesse J. Pyeatt, deceased. Loretta Pyeatt, Administratix - In matter of one year's allowance for Spouse. Now on this day the application of Loretta Pyeatt, widow of Jesse J Pyeatt, deceased, for an allowance out of the personal estate of the said Jesse J Pyeatt, in the sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars for the support of herself for One Year being presented is by the court taken up examined and found to be in due form, and after due and careful consideration finds that said sum is not excessive, in the manner suited for her condition in life, it is now hereby Ordered by the court she Loretta Pyeatt, as administratix of the estate of Jesse J Pyeatt, deceased, draw from the personal funds now in her hands and belonging to said estate the said Sum of One Thousand Five Hundred Dollars, for her personal support for one year after the death of him the said Jesse J Pyeatt, deceased. W A Despain Judge of Probate Court

    Missouri - Ste. Genevieve County
    Record of Frederick Pyeatt Will; State of Missouri; County of St Genevieve I Frederick Pyeatt resident of the County of St Genevieve State of Missouri of sound mind and being conscious of the uncertainty of life and the certainty of death do on this sixth (6th) day of November one thousand eight hundred and sixty-five (1865) hereby make and execute my last will and testament. I will that all just debts against my estate be paid. I give and bequeath to my beloved wife, Nancy A Pyeatt all my Real Estate and personal property to have and to hold forever subject to the following bequests: I give to my nephew William D Pyeatt one cow named Cherry, and to each of his brothers and sisters one dollar each. I wish Robert A Boyd, the son of William Boyd, to have a home to be provided for and ______ as a member of the household of my wife Nancy A Pyeatt until he the said Robert A Boyd shall be twenty-one years old (21) and I have his outfit(?) when at that age t? the ???? and affection of my wife Nancy A Pyeatt believing that she will carry out my intentions and will toward him in good faith before God and Man. I die in peace with all the world trusting in God my savior. I hereby empower Charles F Bowen to be my executor to this will. Frederick X Pyeatt We attest the above conveying(?) will by our names hereto as witnesses in presence of Frederick Pyeatt the Sixth (6th) day of November 1865. George W Tanner, Harman (X) Benum

    (Missouri) - Louisiana Territory - St Louis District
    Isaac Helderbrand estate 1806; Margaret Helderbrand exec; Margaret Helderbrand, Abraham Helderbrand and David Helderbrand signed bond; Appraisal made by John Pyatt and John Helterbrand (signatures could be by John Pyatt or John Helterbrand)

    John Helderbrand estate Sept 14th 1814; Jonathan Hillibrand, Margaret Hillibrand, John Wideman and William Russell signed bond; John Pyatt, Abraham Hillibrand and Thomas Williams were appraisers

    Missouri - St. Louis County
    Smith, George. 10-01-1839, Rec 10-09-1839. Mary Smith wf; William Smith son, Ex; Hiram & George Washington Smith sons; Mary Graves, Permelia Pyeatt, Isaphena Kelso, Artemesa Shults, Nancy Shults, Angelika Pyeatt & Lucinda Jane Smith daus; Heirs of Levisa Smith; Amanda Smith's ch by Henry Votaw; Levi Smith Ex; James M. Jameson & Joseph Potterfield Wits. B:441,445 {My note: see John Piatt of Missouri page, Frederick Pyatt of Missouri page on this website}

    Christopher Pyeatt file #9965 16 Jan 1872. Executor was Martrom D Lewis; His heirs "children of deceased, all residing in Eureka, St. Louis County, excepting James Pyeatt, whose place of residence is unknown (later given as Muscatine, Iowa) James Pyeatt; Henry A Pyeatt; Teresa J Peppers (wife of George Peppers); Peter Thomas Pyeatt; Francis E Pyeatt; Christopher C Pyeatt; Mary I Pyeatt (brother James app her guardian 13 Mar 1874); Nancy Ellen Pyeatt; Martha A Pyeatt. Many signed over thier shares of the estate to Alfred T Radforth.

