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Day 5

We were headed out this morning but then my mom realized she forgot her camera in the hotel room. While we waited for her down in the lobby I took a few pictures. Gotta love those crystal light fixtures! ^_^

Keio Plaza Tokyo lobby.

Today was a shopping day. The first place we went to was Ginza. My sister, my dad, and I were going to the Sony building. But first we spotted a small arcade so we decided to check it out. Man all Japanese arcades smell worse than Brians! My sister played one game of Initial D ver. 2. And I snapped a picture of one other game that was there. I didn't play it though.

My sister playing Initial D.

Kind of fuzzy but its Guilty Gear XX Reload.

After a little confusion we managed to find the Sony building. It wasn't as impressive as my mom said it was going to be. They had about 7 plasma tv's hooked up with ps2's with games you could demo. You could request games but it seems like all the games were old games.

After that we just wandered around Ginza but didn't really find anything interesting there. Looked in a few more small arcades but they didn't have anything. The last one before we went to the train station did have King of Fighters... 2001 :\. Who wants to play THAT? So we just left to go meet my mom at the train station in Akihabara.

We beat my mom to the train station so we had to wait around for a little bit.

One of the train station boards and my sister playing her GBA.

Finally, we found my mom and we headed out into Akihabara. The first thing we did pretty much was eat at McDonalds because we were having a hard time finding food. The fries are always good here. No vegans to groan about the fries not being cooked in vegetable oil I suppose.

After lunch we went to a place called Club Sega. On the first floor we saw Beatmania the Final. Some school boys were playing on it so I went right past it and went up one more floor. The next floor was the best. As soon you get off the stairs you see 4 King of Fighters 2002 machines! I got to play right away. Man the joysticks are really really loose but still good. I kept forgetting which buttons did what though haha. The screen was so beautiful *drool*. Ahem, anyways I only played one game because my parents were probably getting bored. I said I wanted to play KOF on a Japanese cabinet and I got to, so I'm happy :D.

Club Sega arcade.

After that we just wandered around Akihabara looking for stores selling video games! My sister was looking for the new Yugioh Worldwide Edition that was released. I... well I was just looking. Its so nuts man so much electronics! Mostly those camera phones that all the Japanese people seem to have. My sister did manage to find her game and a cheap older Yugioh game. I did buy some stuff too.

PSOne Books: King of Fighters 97 and 98 just for kicks.

I paid roughly about 31 American dollars in total for both games. The conversion already includes the 5% consumption that Japan charges. Just a little side note, remember that KOF 2k2 for DC? Toys and Joys sells it for 69.99 without tax, and I paid about $52 for it here. Anyways, I bought I did buy one thing from Akihabara that wasn't a game. Here look.

HAHA... hmm what's in the bag...

I'll save that for later. I don't even know why I bought it -_-.

Well, nothing better to do so I sometimes take random pictures. This is today's random picture.

Seems Kent is a brand of cigarettes...

Sorry Kent... I couldn't help myself >.<, and my sister keeps going hey don't you know someone named Kent?

After dinner we found a few more arcades close to our hotel. They had Guitar Freaks, Drum Mania, 9th Style, Pop N Music and KOF 2k2. One arcade had KOF 2k2 and 98. But still no DDR Extreme. Then finally we found this Spot 21 aracde. And low and behold there was my DDR! I couldn't read on the sign that Joint Premium was on so we accidently put in 2 credits. We ended up playing 8 ddr songs in a row. Man I was kind of tired of that. Then right after me and my sister hopped off this Japanese guy in a suit played reverse double really good... scary...

So you all want to know what's in my bag... well here I'll show you...

TADA! I don't even play IIDX >.<

Today was a fun shopping day. Now to figure out how to pack all the stuff I buy -_-. Still have to buy stuff for everyone back home though. Hope you all are ok back home! And hope the weather is good! It was a little cold here in Tokyo today and it started raining at night while we were walking back after dinner. That's all till tomorrow peace out!

Day 1 Day 2 Day 3 Day 4
Day 5 Day 6 Day 7 Day 8