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We started out on the AOL Buffy boards in November of 1997 as the Hannifans. From then we became the Almighty Hanniganite Three. Then the Almighty Hanniganite Four. Then the Almighty Hanniganite Five. And then we stopped counting.

Now, a few months after our first anniversary, we are the Almighty Hanniganite Family, with over 200 members with more coming in all the time.

Well, with over 200 members I can't do a cute little section on everybody, but here are some cute little sections on people who have done a lot for us.

Nick (
He'd be the president of the Hanniganites, and the membership director. If you wanna be a Hanniganite, talk to him. Nick is also kind of the end all of fights and stuff. We're a democracy, but Nick's there when we get out of hand. He's one of the original three, and oh, yeah. Did I mention he's my brother? Now get out your kazoos and play Hail to the Chief!

Karyn ( Our Spice Vice President would be the one who coined the term Hanniganite. Karyn's one of the originals, and she's a site maintainer for Hannigawhat? She's actually met Alyson more than once, along with Joss, ASH and Nick Brendon, who apparently smells good.

Steph ( She's kind of the third in command, like a tie breaker for Karyn and Nick. She's also working very hard on getting the HanniBook together. Help her out, people!

Dusty ( He runs the Hanniganite Homepage, which you can now go to just by clicking on that link. Go visit.

Jen (
Besides running the weekly Slayer Central chat, Jen runs Aly's Alley which is on the links page. It started as a newsletter for the Hanniganites, but Jen took it and turned it into a webpage. She's also one of the first ten members.

John (
John's one of our original Hanniganites, so that would make him a charter member. He is also the originator of Aly's Alley back when it was still a newsletter. He is also a frequent declarer of Willow In Leather and author of the infamous Flush posts.

Eva ( My fellow Rambler! She created the Hannigrams, but has since had to stop. Basically, when you had a birthday, Eva wrote the messages telling the other members of your special day. Eva also manages a website that is sister site to this one. She's also the oh-so-wonderful authoress of Titalytic and Aly Force One, which are up on the Hanni-Fic site. Go check it out!

Nichole ( Nichole, or Nicky, whatever you want to call her, used to write the Hannichat announcements, and was a former chat mistress. We have chats every week, and she would write things to announce them. Just because she doesn't do that anymore, don't think she's not still around, and we're glad to have her.

Mike ( This guy would be my savior, the one who took over the Hannichat announcements while I was settling in after my move. His old reminders are now up on Eva's page.

Hap (
One of our Almighty Board Bosses! He's met Seth, he's been to the Comic Cons, and he took pictures for the Museum of Science and Television thing that was held with the Buffy cast. You must have seen the pics, they're like all over the net.

James (
Pretty much our most active internet member.  He does the "set example" thing!  It all started with giving the idea for the Hanni Orchestra/Choir and then started to give some great and ever-so-helpful ideas for Eva's Frog City website.  He's always ready to help build the bridge between the internet and AOL Hanniganites!

Natalie (
Yeah, I know it's conceited to put me up here. But besides doing this page, I'm also the Hanniganite Treasurer. Which is great, since we're kind of non-profit and we have no money. If we had money, we'd be screwed having me in charge! I also run the Hanniganite mailing list.

Want to see our List O' Hanniganites? Click here!

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