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The unit of currency is the Pula (P), which is divided into 100 thebe. Notes are in P5, P10, P20, P50 and P100. Coins are in denominations of 1, 5, 10, 25, 50 (thebe) and P1 & P2.

(Pula also means rain or greeting in Tswana.)

Customs authorities will only accept cash or travellers cheques in rand, sterling or US dollars, and travellers cheques in Zimbabwe dollars. Any amount of currency may be imported into Botswana as long as it is declared. On leaving Botswana P 200 per person in cash, and the equivalent of P 300 in cash of a foreign currency, may be exported

Exchange Rate

Most visitors will find the exchange rate is in their favour. Generally, you will find that fine cuisine, wine, and entertainment cost a fraction of the tariff charged by equivalent establishments elsewhere in the world.

[Today's Exchange Rate .... ]


Banks in Maun & Kasane: Mon - Fri 08h30 - 14h30, Sat 08h15 - 10h45

First National Bank, Maun: Mon - Fri 09h00 - 12h45; 14h15 - 15h30, Sat 08h30 - 11h00

Standard Chartered Bank, Maun: Mon, Tue, Thur, Fri 08h15 - 14h00, Wed 08h15 - 13h00, Sat 08h15 - 10h45

Major hotels have foreign exchange facilities and most shops, lodges and travel agencies will accept traveller's cheques.

[Location Of Visa ATM's]

[Barclay's Bank Cash Machine Locations]

Credit Cards

All major credit cards are accepted at hotels, shops and restaurants. However, please note that certain lodges and restaurants do not accept payment by Diners or American Express.

Credit cards are not accepted at petrol filling stations


Service is not usually included in the bill. Provided the service is good, it is usual to tip porters, waiters, taxi drivers, room attendants, golf caddies, game rangers and trackers. Generally speaking, gratuities to waiters and taxi drivers should amount to around 10% of the cost of the service. Porterage is usually P1.50 per bag, golf caddies usually around P20 a round, and your game ranger P10 per person per day.

The Lone Tree Safari Lodge : The Ultimate Bush Experience

For The Hunter : Hunting :: Bird Hunting :

Animals : Elephant :: Hyena :: Leopard

People : Tswana :: Zulu

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