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Aliases: Sokar na Kibarak (true name), Wraith, Suzaku
Birthplace: Kibarak, Inferno Regions, Kami Plane
Birthdate: Unknown (1,000+ Years)
Blood Type: Fire
Hobbies: Observing the world, meditation
Favorite Food: Well-cooked, non-charcoal organic material
Favorite Sport: None
Most Valuable: Mechanical eyepiece
Hates the Most: Earth Plane (or rather, being stranded on it)
Fighting Style: Serpent Blade, self-styled slashing/flaming
Distinguishing Trait: Obsidian scales, mechanical left eye

Quote 1: "The true face of a warrior emerges when he is losing the battle."

Quote 2: "Your crude, human technology is no match to the fires of Cinder!"

Sokar na Kibarak is one of the famed retainers of Lord Kolvar na Strakil, one of the greatest salamander lords in the Inferno Regions of the Kami Plane. In the feudal society of the Inferno Regions strong warriors gather behind strong leaders, swearing allegience. On his honor the one known as Cinder would fight to the death for his lord and master.

Cinder is an obsidian-scaled creature that stands a head over humans. He wears crude metal armor-- the remains of his former armor. His limbs have been replaced with steel prosthetics, controlled by an untapped psychokinetic ability in Cinder's mind. His left eye is a large mechanical eye, and his whip-like tail is barbed like a war fork. Cinder eats only to replace the scales on his body that have splintered-off or heal wounds, but requires a high concentration of oxygen in order to maintain his flames (ever since bonding with Suzaku, however, the oxygen requirement was effectively taken out of the equation).


If one gets him started, Cinder will not shut up about the Way of the Warrior, honor, and his duty as retainer to Lord Kolvar. He holds highly to his beliefs that he will often recite his code in the midst of battle, infuriating the opponent to no end, and ironically giving the salamander a significant, unconscious advantage.

Due to his current state if a Section agent or weapon is present in the battlefield Cinder will attack the offending target in exclusion to others, unless there is another present that committed an even more grevious insult toward the warrior.


With the decline of power in the Kami Plane's magicks Lord Kolver wisely entered a pact with the trained summoners of the Shrine of the Four Gods-- he would lend the power of his retainers to the humans in exchange for the chance to build their power, as it was generally accepted that summoned beasts emerged stronger in the long run over those who refused to be summoned. Cinder, although he was already strong, entered this program to better serve his master.

In time the summoner he made pact with attempted the test in the Suzaku Tower. Against the rules of the test, however, the summoner brought Cinder in to do the tests for him. Unprepared for this event, Cinder was beaten severely by the first test, and when the elder priests intervened the salamander made his escape from his cruel summoner, barely able to sustain himself. Unknown to him, however, Suzaku was pleased with Cinder's character, and tailored the test around him. When the summoner was ejected from the Tower Suzaku made it clear that he wanted Cinder to be his avatar.

Alone in the wilderness Cinder, unable to be sent back to the Kami Plane without the summoner, fell into the hands of a secretive organization of technocrats known as Section. Time passed as the Section scientists studied him, and, unable to resist the chance, they decided to transform Cinder into a fighting machine, replacing his torn limbs and left eye with mechanical prosthetics. In order to assure themselves complete control, Section devised a black box that would control Cinder's motor functions and latent psychokinetic power, but in the end it did not prove enough, as the salamander eventually tore free from his 'creators' and fled.

However, the black box was still at work, and Cinder dared not remove it in fear of it completely shutting down all his systems. Outcast, he became a wanderer in the streets, taking whatever he needed to survive at a whim, earning the reputation as the Wraith. Also in his travels he met other kami who desired to see the Kami Plane-- including Sypha Blade, who would later engineer her own homecoming using Cinder.

One night, after defeating thugs who attempted to rob him, Cinder was approached by Miranda Kusao, who had been watching him fight. At first he paid her no mind, but the girl threw herself at his mercy, begging to be trained. Eventually Cinder decided to indulge himself by taking Miranda on as his own servant, experiencing the lifestyle of a lord for the first time. Although he gave her no formal training he watched Miranda try to mimic his fighting style, and saw that she had the potential to become a great warrior herself-- she only needed the drive to work at it.

His attempts to return to the Kami Plane lead to his eventual completion of Suzaku's tests, becoming one with the fire bird, as well as freeing him of the Section black box. As a Guardian of the Gate of Heaven Cinder can come and go between planes as he pleases. Among Lord Kolvar's servants Cinder is unparalleled, and among the humans Miranda is his pride and joy. Cinder


Cinder is trained in several fighting arts, most devised by himself. His palms and soles act as flame jets, and Cinder's psychic ability allows him limited control of the flames. His mechanical eye also comes equipped with a high-energy blaster along with a sight lens. Using a sword Cinder can utilize the Serpent Blade-- a series of techniques of swinging a sword in such a way to hypnotically-weaken the opponent, working on the basis that any decent opponent will be watching the movement of the weapon. Finally, Suzaku grants Cinder several unheard-of abilities with unknown limitations, but in one known attack, the Suzaku Sky Dance, Cinder transforms himself into flame and immolates the opponent with a body attack.


Sypha Blade. As a fellow exile living on the Earth plane Cinder has formed an alliance with the disguised celestial dragon. Although they do not travel together, nor do their immediate goals concide, Cinder is more than willing to work toward Sypha's goals. Although Sypha is a Celestial, and Cinder an Infernal-- mortal enemies on the Kami Plane-- they have set aside their differences for the common goal of returning home. Where Sypha is lacking in raw power, Cinder makes up for this in spades.

Miranda Kusao. She is the only human Cinder shows active interest in, and he indulges himself on the Earth plane by taking her on as a retainer of his own. Although Miranda is under the impression that Cinder is teaching him great secrets, the salamander is teaching her nothing at all, knowing that the girl only needs a motivation to cultivate her fantastic talents. Despite this, however, Cinder has grown quite fond of the girl, and treats her with respect due to a favored retainer.

Philip Taydome. As a member of Section Cinder despises this robotics engineer by default; they have otherwise never met in person.

Ayame Mishima. Cinder is aware of her link to Section, but he does not consider her a threat, and therefore ignores her.

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