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Rotten Luck

Believe it or not this was the replacement bulkhead, purchased on good old E-bay. If you think this is rotten you should see what my original was like

I wonder whether the footwells were like this when the car was on the road, I don’t mind wind in the hair motoring but watching the Tarmac fly by under my feet worries me somewhat.

Fitting the new footwells, I obtained these at Beaulie and they were not a bad fit. My welding is more industrial than pretty but they aint going anywhere.

My Patchwork repairs to the Chassis Bracket area. Due to the shape of this area I did it in stages making up plates until I had repaired the whole area. Then fitted the brackets, taking great care to measure every way possible to ensure a good fit when I put it back on the chassis.

The rain channels were particularly dodgy, having rotted away and taken some of the widscreen surround with them. These are easily available and I enjoyed trying to replicate the spot welds.

The heater box or half of the heater box to be more exact

Welding done

Repairs complete and looking average in a mix of primer and etch primer.

Looking resplendent in 5 coats of Triumph White No: 19 , my spraying is almost as good as my welding – unfortunately

Glad the spraying is done , I was getting a bit bored wheeling the chassis in and out. I now have a coordinated toll set , everything seems to be white

Making up Brake pipes and fitting Master cylinders at last I feel as if I am making progress BR>

Reunited after ………….well lets just say like everything else this bit took longer than I planned.

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