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Day 7

Today we did a full day tour of Mount Fuji. Or Fujiyama. First we boarded a bus outside of the hotel and it was raining. On the way we saw quite a few recognizable places. They included Anna Millers, McDonalds, Wolfgang Puck, KFC, and 7-11!

Look a familiar restaurant!

My dad making funny faces on the bus.

We ended up waiting around for a little while on the bus for passengers from Narita. I took these two pictures out of boredom.

The words on the road and my dad waiting around.

More random pictures from the bus...

Look at those small cars... those small parking spaces... and McDonalds.

Our tour guide pointing to a map.

Finally, we arrived at the Mt. Fuji Visitors center. We watched a video on the history of the mountain and looked around at some of the displays.

The front of the center, map of the 5 lakes around Mt. Fuji, and our tour guide and his Mickey flag rounding up the group.

Back on the bus we headed up the mountain to a place they called level 5 of the mountain. It was extremely windy up there. We were hoping to get to see the tip of Mt. Fuji but the clouds didn't want to budge.

Mount Fuji with clouds.

Of course there were souvenier shops. I bought some Mt. Fuji candy that some of you will get.

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