Chloe running - how hard can that be
Click here to see her finally running
It is so much more convenient to move the rolling chassis out of the garage when working on the rest of the body, not only does it give me more room to work it prevents accidental damage to the work already done.Sod's law said that as soon as I started work on the newly aquired tub the engine would refuse to start. Having done all the usual checks I could see I had a spark at the plugs and they appeared to be getting wet so I was at a bit of a loss as to why it wouldnt start. I eventualy tried rebuilding the Stromberg and blowing out all the vents. I also cleaned out the fuel filter and got some new fuel. Still no joy. Each time I heated the plugs up with a blow torch to give its best chance but no luck. I then decide to static time the distributer which I did using a multimeter.I then ordered up a new capacitor and points set although to me the spark looked allright. When the service parts arrived I set aside some time in the garage to change them out. Before doing the changes I decided on a whim to try a spare coil I had and voila she fired like a spaceshuttle. So it was the coil all along - how strange. Although I had a spark at the plugs it obviously wasnt beefy enough to fire up. Lesson learned its always something simple. Now I can drive the car out Ive noticed an oil leak from the front pulley, I will add that to my growing snag list.
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