    Eliza D Piatt probate file #21727. 23 Nov 1895 (she died 8 Aug 1895). Heirs were Mrs. Emma J Orlapp; Harry B Piatt; Belle P Bulter and Mary L McLeod (1/5 each) and Harry L Gilfoil and J Gilfoil (1/10 each). The latter two signed their names "Guilfoyle, now Piatt" and Belle signed her name Mrs. Matt F Butler on a note authorizing H Lee Piatt to represent Mrs. Belle P Butler, 208 S 4th St, Stillwater, Minn. on her mother's estate. Landvoyt Livery and Undertaking handled the funeral; Joseph Durfee was Executor.
    Search St Louis Probate Records on-line

    Harry B Piatt probate file #82673. 11 May 1936 (he died 5 May 1936) and willed his estate to his five daughters, Trix Piatt Koch who resides at Nashville, TN; Hazel Piatt Emerson who resides at Baltimore, MD; Josephine Piatt Wood who resides at Santa Fe, NM; Augusta Piatt Daves who resides at Albuquerque, NM; Louisa Piatt Brogan who resides at San Antonio, TX

    Walter James Pyeatt file #85366 7 Sep 1937

    Elsie Kopp Pyeatt file #104290 11 May 1948

    Ellen Jane Piatt file #3-83-92-P-D 14 Jan 1983

    Missouri – St. Louis County (later Jefferson) – Joachim Township
    "Inventory of the goods and chattels belonging to John Hillibran, deceased late of the Township Joachim and County of St. Louis appraised on Monday the 14th November one thousand eight hundred and fourteen by John Pyatt, Abraham Hellebran and Michael Null: (list then follows) Signed: Abraham Hellerbrand, Michael Null, Johnathan Hillebran, John Pyatt, Margaret Hillebran: County of St. Louis Township of Joachim personally came John Pyatt, Michael Null and Abraham Halderbrand before me a justice of the peace in and for the County & township aforesaid who was sworn agreed by law as appraisers of the Estate of the late deceased." The property and location of these Hillibran/Hildebrands can be found in the following bill of sale: Know all men by these presents that we, John Hildebrand and Margaret his wife, of Upper Louisiana, have for and in consideration of the sum of $400 to us in hand paid . . . bargain and sell, unto Jonathan Hildebrand of the aforesaid place, and all of the district of St. Louis, to him, his heirs and assigns . . . certain tract of land, containing 400 arpens, granted by Zeno Trudo in the year 1799, and surveyed by William Russell, the 23rd of January 1806, and situated as follows, viz.: Beginning at a huckleberry and elm on the north east branch of the Negro Fork of the Meramec River, running thence due north 162 poles to an elm and mulberry then east 210 poles to an ash and black oak, passing through a small lake in 80 rising hill in 120, thence south 181 poles to a chinkapin oak and cedar on crossing a small branch in 155, thence down on the Negro Fork of the Meramec River to the beginning which tract of parcel of land as above described, we do hereby warrant, and defend from all manner of person or persons unto the said Jonathan Hildebrand to him, his heirs and assigns forever. In testimony whereof, we have hereunto set our hand and affixed our seals this 11th day of July 1807. (John and Margaret Hildebrand made their mark.) Witnessed: Isaac Herrington - - - - Recorded 19 Oct 1807 Thomas Williams {This information copied from . MCP}

    Missouri - Stone County
    Pyeatt, Anjelica, Will written 1 Nov. 1887 - prob. 16 Nov. 1887. Wit. M. A. Stone, R. B. Bennett and Mary Benett. Exec. None named. Heirs: Manervia Pyett, Mattie Pyeatt, William Pyeatt, Manervia Harris, Fred Pyeatt's children.

    Missouri - Wright County
    Bradshaw, J. P., d int. Admrx, Mariam C. Bradshaw, 8 Nov 1864. Sec, E. A. Mingus, James Connally and J. A. Pyatt. (21-22)

  • Pyatt, J A dec'd file #327
  • Pyatt, W J dec'd file #328 (probably guardianship for William J Pyatt minor)
  • Pyatt, W J dec'd Lillie Pyatt (Admin) file #1983
  • Pyatt, Lillie May, dec'd - Emmett Murphy file #2249
  • Pyatt, William Hosea (minor) Gladys Rhea - Guardian file #2411

    New Jersey - Middlesex County
    James Pyatt of Piscataway 15 Jul 1778 will pg 410

    New Jersey (East) - New Brunswick
    Will of Margaret Vleat of New Brunswick, East New Jersey dated 9 Aug 1742; wife of John Vliet; children: John, Frances, Mary, Ann, William, Daniel. John Piatt was one of the witnesses.

    New Mexico - Eddy County