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Sunday, May 20, 2000
-A ton of new Quotes added.

Sunday, February 27, 2000
-Lotsa quotes added to page 3, and apage 4 had to be added.
-Ten new threads added.

Saturday, January 1, 2000
-Happy new year, all!
-A lot of new quotes added. Some new ones for the Dru thread, and more added to Board Quotes 2. So many that I had to add a Board Quotes 3.
-Hannilist updated.
-More updates hopefully coming soon!

Wednesday, November 17, 1999
-I have officially been added to the Alyson Hannigan webring!
-New article added to the media page.
-Hannilist updated with current addresses and a new Hanniganite!
-Some more added to the second page of board quotes.
-I can't get the Roswell theme out of my head. Someone help me.

Thursday, November 11, 1999
-Happy Veteran's Day!
-I finished playing with the colors on the pages! Woo hoo! I also changed some of the link colors, but I'm nowhere near done. And some of the stuff, like the orange threads page with the blue links is a little blindy, but deal with it. =)
-Changed a few graphics, but they don't wanna seem to work for me. Do they work for any of you?
-Willow and Oz section updated with most of second season.
-Announcements page linked up RIGHT throughout the site. There's also an announcement about the Hanniversary party there and on the main page.

Monday, November 1, 1999
-Four new threads added, pllus the graphic is up for it.
-A few new Board quotes added.

Monday, October 25, 1999
-I'm doing some major renovation on the site. Bear with me. I'm putting up new graphics, will be messing with the colors, and I have some new threads that will be coming soon.
-I made a splash page! Not to mention a banner.
-Pictures added to the profiles for James and Devon.
-Updated graphics for Alia, Nichole, Meghan, Jill and my profiles, Willow and Oz, the quotes (although I forgot to make a graphic for the main quotes page, duh!), this page, and the Hannilist.
-I messed with the main page some.

Saturday, October 23, 1999
-Main page updated with a link to in response to a certain spoiler...

Thursday, October 21, 1999
-Two new quotes added.
-More Profile work: pic added to Alia's page. Danielle and Mel have profiles added, and if you're Elena, Jewel, or Dan, it's been updated.

Tuesday, October 19, 1999
-New words added to the Almighty Hanniganite Preschoolian Dictionary.
-Onto Profiles... New ones up for Heather, Roland, Meri and Britney. Pics have been added to Jill's page, and Nichole's page. (Devon, I'm working on yours.) Updated profiles: Sandy, Nichole, Jen, Alia, Jessica, Eve and Devon.
-Seven new threads added.
-Board quotes and Dru thread quotes updated. And the Dru thread quotes are all from ONE POST!

Sunday, October 17, 1999
-Announcements page created.
-Pictures added to the profiles for Meghan and me.
-Profiles added for Sara, Jill, Robin and Arianna.
-E-mail addresses are finally updated. Congratulations, Al, you got your wish! Hee!
-Two new threads added.

Saturday, October 16, 1999
-Profile for William updated.
-New Hanniganite added to the list.
-Main page updated with a new counter from Bravenet and a mailing list. This way you know when the page is all updated and stuff.

Monday, October 4, 1999
-I know, I'm playing around with colors. We'll see what I keep. My screen is this funny shade of yellow, so... I'm also planning to redo some graphics and fonts and cool stuff.
-Cute little GIF added to the main page.
-Due to a severe lack of updates, the Willow quotes page has been deleted.
-Willow/Oz page updated.

Thursday, September 30, 1999
-Sorry I haven't updated in a couple weeks. I've had the fun school thing.
-Profiles added for Graeme, Jewel (also now added to the list!) and Courtney.
-Two threads added from the mailing list.
-Main page updated with a link to Christopher Golden's site.
-Board quotes updated.

Thursday, September 16, 1999
-Profiles added for Jana and Dan.

Wednesday, September 15, 1999
-First off. News. I'm taking over as Membership Director again, temporarily. I've put that news all over.
-Twelve, count 'em, twelve, new Hanniganites added to the Members page.
-Profiles added for Rikki, Jamie, Dan and Harry, and Kim's is updated.

