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Home Page for The Lone Tree Safari LodgeClick Here To Request More Information Or To Book A Safari


Botswana is well-known for beautifully decorative baskets, which are both functional and ornamental. These can be purchased directly from the villages, or from curio shops.

Weavings and textiles are usually quite expensive, but one is guaranteed quality and a unique item.

Original San jewellery and leatherwork, including miniature items (like bows and arrows) can be purchased. In the north-west, traditional dolls can be bought from the Herero people. These depict Herero women in the four stages of life (childhood, puberty, adulthood and old age), dressed in their distinctive costume, as well as their traditional clothing worn before European influence.

The Lone Tree Safari Lodge : The Ultimate Bush Experience

For The Hunter : Hunting :: Bird Hunting :

Animals : Elephant :: Hyena :: Leopard

People : Tswana :: Zulu

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