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Sypha Blade

Aliases: Zhou Tian-long (true name), Star Crusher
Birthplace: Celestial Temple, Kami Plane
Birthdate: Unknown (2000+ years old)
Blood Type: Ki
Hobbies: Studying
Favorite Food: Fresh, raw fish
Favorite Sport: Racquetball
Most Valuable: The Dragon Pearl
Hates the Most: Being locked in form
Fighting Style: Black Magic
Distinguishing Trait: Volumes of life-like hair

Although this Chinese woman appears to be in her mid-late twenties, Sypha Blade was young in a time when ancient civilizations reigned.

The sorcerer of numerous aliases, Sypha Blade is her most recent 'human name;' Star Crusher is her common 'kami name.' She is oftened dressed in an elegant, Han-era red and purple court dress, with large metal claws hanging from the ends and stylistically decorated with a gold phoenix. Her volumes of hair are swept into two large pony-tails to each side, seeminingly moving as with a life of their own. She is never seen without her Dragon Pearl, a foci of immense power. Her pointed ears and reptilian-slitted eyes mark her distinctly as being not human.

Although Sypha has served many roles in the past, she is actually one of the Celestial Emperor's devious agents as well as a scholar. As a celestial dragon Sypha has the most options at her disposal in comparison to other renegade kami living on Earth; her presence goes undetected to even the most experienced trackers unless she wishes to reveal herself.


Sypha is a powerful black sorcerer backed by 1,500 years of training and thoughts of revenge. Although she doesn't hate humans specifically, she hates the ones who cursed her in the first place (the Musk and their descendents), and will single them out in spite. She is much more used to her human form these days and will more likely assume that form until her true dragon form can readjust her body.


Thousands of years ago man and kami coexisted in harmony with the Earth. When man discovered the technologies that would allow them to break the kami influence over them a great war between the two erupted. Star Crusher, a Chinese celestial dragon by origin, was sent by the Celestial Emperor to deal with the events within Han China. She temporarily succeeded in overthrowing the Han Dynasty, but it later retook control after her agents were slain. After her apparent failure she was no longer welcomed into the Celestial Palace (but her work did lay for the Later Han's downfall, for which she was never credited and subsequently not allowed to return home).

After a time Star Crusher sought to regain favor with the Celestial Emperor by bringing him valuable treasure, but chance accident got her splashed with water from the Spring of Drowned Girl. It was the work of the Musk Dynasty of martial artists, seeking to inbreed with the power of the celestial dragon, smashing her Dragon Pearl in order to keep Star Crusher from escaping. The Musk warriors locked her into human form and eventually forced her to give birth to a child before escaping captivity. Bitterly remembering this insult Star Crusher assumed the identity of Sypha, immortally cursed to be human for all time. Since the kami inhabit their own parallel plane she has been trying to find a way to get there-- by slaying the Guardians of the Four Gods and forcing her way past the seal. However, unwilling to go back as a human Sypha searched for the means to unlock her cursed state-- by reassembling the pieces of her shattered Dragon Pearl, stolen along with several Musk artifacts during a raid.

Sypha succeeds in reassembling the Dragon Pearl, thus using its awesome power to override the power of her curse. Using her calculating and devious mind she engineers her triumphant homecoming to the Kami Plane, creating allies out of Cinder and Shizuka-- former enemies. Thanks to her experiences in the Earth side of the plane Sypha is phenominally stronger than the ancient Celestial Emperor, and her fellow celestial dragons are wary of the black sorcerer.

However, as Sypha has remained on the Earth side for nearly two-thousand years she has disavowed her loyalties to the gods of the Celestial realm and now, with her newfound power, has taken the Celestial Temple hostage while at the same time organized the feudal Infernal denizens of the Kami Plane into a massive revolt against the ancient Celestial order. Having forged alliances with the Infernals during her time on Earth they recognize the fallen Celestial dragon as their leader, proving to be an even greater threat than the sealed Mekani could hope to be. Sypha


With the combined power of ancient human black sorcery and celestial dragon abilities, Sypha is more than a match for anyone in single combat. However, despite this ridiculous amount of power at her disposal Sypha has little interest in direct combat, seeing it as beneath her. That is, until she gets bored, in which case Sypha will often toy with her opponent for extended periods of time. She gets a kick out of having fun at the expense of "lesser life forms."

Sypha is nearly unbeatable, save against those of similar power, or of great number.


Cinder. One of Sypha's greatest supporters, Cinder has served as an in-between between her and his liege, one of the great salamander lords in the Inferno Regions. Although his loyalty to his master is unwavering Cinder, backed by the power of the god Suzaku, pledged support on behalf of the salamanders to the fallen dragon. Sypha perceives his ties with the humans a weakness, but does not care so long as it does not hamper his support.

Shizuka. She is currently the latest incarnation of the other half of Deathclaw's soul. Sypha has crossed paths with the ghost dragon many times throughout her stay on Earth, and has formed a rivalry with the undead Deathclaw. She sees the priestess as a mere pawn, and thus ignores Shizuka herself while taking Deathclaw seriously. Sypha is aware that Deathclaw is on his way to fulfilling the terms of his curse, but she is in no hurry to off her rival, as he may prove useful in the future.

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