Thursday, September 9, 1999
-Profile for Jodie added.
-Links page updated with three new links.

Friday, September 3, 1999
-Quotes added for the Dru thread and the Board Quotes.
-I so need to get some of these profiles going. Rikki and Jodie, they're going up soon, I swear!

Monday, August 30, 1999
-Profile for w@gner added.
-New YM article added to the Media page.
-Thanks page updated.
-Dru Thread quotes added.
link added to that page under "Not quite Buffy..."
-More board quotes added. It's on a whole new page, cuz there were so many of them that I RAN OUT OF ROOM.

Friday, August 27, 1999
-Members page updated.
-Thanks page updated.
-Quotes from the board added.
-New! Quotes from the Dru thread! It's linked up on the Quotes page. See, you didn't think I'd really do it, did you?
-Post added to the Threads page.
-And I did this all in time for Farscape. Woo hoo!

Saturday, August 21, 1999
-Okay, fonts to a couple pages are changed.
-I've added tables to everywhere, but I need to do more work on them. For instance, I just noticed that I left the Almighty Hanniganite Preschoolian Dictionary off the table. If you can help me out at all with the format stuff, please E-mail me.
-Help page updated.
-Elizabeth's site finally added to Links page. It's under General Buffy Stuff.

Friday, August 20, 1999
-Quotes updated once again. My God, that page is gonna be huge.
-Thanks page updated.
-Two new posts added to the threads page.

Tuesday, August 17, 1999
-Quotes page updated again. I'm going through the boards for posts and quotes and I keep getting cut off when I try to copy and paste...
-More quotes.
-Eight more threads added.
-Help page updated.
-I think I fixed the graphics! Woo hoo!
-Trying to put my E-mail address in a link...
-Finally Eva's site is linked up like all through the page!
-I feel creative. I might decide to do like a banner or something.
-I'm going back to my Farscape list now. ::coughcoughhikorencough::
-Members page updated.

Monday, August 16, 1999
-I'm just update girl! We have 14 people on the mailing list now after only 2 days. Woo hoo!
-Quotes page redone a little, and three more quotes were added.
-MAJOR update for me. There are 15 new posts under the Threads page. Just count up fifteen from the bottom and those are the new ones.
-Happy birthday, Kim and Lori.
-I'm checking my hotmail account, and going to bed.

Sunday, August 15, 1999
-I put up the Politically Incorrect chat onto the Media page. And the Conan chat is up there. Wow. Didn't know that.
-Craig Kilborn transcript added to Media page. (Duh, it wasn't Conan, it was Craig!)
-Profiles added for Marc, Jennifer, Evil Willow, Clement, Joshua and Ruben. The link to Elena's profile was fixed, and... I did something else. What was it?
-Two links added to the Willow section of the Links page
-Site maintainer page thingie added to the main page. (It's my personal home page.)
-Thanks page updated a little.
-I started adding links here. I thought it could be of some help.
-Took off the other update thingies. It gets too long every once in a while.
-Wow, it's been an update, huh? I'm exhausted.

Saturday, August 14, 1999
-I've been trying to work, but things have been messed up with angelfire. But anyway, I'll try to link up big stuff later.
-New graphics added to some pages. Nick has to fix the others. NIIIIIIIIICK!
-And there's a Hanniganite mailing list! There are links to it through the site.
-New Hanniganites added to the list.

Sunday, August 8, 1999
-My God, it's been a while since I've updated. I'm having a REALLY bad day, so I'm just going to do an overhaul in a day or two. I finally went through my mailbox and got all the profiles together and all the transcripts and stuff...
-New Hanniganites added to the list.
-Thanks page updated.
-I'm going to watch my tape of Farscape now.

Home | What's New? | Information | Links
Members | Quotes | Threads | Thanks
The Almighty Hanniganite Preschoolian Dictionary
Announcements | Help Me Out | Media | Willow and Oz