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Home Page for The Lone Tree Safari LodgeClick Here To Request More Information Or To Book A Safari


If you would like us to design a personalised holiday for you, or if you would like our general brochures, please fill in this form.

With this information we can begin to tailor an adventure just for you.

1. Name:

2. E-mail address:

3. Address:

4. Telephone No:

5. What are the approx ages of those travelling?

6. Have you been to Africa before? Yes No

7. If so, when were you last there?

9. Which areas in particular were you thinking of?

10. How long would you like your holiday to be?

12. When are you planning to travel?

13. Will you be travelling alone, as a couple or in a group? Alone Couple Group

14. Would you enjoy staying in tented camps in the bush? Yes No

15. Is access to electricity a priority? Yes No

16. Would you like to combine a safari with a beach holiday? Yes No

17. Which of the following would you like to participate in on your safari?
Game viewing in open vehicles Yes No

Game viewing on foot Yes No

Game viewing by boat Yes No

Mokoro (dug out canoes) trips Yes No

Kayak / Canoeing Yes No

White water Rafting Yes No

Horse Riding Yes No

Fishing Yes No

Beaches Yes No

Scenic Beauty Yes No

Culture Yes No

Ornithology Yes No

Special Occasion Yes No

Honeymoon Yes No

18. Any other information that The Lone Tree should know:
19. How did you find us?
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Other: Please specify

Please contact me as soon as possible regarding this matter.

The Lone Tree Safari Lodge : The Ultimate Bush Experience

For The Hunter : Hunting :: Bird Hunting :

Animals : Elephant :: Hyena :: Leopard

People : Tswana :: Zulu

Home Page for The Lone Tree Safari Lodge Website Administrator - Please Email Me With Any Queries

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All Rights Reserved"