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Day 3

Breakfast again! Yep my obcession of taking pictures of food has struck again. I had a piece of salmon, miso soup, rice, and pickled vegetables for breakfast. It was good yummm...

My sister ate the same as me.

Remember I said I'd show you a picture of that convenience store, well here it is. The name is still as weird as ever.

The weird name.

Did we buy more stuff? You bet we did hehehe...

More junk!

In this picture there is milk, Mexican Taco Pringles, Apple Juice, and Grape Konyaku. The Grape Konyaku is like a flavored jelly thing. Its good and really easy to suck up the straw :).

Next it was off to Kyoto! Just to visit for a day. The first thing we planned to see was a place called the Golden Pavillion. We arrived at Kyoto after a little confusion with the trains. Then from the Kyoto Station we got on a bus to the Golden Pavillion. The bus ride was loooooong. In Japan you get on the bus from the back door and then exit from the front. When you exit you either pay Yen or stick your pass through a machine.

These aren't it. This is what you see before you get there.

These are different shots of the Golden Pavillion.

Next we back tracked a little on the bus and went to Nijo Castle. The wood used to build the floors creak at the lightest step. When you walk on it supposedly sounds like Nightingails. You are required to take off your shoes before entering. Inside you get to view different rooms that have had their paintings redone. They also have model people dressed up in Japanese clothes in the rooms. No pictures are allowed to be taken inside.

Outside of the Nijo Castle.

After Kyoto we returned to Osaka where most of us were tired so we just hung out at the hotel. I spent my time doing this. I just remembered I didn't show any pictures of the tiny room me and my sister are sharing.

Covered the whole room in 2 shots... how pathetic :\.

Here my ugly picture just for kicks hahahahaha...

Some of you may have seen me on AIM for a little bit this day. I was across the street from our hotel at Yahoo Broadband Japan using a computer. It required membership but that was free so I figured why not. It was a trip using the keyboard though. I couldn't figure out how to type in English for about 5 mintues until I accidently pushed one of the keys that had Japanese writing on it. I checked my e-mail mostly and found out UH dropped my English class... and of course their stupid server is down right so I can't fix that >.< blah.

After getting tired of the keyboard and having to press shift-7 for an apostrophe, I went to the 5th floor of the department store. Yodobashi-Umeda is a huge department store across from our hotel. I headed to that particular floor because it had games!!! I wandered around and looked at PS2, PS1, GBA, and Dreamcast games. Never seen so much console stuff in one place, that rocked!

Oooh, look I got KOF 2k2 for DC :P.

We actually didn't do too much today. It was a terrible day for sightseeing because it rained all day long. Pretty hard at sometimes too. Tomorrow we head for Tokyo! It better be better than Osaka. Osaka where we are is ok, not a huge fan though. I heard theres free DSL in Keio Plaza (our hotel in Tokyo). I hope so! I want to upload this page since I couldn't use my own computer at Yahoo BB. That's about it, I should be able to e-mail more of you from Tokyo. I'm out!

Day 1 Day 2 Day3 Day 4
Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8