November - April, days are hot and generally sunny in the morning
with possible afternoon thunderstorms. Daytime temperatures can rise
to 38ºC and night temperatures drop to around 20ºC - 25ºC. The
afternoons can be very humid. The rainy season begins late in
October/November and ends in March. The northern areas receive
up to 700mm while the Kalahari Desert area averages as low as 225mm.
May - October, days are dry, sunny and cool to warm while evening
temperatures drop sharply. Daytime temperatures generally reach
20ºC and can drop to as low as 5ºC at night. Winter days are warm and nights are cool, with heavy frost common in the desert.Please note that
exceptionally cold spells can occur (although this is the exception
rather than the rule) so it is recommended to bring appropriate
clothing, just in case!
Most of the country has a subtropical climate, with cooler temperatures prevailing in the higher altitudes.