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Welcome to

"Manifesting Money & Creating Abundance" Workshop.


816 606-4433


I am currently conducting this workshop nationwide. 

Please check back to my 2013 Calendar  to see where they are currently being presented.

-- _ Your Personal Birth Angel  --

       Click above to find out about your                      

Birth Guardian Angel

Sign My New Guestbook

Please sign my Angelic Guest Book to let me know your thoughts of this site. Remember...if you don't sign it, I won't know you stopped by for a visit. Thank you for the wonderful visit. Like all of my friends...please drop back by for another visit real soon!


Return to Daniel Kudra's Main Web Site

*Meet Your Guardian Angel  Workshops*

*Manifesting Money & Creating Abundance Workshops*

Advanced Manifesting and Magnetizing Workshops

  Divine Manifesting as Your Divine Self Workshops

Becoming a Master of Manifesting Workshops

Spiritual Growth I: Raising Your Vibration Workshops

Spiritual Growth II: Being Your Higher Self Workshops

Get A Message From Your Angel

 World Prayers Of Peace

 My favorite "Angel Food Cake" Recipe

Metaphysical Properties  & Uses Of Stones

 "Angel Basics Information"

 "Invitation To Your Angels"

"Prayers To The Arch Angels"

Healing With Arch Angel Raphael

Angels Meditations & Meditations For Healing

Angelic Encounters

The song playing is "Angels Among Us".



*Daniel's 2013 Calendar* 

*My Favorite Links*  

*Words Of Wisdom*

  *All graphic images, text descriptions, and any other content on this website are the exclusive property of Daniel D. Kudra, ©Angels Of Light Gifts, ©Angels Of Light Gifts, ©St. Jude's, ©St. Jude's Angel Shop and may not be used, copied or reproduced under any circumstances in any way without the express written consent of Daniel D Kudra or the creative artists. To do so is ILLEGAL and constitutes legal action! ALL RIGHTS RESERVED!! Site Designed & Maintained By Daniel D. Kudra ©1993-2013.