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MSTing - All Star

>>Somebody once told me the world is gonna roll me

MIKE: Well, Steve Harwell is quite round.

>>I ain't the sharpest tool in the shed

SERVO: That would be the pickax.

>>She was looking kind of dumb with her finger and her thumb
>>In the shape of an "L" on her forehead

CROW: An L? For what? Lettuce? Lick me? What?
MIKE: Loser.
CROW: Hey, you watch what you're saying, Nelson.

>>Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming

SERVO: Well, my interoceter can fix that!

>>Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running

CROW: The rules must have gotten quite a meal off of him.

>>Didn't make sense not to live for fun

MIKE: Live for fun at Disneyland, the happiest place on Earth!

>>Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb

CROW: The Mike Nelson story.
MIKE: Hey! Now wait a minute!

>>So much to do so much to see
>>So what's wrong with taking the back streets

SERVO: But the drug addicts and the pimps are on the back streets!

>>You'll never know if you don't go

MIKE: Albertsons!

>>You'll never shine if you don't glow

CROW: Hey, Tom, do I shine?
SERVO: A bit, why?
CROW: I want to make sure that someday I'll glow.

>>Hey now you're an All Star get your game on, go play

MIKE: Do I get a helmet this time, coach?
SERVO (as coach): No.
MIKE: All right then.

>>Hey now you're a Rock Star get the show on get paid

CROW: But I left my guitar in the trailer!

>>And all that glitters is gold

SERVO: Unless it's copper.

>>Only shooting stars break the mold

CROW: Although sometimes a really big mallet can break the mold.

>>It's a cool place and they say it gets colder

MIKE: Must not be LA then.

>>Youčre bundled up now but wait 'til you get older

CROW: Who are you men, and where's my soup?

>>But the meteor men beg to differ

MIKE: I thought this song was from the Mystery Men soundtrack! I've never heard of the Meteor Men.
CROW: Probably their lesser-known sidekicks or something.

>>Judging by the hole in the satellite picture

SERVO: Billy? Were you punching holes in the photographs again?

>>The ice we skate is getting pretty thin

ALL: *loud cracking noise*
MIKE: I guess you really shouldn't go ice skating in July, huh?

>>The waters getting warm so you might as well swim

CROW: Now you tell us! Dozens of innocent children could have died if they'd taken your advice and ice skated!
MIKE: Crow, calm down. Take your pill.

>>My world's on fire how about yours

SERVO: My world is filled with magical pink bunnies.

>>That's the way I like it and I never get bored

CROW: Well, you're boring us.

>>Hey now you're an All Star get your game on, go play

MIKE: But Mommy said I'm not allowed to play with band members.

>>Hey now you're a Rock Star get the show on get paid

SERVO: Now that's no way to talk to a rock star, man!

>>And all that glitters is gold

>>CROW: Unless it's silver.

>>Only shooting stars break the mold

SERVO: Hey, Mike, can shooting stars break a mold?
MIKE: Well, I know that shooting stars can break the sound barrier, but a mold I don't know.

>>(musical interlude)

SERVO: So, what do you all think so far?
CROW: Do you really want to know?
SERVO: Well, not really, just trying to make conversation...
MIKE: You guys I think it's starting again...

>>Hey now you're an All Star get your game on, go play

MIKE: Oh, well, there's an original lyric for ya. Haven't heard this one yet.

>>Hey now you're a Rock Star get the show on get paid

CROW: If I were a rock star I'd much rather get laid! Heh heh heh..

>>And all that glitters is gold

SERVO: Unless it's quartz.

>>Only shooting stars...

MIKE: ...are allowed to shoot and not get arrested.

>>Somebody once asked could you spare some change for gas

CROW: And since I'm stingy, I said no.

>>I need to get myself away from this place

SERVO: Well, who wouldn't? You're there, aren't you?

>>I said yep what a concept

MIKE: Unfortunately he was thinking about Speed Pass at Mobil at the time.

>>I could use a little fuel myself
>>And we could all use a little change

CROW: Oh, it's a metaphor! See, everyone, it's a metaphor! He's trying to be cute!
SERVO: Well, it's not working.

>>Well the years start coming and they don't stop coming

MIKE: Unless you die. And I can arrange that...

>>Fed to the rules and I hit the ground running

SERVO: And when Steve hit the ground it was felt for miles in all directions and caused the destruction of several nearby buildings.

>>Didn't make sense not to live for fun

MIKE: But when I live for fun I get a lot of parking tickets.

>>Your brain gets smart but your head gets dumb

CROW: Is it possible for your head to get dumb? Mike? You would know...
MIKE: Stop it, Crow.

>>So much to do so much to see

SERVO: Unless you're in Kansas.

>>So what's wrong with taking the back streets
>>You'll never know if you don't go

MIKE: And what necessarily makes you think that I want to know?

>>You'll never shine if you don't glow
>>Hey now you're an All Star get your game on, go play

CROW: Oh no, here it is again!!
SERVO: It was bound to happen sometime.
MIKE: Don't worry, you guys, it's almost over.

>>Hey now you're a Rock Star get the show on get paid

SERVO: I believe that this band Smash Mouth has an unhealthy obsession with stars of all kinds. I can recommend a nice clinic.

>>And all that glitters is gold

MIKE: Unless it's glitter.

>>Only shooting stars break the mold

SERVO: I hate it when I get mold on my bread!
CROW: Make it stop, Mike, make the chorus stop!
MIKE: Shhh, shhh, it's almost over, I promise...
SERVO: We'll help you through this time of suffering, Crow.
CROW: *sobbing*

>>And all that glitters is gold
>>Only shooting stars break the mold

CROW: Is it over?
MIKE: Yes it is. It's all over. Steve Harwell can't hurt you any more.
SERVO: Actually, I kind of liked it. o/^Hey now you're an All Star...
MIKE: All right, you two. Come on, Crow. I think there's still some cold sesame noodles left. Do you want some?
CROW: Hey, sure!
SERVO: Hey, wait a minute, what about me???

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