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NAME: Chas Goguen (that last one's pronounced "GO-gan"; can be confusing to some people)

AGE: 18 (goin' on 19 in... 'bout two weeks!)

WHERE ARE YOU FROM?: New Brunswick. In Canada. Eh?

BIRTHDAY: April 23rd, 1980

JOB/WHAT YOU WANT TO DO SOMEDAY: Oh, most definitely be a cartoonist/animator. I even have my own comic book characters made up, and I draw comics of 'em. (These can be seen on The Nothin' Page, in the Pictures section, a new one each week.)

HOBBIES: Since I want to be a cartoonist, drawing is a hobby. So is writing, video gaming, TV watching... and trying to get my freggin' Pokémon Pikachu to like me again!!

FAVORITE TV SHOWS: Simpsons, Seinfeld, Buffy the Vampire Slayer (of course), Shadow Raiders, Beasties... the list goes on.

FAVORITE MOVIES: Star Wars and Star Trek flicks, Men in Black, Independence Day... anything with fighter planes 'n' stuff. I likey the fighter planes.

FAVORITE ACTORS/ACTRESSES: Will Smith, Sarah Michelle Gellar, and I suppose I HAVE to say Alyson Hannigan. `,:-)

FAVORITE SONGS: "Gettin' Jiggy With It" - Will Smith; "...Baby, One More Time" - Britney Spears... and all the different .WAVs of songs (like the Ghostbusters theme) I have on my computer, too.

FAVORITE BANDS/ARTISTS: As stated above, Will Smith and Britney Spears. And even though everyone makes fun of 'em, I think the Spice Girls do some fine musical entertainment. Their songs just have a sorta hook to 'em, don't they?

PERSONAL QUOTES: "Funny/Nifty 'nuff stuff." and "N-joy!". I've also been saying 'frappé' a lot lately... Oh! But one of my favorite quotes was said by "Late Night with Conan O'Brien"'s Andy Richter: "Nothin' spells comedy like a shot to the crotch."

WHY YOU LIKE WILLOW/ALYSON HANNIGAN: Well, she's a very talented actress (sometimes it's hard to remind myself that that show is not reality), and she's funny, too. Plus, she's not that bad to look at... meaning she's cute. Hee hee. But seriously... no, that IS serious. She IS cute. Uh... me go bye now. `,<:#)

ANYTHING YOU'D LIKE TO ADD: Uh... uh... nothing, really. I'm not sure if I really have anything on my sig... is that short for signature? Or, and I doubt this, is it a typo?

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