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Day 1

~12:30 PM HST
Our flight was scheduled to leave at about 12:40 PM. As we were waiting to board the plane I looked at the line of people waiting to board. All of them were Japanese, NONE of them had black hair. It was really kind of scary.

~1:45 PM HST
The plane ride was boring early on. About an hour into the flight they served snack. I had a Sprite and the package of "Nuts and Crackers" they were giving out. It had iso peanuts, rice crackers, and peanuts. Sure beats the peanuts and pretzels given out by American flights!

My sister and her snack.

My dad listening to junk airline radio.

My mom using her Visor.

~2:30 PM HST
Lunch time! The main dishes were Teriyaki Chicken with Rice and Shrimp Newburg. My mom said the chicken was nice and tender. She said it was good and the rice was "real" rice. The shrimp newburg was good. There was real shrimp, and lots of it too! Not what I expected from airline food. JAL has pretty good food going to Japan!

The chicken is on the left and the shrimp on the right.

~7:55 PM HST
Snack time again! They said they were going to serve us a "light snack". It turned out to be some Zaru Udon and almond jelly. There was quite a bit of noodles and the sauce was good too.

Cold Udon and almond jelly.

Me on the plane having nothing to do.

Finally after about 8 or so hours on the plane we had a smooth landing at Kansai International Airport at about 9:30 PM HST. I can't believe I sat down the whole time and didn't get up once... Anyways, we got off the plane and went through customs and temperature check. You know, just to make sure we didn't come from China with SARS or something. Then at baggage claim while getting run over by other people's baggage we strained to see our bags. My sister yelled "Thats our bag! Ugly green tag, ugly green tag!" On two of the bags my mom had put this ugly green tag with our address inside. We found all our bags then headed off to the street.

Outside we headed to buy a ticket for the bus we needed to take to the hotel. The darn thing was all in Japanese so we stood there confused for a little bit till a Japanese worker came up to us and helped us out. Not off to a very good start are we heh :\. The bus ride was about an hour (I still swear I heard my mom say it was 15 mintues >.<) to the hotel. The wasn't much to see on the way. Everything is kind of bland in color in Osaka. (Oh yeah, we're in Osaka right now haha -_-).

My sister ripping open her disposable cam on the bus.

Finally, we get of that bus at our hotel Hotel New Hankyu. Not very impressive. Well not the rooms anyways. We have a nice view of the department store across the street. Osaka has ads everywhere, here's a picture of one of the ones we see from our hotel window. This one is just for Matt!

Matrix Reloaded

Also, from the hotel I noticed how narrow the lanes on the road are. Man, don't be standing in the crosswalk after the walk sign has turned red!

The street in front of the hotel.

Finally, we decied to get dinner. We wandered around for a very long time because my mom goes lets go here, then she goes nevermind. It ended up my sister went to McDonalds and got a "Hamburger Set." You can sub your fries for chicken nuggets, McShaker Salad, or mini pancakes. That was a trip; that cashier was going off in Japanese and we were like "WHAT THE HECK ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!" She was like mumbling and talking really fast. Eventually she finally got it that we just wanted combo 1. The rest of us went next door to get some sushi! See I told you the first thing I'd eat when I got to Japan was sushi. We had soda too. I just wanted to take a picture of the Sprite can. Hey I think its cool! (You're going to realize I have this obcession with taking pictures of food and soda cans >.<)

They sushi was in wood boxes.

Coke and Sprite cans.

So that's about all for Day1. I wrote this the day after but I'm using the pictures I take as a guide to what we did. Hope all you guys back home in Hawaii are doing ok! Here's its pretty hot and its dark all day long. Time to go write Day 2!

Day1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8