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This started out as the NICKtionary, but we changed the name. Too bad, deal with it. The former NICKtionary is done by our very own Dictionary Boy Nick, although the term was actually coined by the Almighty Queen of Endlessness sarah. Words get made up on the boards (usually thanks to typos) and so he defines them. Although we do have some things that other people have defined, so it's not all a Nick thing.

Behold our weirdness.

1.a. Theology. An immortal, spiritual being attendant upon God. In medieval angelology, there are nine orders of spiritual beings. From the highest to the lowest in rank, they are: seraphim, cherubim, thrones, dominations or diminions, virtues, powers, principalities, archangels, and angels. b. The conventional representation of such a being in the image of a human figure with a halo and wings.
2. A guardian spirit or guiding influence.
3.a. A kind and lovable person. b. One who manifests goodness, purity, and selflessness.
4. Christian Science. God's thoughts passing to man.
5. Informal. A financial backer of an enterprise, especially a dramatic production or a political campaign.
6. Television show.

1. Aka, the Almighty Obtuse One, is notoriously known for being responsible for all weird board occurences such as missing posts, mysteriously unthreaded posts and different dates

1: One of the only two words in the English language with its own zip code.

(noun) A special keyboard made specially for Hanniganite pseudo-treasurers.

(adverb) A word meaning "cool" when you're tired of saying "cool"... or "far out" even

(adjective) To be confused, but in a normal way

(adjective) The real spelling of the word "confused." Used to further confyoose people who don't know the real spelling.

(slang) A term that likes to impersonate a @#$%#$% word; similar to "dangabit."

The level past "damn."

(noun) A Nat-type of ramble that can either consistence of nonsense or make sense.

(noun) A close confidante. Syn: friend, pal, buddy.

(noun) A reference to the first of John's many posts to stir up trouble. =)

ge*o*graph*ic*al*ly chal*leng*ed
(noun) the act of knowing where nothing in the US is except California, Arizona and Mexico.. which isn't in the US.

(prefix) Says that something is Hanniganite related, or deals with the wonderful Alyson Hannigan herself.

(noun) 1. one obsessed with or consumed by the essence of alyson hannigan.
2. one who follows hanniganism.

(noun) A person who reads the boards, but does not post.

The fully clothed word version of "naked"

(noun) A person new to the board, who is still learning the ropes.

(adverb) Named after the first two letters, it means "completely and utterly cute"

pix*ie stix (tm)
(noun) A long paper (sometimes plastic) tube filled with pure sugar. It is often used for inducing monster sugar rushes and crack-induced postings.

(noun) plural -tles
First appeared 1875
1: A nonsense word that means nothing whatsoever.
2: An UNcommon evil thought, usually by men named "Scott".
3: An obscure idea.
4: Fun to spell.

(noun) one who sends chat reminders

(noun) The gulf between the author of sarcastic wit and the recipient who doesn't get it.

(noun) A person who roots for a couple on a television show to get together. ::coughcoughwillowandozforevercough::

(noun) a level above skill

(verb) The correct spelling of the word spell.

(noun) Common Internet term; A person who posts inflammatory comments just to get attention.
(verb) To commit such an act.

(noun) A complex vegetarian.

(noun) A van owned by Oz which turns British from time to time.

More to be added at a later date!

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