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Leave Your Common Sense at the Door, Please



Before going in, take my ACCURSED POLL!!! If you don't well, CURSE YOU! Foiled again! ARRGGHHH!!!

Whacked up Poll of No Reality-ness
What smells the most?

Rubbing ten lbs. of Provolone on feet that havebn't been washed in 2 years.
A jar accumulated with farts throughout the century.
Mixing soccer players' sweat with ammonia
Eating buffalo pies and cow chips, then burping.

Current Results

Hello, and welcome to NO REALITY!!! Allow me to introduce myself! I am Nobie, ambassador of the realm of No Reality! (Ooh...realm, fancy word) Stay...but beware, this is like nothing you've ever seen, and THEN SOME!!!! Do a variety of things here...take meaningless quizzes, study daily life, vomit, all your needs in the palm of a booger!! Did that make sense? NO? Good...

Note: This page hasn't been updated in a while. It will, I hope, but only every month. So ta ta, cheerio, oreo, and various other products that are copyrighted by big companies.

Updates: (no point, really, but here they are!)

7/12/99: Damn...missed an update, but don't worry, it's here! Oh, and Happy Birthday to Khara who is now, well, I don't think I'm supposed to say.

6/29/99: Wow, I've been out for quite a while...depending on your way of thinking... Well, anyway, I made my normal update, and, well, read the top. Yep, No Reality's going back to its roots...updated once a week. I rearranged a few midis..and had to redo my "Is Spotty Doomed?" section after it was eradicated... Well, the mainpage has a slight change to it... and I think it's for the better...

5/6/99: Fixed up the midis, and I have new one for the mainpage (that's here). It's Saria's Song from Legend of Zelda: The Ocarina of Time! Whoohoo! Oh, and I went past 1000 hits...finally... Catilina was the 1000 visitor. She gets an invisible gold bar.

4/21/99: Rearranged the main page, as you see before you, slightly. Also fixed some links, did the usual updates, and am surfing on marshmallows. Other than that, monkeys have bugs.

4/9/99: Oh dangit! Late update again! But it's here. The usual update, but the Ironic Anecdote is on hiyetas. Angelfire erased it for some reason. Oh well. Besides that, I've done slight changes to the Links section, and I made the Archivers section a lot more profiles.

Slam your hand on this, or you could just move that disgusting vermin of yours onto this sentence. (I don't recommend the latter, or that unsturdy ladder that your Aunt Gertrude gave you).

Linkin' time! Yesiree!

Me, in a nutshell.

Profile, not X-Files, or Nail Files, or...

The updated stuff.

Real World Decisions

A strange opinion

Some more opinions. They have nothing to do with the one above, maybe. Are you willing to take the risk, Secret Agent 0074375958565?

Artsy and Pic-a-lahoojit

I drew a kewlpic! It's about a dude named Reala. If you have no idea who that is, tough. Yep, tough sirloin steak. Yup.

Is Spotty doomed?

Eerie but cutsie creatures lurk here(While there, can you pretend their frolicking? Thanks)

Interaction is perty... but who to interact with?

Here is a Really Cool place to talk about No Reality. Maybe you will discover the meaning of life...and why those voices in your head like chocolate puffy cakes so much

Can your brain take a double assault?

*sniff* You're leaving? Ah well... pack yer things and Nobiepooch'll boot ya right out.

Other webby thangs and thengs and...well, you get the picture


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Write something semi-permanent!

Or not. You must choose your


peanut buttery fate.

Go post some messages of peace,love, death, famine, and armpits! Or whatever you feel like posting! But no spam! No Reality place of Message Putting! It's fun! I think.

Email: Why should you e-mail me? I don't know! Am I being hostile? WHAT?! Cacherg to the world then!