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The Virtual Caterer's Archives

Miss TVC's Hint Parade -- August, 1998 - July, 1999
(Click on the month you would like to view)

Click Here to View Miss TVC's  AUGUST 1998  Hint Parade Click Here to View Miss TVC's  SEPTEMBER  1998 Hint Parade Click Here to View Miss TVC's  OCTOBER  1998   Hint Parade Click here to view  Miss TVC's  NOVEMBER  1998   Hint Parade
Click Here to View Miss TVC's DECEMBER  1998   Hint Parade Click Here to View Miss TVC's  JANUARY  1999   Hint Parade Click Here to View Miss TVC's FEBRUARY  1999  Hint Parade Click Here to View Miss TVC's MARCH   1999    Hint Parade
Click Here to View Miss TVC's   APRIL  1999   Hint  Parade Click Here to View Miss TVC's   MAY  1999   Hint Parade Click Here to View Miss TVC's   JUNE 1999   Hint Parade Click Here to View Miss TVC's   JULY  1999   Hint Parade

Miss TVC's Recipes -- August, 1998 - July, 1999
(Click on the recipe you would like to view)

Recipe card border From the kitchen of Miss TVC--Click the Recipe below you would like to view From the kitchen of Miss TVC--Click the Recipe below you would like to view Recipe card border
Recipe card border Miss TVC's GRILLED PEPPERED PINEAPPLE - Featured Recipe August, 1998 Miss TVC's  EASY JAMBALAYA  -  Featured Recipe February, 1999 Recipe card border
Recipe card border Miss TVC's  NEW ENGLAND CHOP SUEY - Featured Recipe September, 1998 Miss TVC's  IRISH GLAZED CORNED BEEF  -  Featured Recipe March, 1999 Recipe card border
Recipe card border Miss TVC's  BLACKBERRY GLAZED ROAST PORK  -  Featured Recipe October, 1998 Miss TVC's  NEW ENGLAND HALIBUT CHOWDER  -  Featured Recipe April, 1999 Recipe card border
Recipe card border Miss TVC's  CHEESY POTATO AND HAM CASSEROLE - Featured Recipe November, 1998 Miss TVC's HEARTY POTATO SALAD  -  Featured Recipe May, 1999 Recipe card border
Recipe card border Miss TVC's  SUCCULENT ROAST TURKEY  -  Featured Recipe December, 1998 Miss TVC's  PHYLLO CHICKEN TARRAGON  -  Featured Recipe June, 1999 Recipe card border
Recipe card border Miss TVC's  ULTIMATE MEAT LOAF  -  Featured Recipe January, 1999 Miss TVC's SUMMER BARBECUED STICKY CHICKEN  -  Featured Recipe July, 1999 Recipe card border
Recipe card border Click the Recipe above you would like to view Click the Recipe above you would like to view Recipe card border


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