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The Wheel of Fire

Wheel of Fire logo

12/14/01: Updated threat assessment slightly.

11/6/01: Added a threat assessment for Wheel of Fire's characters.

9/29/01: All previous fics were re-edited for content, with some things expanded upon while some items were removed (notably just about every scene with the Kunos in it).

9/13/01: New fanfics added: The Hunters, Hunting Air, Hunter's Moon, and Ranma VS Shizuka added to the Wheel of Fire section.

9/12/01: Added a character profile for Sypha Blade.

What is a wheel of fire but a spinning flame of eternal chaos? At the center the flame burns brightest, extending outward to the edges of the wheel along six spokes, where the flame smolders. Who is at the center of the wheel but Ranma and Akane, and who is at the ends of the six spokes but Ryoga, Kuno, Mousse, Kodachi, Ukyo, and Shampoo? Whether the flame burns bright or not at all, the wheel continues to spin....

And, when it is all over, some of them might not come home alive....

Previous Poll Results

Wheel of Fire Characters. This contains minor spoilers.
Fanart Gallery
Souls of Fire. Spinoff Series.
Other Peoples' Fanfics

The Fanfics

  1. Byakko and Overtime Game. Episodes 1-10.
  2. Seiryu and the Orochi Vendetta. Episodes 11-20.
  3. Genbu and the Amakusa Agenda. Episodes 21-26.
  4. Suzaku and the Dragon's Tear. Episodes 27-32.
  5. Koryu and the Eternal Wheel. Episodes 33-38.

Aftermath Stories

  1. Identity. Shizuka-centric story.
  2. Inner Circle. Shion-centric story.
  3. The Origin of Mind. A brief history of the Kami and the Shadow Weavers.
  4. The Hunters. A mysterious, black-coat swordsman raises hell in Tokyo.
  5. Hunting Air. Mousse returns to Japan, searching for something.
  6. Hunter's Moon. Akane is stalked by a dangerous beast.
  7. Ranma VS Shizuka. Mortal enemies battle to take all.

Detailed Character Profiles

Shizuka Minazuki.


Sypha Blade. NEW!

Threat Assessment

This compares the main original characters' relative skill levels along the following progression:

  1. SSA: Far beyond normal human ability; Cologne.
  2. SA: Extremely exceptional human; Ranma.
  3. A: Exceptional human; Mousse.
  4. B: Very skilled human; Akane.
  5. C: Average skill level. Basically real-life martial artists.
  6. D: Below average skill; can fight, but not very well.
  7. E: Unskilled; in other words, doesn't know how to fight.

The threat level is rated independantly from skill level and takes into account overall ability. This is for those who wonder why Shion, a non-martial artist, is rated so high.

  1. Very High: Don't piss this person off.
  2. High: Individual can be dangerous.
  3. Medium: Doesn't cause problems or restrains him/herself.
  4. Low: Little chance of causing problems.
  5. Very Low: Individual isn't interested in causing problems.
Character Association Skill Class Threat Level
'Sypha Blade' Celestial SSA Very High
'Cinder' Infernal SSA Very High
'Deathclaw' Genbu SSA Medium
Kanna 'Crystal Spider' Rajura Inner Circle SA Low
Miranda 'Burning Eyes' Kusao None B to SA* Low
Rowan 'Ziel' Kagura Inner Circle SA to SSA** Medium
Johan Ritters Street Fighter A Medium
'Nekurow' Demon Hunter A High
Hokuto Takemasa Shadow Weaver A Very Low
Shizuka 'Silencer' Minazuki Genbu B*** High
Ayame 'Ferret' Mishima Mishima B Medium
Mizuki Shimozuki Genbu C Very Low
Chika 'Tomo' Hisho Inner Circle D High
Kosseimaru Oracle of Bone D High
Shion 'Warlock' Kagami Inner Circle E Very High

* Miranda's skill fluctuates depending on how much she is currently training.
** The second value reflects the condition upon which his blood awakens.
*** Note this does not figure in Deathclaw himself.

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