The Carolinas Region, EGA, publishes RegioNews quarterly in Charlotte, North Carolina. The next publication deadline is February 1, 2002 for the Spring issue. Advertising is accepted for 1-year (4 issues) intervals at the following
Subscriptions are $6.00 a year. Send requests and checks, payable to Carolinas Region EGA, to the RegioNews editor: 5827 Murrayhill Road Charlotte, NC 28210 Winter 2001
After years of nearly perfect reporting, several of our chapters have been late in getting quarterly membership reports and dues into EGA HQ within the timelines. Please be careful about training new chapter membership chairmen and treasurers so your members will not have their memberships lapse and miss getting their NeedleArts. Bylaws Update:
Congratulations to Millwood Chapter on completing your bylaws update! You are all set for the next 5 years! Chapters still needing revision as of 10/3/2001 are:
Chapters in the revision process include:
Recently Revised:
Remember the newsletter contest coming up in 2002 and be sure to participate. The Newsletter Chairman has not received newsletters from the following chapters since 2000: Star Stitchers, Tar River, Salem Stitchers, Up Country. Cissy Smith, Director
This page was last revised on 9/05/01.