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Okay, so I want to thank all that made this site possible.


The boy has managed to help me out with HTML coding, figuring out how to upload stuff and basically do anything I didn't know how to do on my own. And he also helped me pick out pictures and graphics, and found me posts.

A VERY SPECIAL THANK YOU!!!! She would be the saint and goddess who is helping me in a big way with this site. She found posts for me, and quotes, and definitions, and we've formed a sort of Website Alliance to help coordinate our pages, due to the fact that we were coming up with the EXACT SAME IDEAS. She also most recently came up with the paragraph for James on the members page, since she's worked with him more. Love ya, Eves!

Who actually told me what worked and didn't work. And I'm still trying to fix it.

Who sent me two of the articles on the media page, along with Alyson's appearances on Conan and the Dork and Bitca Show. And she just sent me the Breakfast at the Hannihouse Thread, too.

Who sent me one of my articles, now on the media page.

Who went through the boards to find me posts, some of which are now up on the threads page.

Who sent me Phases quotes that I haven't gotten around to putting up on the page yet, but I will. Thank you!

Our Link Queen, for sending me more links to the site!

For letting me use her transcript from Alyson's appearance on WGN.

For the definitions you came up with for me!

For the Politically Incorrect transcript, and a couple new links I just put up.

Kim and Courtney
Who both sent me the transcript of Alyson on Craig Kilborn's show.

Who sent me posts that I could use on the threads page.

Who braved the Dru thread to find me quotes. You're awesome!

Any and all Hanniganites that sent me their websites to put on the page.

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The Almighty Hanniganite Preschoolian Dictionary
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